Friday, September 14, 2018

HEAVEN could not WAIT for this huge score!

Don't worry people, more August meets are coming, but I wanted to make a report for my final meet in August which I consider my best meet of 2018! Dick Tracy himself, Warren Beatty. One could argue Tom Cruise is a better meet/name, but the Cruise setup was at least somewhat setup for combos and many people around the world got it, thus taking away from it. Beatty is a Hollywood legend and did no such event. Also, Beatty is older than Cruise, this making awesome score even better.

I had a location on Beatty. I quickly went there, found free parking a few blocks away, and went to the spot. I watched both the front door and Beatty's car. This is where you can appreciate not being in NYC. For a Warren Beatty spot in NYC it would be a zoo of baboons. But here, the total amount of people, including myself, was ONE! One may be the loneliest number of all, but in this case it is orgasmic! 

Wait for over an hour and I see people starting to enter his car (he must have left out the side). I dash there and get a combo and extra from Beatty, who was nice as can be. His wife Annette Bening was there and I told her that I had no need to bother her as I met her in NYC already. One of his daughters was with them and she got a kick out of me asking her father for combos.

One of the items I had him sign was a Dick Tracy DVD already signed by the late Glenne Headly!

After missing him in NYC a couple of times, this was a name I never thought I'd ever get a chance to meet, so I'm truly ecstatic with that score. 

Photo op


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