Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Multi Day NYC haul in early March

On an evening in early March, I drive into NYC to hit up multiple targets over the next 4 days. I commandeer my parking spot, sleep, and prepare myself for the long week ahead.

Day 1

First stop is actress Denise Richards. Missed her at a Steel City Con in December 2019 just before the pandemic hit because I was out of country. As she exits she is nice as can be even defying her publicist. I get the op and autographs. I also get Eugene Levy to sign for me.

I then go to use the bathroom at my "go to" spot after I wake up in NYC. By coincidence I see Eugene's van at the restaurant nearby. I quickly go to the bathroom then wait. And I get another autograph. I couldn't get the photo op but it's ok I have a decent shot with him.

I then wait on DeWanda Wise at a spot. But she garaged. I do however get child actress Pyper Braun. No Doubt drummer Adrian Young was supposed to be there but didn't see him. There was another spot where the Rock went to. I go check it out but he was gone. I saw Eugene Levy's van again and I informed other combo hunters who needed him and they got the photo op.

Next up try for Lindsay Lohan. Sadly entries is a complete bust. So I wait for exits. At another spot Ashley Tisdale stopped but one can't be everywhere. Also markedout member Greg2600 got Richard Gear and Jean Reno randomly at another spot. I have Gear but need Jean Reno. So that was a little bit of a heartbreak, but spoiler alert I would make that up in the future. 

On exits I am much more successful as I get Lindsay's sister Aliana Lohan (who is valid). Then after a lot of begging and pleading I overcome the crowd and get Lindsay Lohan. Missed actor Ed Speleers who left out the front. 

Went to a spot for Josh Brolin but the crowd was HUGE. Did not think he would do it leaving so I left to try him somewhere else. Sadly he did indeed do it there and I was heartbroken beyond belief as I failed on him in the past as well. But spoiler alert I would make that up the next day.

After this botch on my part, went to spot to try to see if Ed Speleers was still there. Saw Jane Seymour and got another photo op with her. And finally see Ed and get the photo op. Overall a successful day. 

Denise Richards

Lindsay Lohan

Full list of Day 1 photo ops

Day 2

This day starts very unexpectedly. Namely with one of the main reasons I came to NYC, Sam Neill from Jurrsassic Park fame! This particular spot was told me on short notice I didn't even have time to eat as I got up and headed there. It is off to a good start as I get a fresh op with actor Jake Lacy who I failed on in the past. Sam Neill did nothing going in.

On exits I get Amanda Bennett but the op is invalid. It's ok I have one from before. And Sam Neill is mobbed on exit and I plead for the op but to no avail. The police even are harassing me and threatening me with arrest. After he gets in his car I go to the other side and beg for the roll down and by miracle I not only get the op but the autograph on my Jurassic Park laserdisc! After this epic success, I am literally on my knees, holding up both my camera and my laserdisc, praising the lord for starting my day with such a huge success, and right in front of the police officers to boot! This also meant that I could sleep the next day instead of trying for Sam Neill at an ultra crowded spot. 

Then I go to the hotel to try to make up my Josh Brolin botch from the prior evening. Radioman was also there and a couple of graphers. Much better that the prior evening crowd wise. He finally came out and I manage to get the combo finally breaking my Josh Brolin curse. I also checked another spot and got actor/writer Julio Torres real quick.

Unfortunately, it began pounding rain so I spent a lot of time chilling at Taco Bell. In the evening I would try indoor spots with another grapher. First up is actress Moses Ingram from the Obi Wan series. She is cool and does autographs and photo ops. Next spot I get actor K Todd Freeman (Buffy the Vampire Slayer), Sanjit De Silva, John Behlmann, Eleanor Handley, and Sepideh Moafi. There were more people to be had but I would make that up another day.

Sam Neill

Josh Brolin

Moses Ingram

Full list of Day 2 photo ops

Day 3

First spot I go to I see No Doubt drummer Adrian Young who is very nice. Then I get Spanish singers Yandel and Manuel Turiz whom I never heard of. Go to the next spot for a slew of music names. First get is Luke Spiller from the Struts, Tom Morello from Rage Against the Machine, and yet another op with David Grohl. Then I get legendary soul singer Bettye LaVette, session drummer Steve Gadd, and Marcus King.

Now it turns out Ricky Martin walked into the previous spot that we left. So we returned to get him walking out. I got him before but he has hat and shades. As he walked out he was nice and I got this upgrade. Went back to the spot with all the music names and here is where I botched. I left to try and see Alfred Molina. Never saw him and only got Toby Stephens who I have. Had I stayed I would have gotten a dual op with the Black Keys (have Patrick need Dan who is usually a dick) and Luke Spiller with no shades. PUNCH.

Then headed to a different spot with Hilarie Burton, Sophia Bush, and others. I actually wanted a better shot with Sophia. Sadly never saw her or Hilarie (I would get Sophia in the future), but I did get another shot with Tina Fey, actor Thomas Doherty, Paula Pell, and Renee Elise Goldsberry. 

Now go to some "easy" show spots. First one I get Josh Radnor (update) and actress Madeline Weinstein. Then go for actor Dorian Harewood who doesn't come out an greet the crowd. Got some barely valids in the railings then they removed the railings. I waited some more and he came out all covered up with a mask. But when asked he was nice and pulled the mask down for the photo op. Went to the next spot to get more names but only got Stephen Moyer. At the final spot went to try for Joy Osmanski but sadly never saw her.

Ricky Martin

Full list of Day 3 photo ops

Day 4

This day I start at the hotel for Sam Neill to try for an autograph, but he is not there. I head to the next spot. I immediately get Eddie Izzard (update). Anne Hatheway and Sam Neill use the garage but Sam does the roll down and I get an autograph on my Jurassic Park blu ray. I also get Awkwafina again. She signed and I got a blurry op. It's ok I have enough photo ops with her. Go again to try and see Alfred Melina but no luck there. I get Michael Siberry and Jonathan Hadary. 

On to Barnes and Noble and Union Square for the Nora Jones album signing. And get the combo there. Go to a Scott Bakula spot where I upgrade my photo op with him and get autos as well. Was hoping to see his wife Chelsea Field (Teela in the Masters of the Universe movie) but sadly she wasn't there. Actress Isa Briones was there and I botched not getting here (but would do so in the future). For my final NYC spot, I tried again for Joy Osmanski but again didn't see her. This ended my time in NYC.

Nora Jones

Scott Bakula

Full list of Day 4 photo ops

Now to showcase some autographs:

misc signed 8x10s

Denise Richards

Jurrasic Park laserdisc with Sam Neill added, Nora Jones, and Josh Brolin

Jurrasic Park blu ray signed by Sam Neill

Tom Morello

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