Tuesday, November 22, 2022

Chiller Theater Halloween Weekend plus NYC meets

Halloween 2022 Chiller had a ton of names for me. Thankfully I manage to split most of them cutting costs big time. But even with that I had to weed out a ton on my "maybe" list. 

Get there Friday and I start with one of my two top wans, Lorraine Bracco. She wanted a "socially distant" shot but it turned out fine. Next up I got Robert John Burke from Robocop 3 then to my other top want, action star Bolo Yeung. 

Then I get actor Chazz Palminteri from The Usual Suspects. Then Leonard Whiting AKA Romeo. Then get a photo op with Matthew De Meritt who played ET in some scenes. He was born with no legs so as a child he wore the suit along with 2 midgets who are now dead.

Then Olivia Hussey AKA Juliette who had the longest line. Sucks she wore hat and glasses but what can you do. Her daughter India Eisley was at the hotel and came down and did photo ops on Sunday. But thankfully I already got her in NYC before COVID hit. Then Johnny Martino from Godfather. I didn't need Cathy Moriarty but the person I was splitting with was getting her then she invited me to come in the photo op. 

Then I get Richard Burgi from the 2009 Friday the 13th, Ola Ray from the Thriller music video, Mike Starr from Dumb and Dumber, and K Callan from Lois and Clark. Chiller ended and hung out in the lobby and snagged a few more ops.

Lorraine Bracco

Bolo Yeung

Olivia Hussey

Full list of Friday Chiller photo ops part 1

Full list of Friday Chiller photo ops part 2

Saturday starts with the Jeffersons. I get Berlinda Tolbert and Ernest Harden. Then get Daryl Mitchell from Galaxy Quest. Back to the Jeffersons where I get 91 year old Marla Gibbs. 

Ended Chiller with Judie Aronson (Friday the 13th part 4), Lucy Lee Flippin (Flashdance, Little House on the Prairie), and Robin Frates (Puppet Master). 

Marla Gibbs

Full list of Saturday Chiller photo ops

With Chiller in the rear view mirror it was now off to NYC. My first stop is a signing with RL Stein. I have him before but I thought why not get some autographs for free. I got him to sign me two books and I got an update with him along with ops with his son, his daughter in law, and one other person.

Now to try some of the "easy" spots in NYC. First spot is for Daniel K Isaac (Billions) and actress Linda Lavin (Barney Miller, Alice). Daniel is as nice as can be and Linda takes long to come out. She is confused as to what I want which I find strange considering I saw photo ops on social media. But she does the op no issue. 

Next a spot for actor Ralph Fiennes from a whole bunch of things. Sadly the venue is monstrous with multiple exists. The first of its kind I've ever seen in NYC. And we can't figure out how he leaves. This one is a bust. 

The final spot for the evening is one focused around Jack Harlow. He's not a want of mine and hasn't been nice lately so I wasn't expecting to get him. But I was hoping for randoms. Me and Vanessa the Jersey Shore Stalker almost didn't find the spot and were on the verge of giving up. We then stumbled upon it. It was the strangest thing ever. I got a few ops nothing too great and Jack was a total dick. I did get Lorne Michaels to sign me an 8x10.

Full list of Saturday NYC photo ops


After some much needed sleep I go back to the "easy" spots to try for John David Washington (son of Danzel). I would actually be joined by markedout board member Crowbar. That was unexpected.  

Sadly John David would keep the mask on for ops even declining to take it off. Danielle Harris walks in but I have her. Samuel L Jackson no one asks and just walks him. But I have him too. And Ray Fisher outright declined everyone. I have him but shocking considering how nice he used to be. 

Then I go to a spot with actors Josh Mostel and Richard Masur. Need Josh have Richard. The spot ended earlier than I thought but thankfully I was on time as Josh walked out when I got there. He was nice. Never saw Richard but apparently he left before Josh.

Next a spot for Patina Miller, Annie Golden, and David Patrick Kelly. Wanted a better shot with David and need the other two. There were two exists. Patina comes out of the one with the railing while the others come out through another door. Sadly Patina didn't stop, Annie we weren't able to spot, and David we had to run after him to stop him and he was cool. While in the area I got another op with Faran Tahir plus others.

Then I have to decide if I want to check out one last spot for the evening or leave the city. I didn't know the start time. But I decide to check it out which was a fantastic decision because it is ripe with activity. Graphers, paps, actors, etc. This spot has Jim Parsons who I have. He did some ops reluctantly but I didn't really try for one. But Anthony Edwards was there with his wife Mare Winningham whom I never got. She was in St. Elmo's Fire and other stuff from the 80s and 90s. And I got Mary Beth Peil from Dawson's Creek. Great way to round up my time in NYC. And I was out!

Mary Beth Peil

Mare Winningham

Full list of Sunday NYC photo ops

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