Monday, July 18, 2016

The Hillary Clinton campaign ordeal

While I don't claim to be a Master combo hunter, nor do I claim to be the most active combo hunter there is, nor do I have the most autographs or photo ops, in terms of all the different types of settings that can yield combos, I have in all likelihood tried every single one of them at one point or another. And I can say with full confidence there is no setting more miserable, no setting more agonizing, and no setting more life draining than a campaign rally. I honestly feel like I shave off years of my life after the fact.

To boot. odds are generally not in your favor. When you do a rally you are essentially dedicating a full day to MAYBE get a couple of autographs, photo op, or combo. Additionally, all this time is allocated for a shot at one or two people. So you're dedicating the most amount of time for the least possible amount of targets in the most crowded and chaotic setting! You are actually setting yourself up for the most miserable failure that combo hunting can possibly produce.

Additionally, my track record for these events has never been very good. For instance when I tried for William Jefferson Clinton and Barrack Hussein Obama I got autographs but invalid photo ops each time. Other times I tried for Obama and got literally NOTHING. I once had success at a Romney/Ryan rally and got combos with both, but they lost. 

Therefore, my basic rule for putting myself through the most miserable and most painful time that can exist outside the walls of a hospital or prison, there has to be a good chance at a photo op I don't have. This is for instance why I won't be going to any Trump rallies. I already have two valid photo ops with him. Not worth it to maybe get a couple of autographs.  

Now comes the Hillary Clinton campaign rally. Hillary is someone I failed to get a photo op with multiple times in different cities. The closest I got to success was a book signing where I got the guaranteed signed book but she did no photo ops. But at a campaign rally, if you have a good railing spot, the tough to score photo op with Hillary magically becomes a Chiller guarantee if you ask her for it. And getting that photo op would mean I'm guaranteed to have a photo op with the next president (although may God have mercy on any legal US citizen if Hillary wins). 

So I very reluctantly embarked on this rally. Only two other graphers were there. One guy is a political Master who frequents these things, while the other was a minion who a Master dropped off on his behalf. I decided to stick with the political Master like glue. 

As we go in one woman tried to say my camera was not allowed. But I ignored that. Plus no way I was going through hell for a phone quality picture. But minutes later she came back to me and said she was mistaken. Then we went through security and they took away my blue thermos that I had since high school cause it was hard plastic. Dammit. Then I quickly run into the gym where the event was taking place, see an empty spot next to the political Master, and quickly grab it. It was also next to the entry way where speakers would go in and out. 

From then on the waiting game began. Had to sit through speaker after speaker till finally it was time for Hillary Clinton and Tim Kaine. The feeling of happiness flowed within my body when they finished talking, because I knew that regardless of the result, this ordeal was almost over. 

They then worked the rope line. First I upgraded my photo op with Tim Kaine then not long after it was Hillary's turn. I asked for the shot, and VICTORY! I got it! As a bonus I got a photo op with her Chief of Staff Huma Abedin who is actually valid and will become more valid if Hillary wins. 

In terms of items signed, she essentially signed mostly books but didn't do 8x10s, so the political Master got nothing signed by her cause that's all he had! But he did get the same photo ops I did and he got Tim Kaine autographs so not like he walked away with nothing. However, I got a total of THREE books signed, all full names, I could not fucking believe it. This rally was a sweeping success for me! To further increase this success, I had obtained the book for 10 CENTS each! 

As I left I saw the box of confiscated stuff. I looked through that and picked up my blue thermos. Then I celebrated this victorious day by feasting at a Chinese buffet. 

Hillary Clinton

Tim Kaine

Huma Abedin


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