Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Big Event and other NYC meets

In mid march to coincide with 90s Con in Hartford I would go to Big Event and do some other NYC meets.

First up, Big Event. Kevin Von Erich was there but I got him at Legends of the Ring in 2009 so I had no need for him. Shockingly he seemed fairly unchanged since then. And all the big names there I already had. 

First I get the first ever female WWE ref, Rita Chatterton. Then I get Debbie Combs, daughter of Cora Combs who I met before. I should have told her I met her mother. Then I get Amari Miller from NXT, and a dual mother/son op with Shayna Wayne and Nick Wayne from AEW.

I never had a good single op with Chuck Palumbo I have him in an FBI group op. So I rectified that and got a solo shot. Ended Big Event with What's Happening Now actor Ernest Lee Thomas.

Full list of Big Event photo ops

On to NYC where I start at a spot for Alfred Molina but sadly never see him. I got updates with Dylan Baker and Michael Siberry. Joined markedout admin Greg2600 to the next spot for James Madio who was one of the Lost Boys in Hook. While waiting there get actor Louis Vanaria. Waited some more and finally James who was nice as can be. 

On to the show spots, first up is actor Thomas Gibson from Eyes Wide Shut and other things. He walks out and is cool. Then for Marc Summers who was nice as he exited. 

Go to the final spot of the evening where I get upgrades with K Todd Freeman and Sepideh Moafi plus a fresh op with actress Saffron Burrows! After a successful evening in NYC it was off to Harford for 90s con (already reported).

Saffron Burrows

Full list of NYC photo ops

After 90s con drive into NYC with former board member heelorton and friend, vanessa and friend, and we eat at the diner where the famous Harry Met Sally "I'll have what she's having" scene took place. 

Went again to try for Joy Osmanski for one last time. But again, did not see her. Not sure if it's just because she's Asian or she sneaks. I only got an update with actor Ben Rosenfield. The evening in NYC is a bust as I exit the city. 

When Harry Met Sally spot

Ben Rosenfield

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