Tuesday, September 17, 2024

A host of rock meets and more in early May

In early May I would cover the M3 Rock Festival and get some classic rock names. The first day I would go for Aldo Nova. Very rare name that doesn't come around, probably best known for the 1982 song "Fantasy". He was very cool and did ops and signed. Then I left the area to try for comedian Lewis Black. I knew where he was staying so I went inside in the hopes that I would see him. After barely 5 minutes and saw him and got the combo. Then quickly left. Wow that doesn't happen too often.

Aldo Nova

Lewis Black

First thing for the day is a flight for the band Quiet Riot. The only original member is Rudy Sarzo. He also played with Whitesnake. See him and 3 other barely valid members, he is nice as he signs. I get him on a Greatest Hits Whitesnake CD. I also get the op with him and 2 other band members. The barely valid lead singer Jizzy Pearl is a dick and refuses to do ops at the airport.

Back to the hotel, one unexpected name I got is Vivian Campbel from Def Leppard. He is not original but a long-time member and the only member I have yet to meet as he is normally ungettable. I couldn't believe he actually stopped. Also the band Cold Sweat has 5 original members, I got 2 of them. Roy and Chris McLernon. I would have to come the next day to get the others. 

Rudy Sarzo

Vivian Campbell

Full list of photo ops

Another day. First flight is for George Lynch of the band Dokken. Sadly, he is a complete dick. Go back to the hotel, park, and get some rest. Wake up and go inside I instantly see the band Pretty Boy Floyd in the lobby, with the lead singer Steve Sex Summers fully suited. I get an op with him and an op with the full band. Unfortunately, they are all barely valid besides Steve Sex.

I get the other members of Cold Sweat namely Marc Ferrari (singer), Anthony White, and Erik Gamans. And I manage to score a group shot with the band Stryper. I get Perry Richardson, Michael Sweet, Robert Sweet, and Oz Fox all in one shot. Even better the one non-original (Perry) is on the far left so he can be cropped out! 

I would end my time with this event at the airport for Stephen Pearcy of the band Ratt. He was eating at a restaurant with his girl when we saw him so we waited till he was done. Then we followed him to the gate and he was nice as can be. I got ops and autographs. 

Steve Sex Summers

Perry Richardson, Michael Sweet, Robert Sweet, and Oz Fox

Stephen Pearcy

Full list of photo ops

Signed Steve Summers blank


Whitesnake greatest hits CD

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