Larter then told us she'd do one more and to please leave her alone as she needs to find out where she's going. As she is on the phone I go ahead and offer her a ride to Baltimore since she can't seem to find her driver and she goes "you're so sweet but no thanks". She called me sweet, HCIT!
All in all I did get a combo and an extra. So can't complain.
Ali Larter photo op
Ali Larter autographs
I head off to Monstermania where I had only two wants, Carel Struycken (Lurch from Addams Family and Addams Family values) and Michael Madsen (from Kill Bill and other stuff). I did want Sam Huntington who played Jimmy Olsen in Superman Returns but sadly he was Saturday only

First up I go for Carel Struycken who is as nice as can be. Went out of his way to stand and take photos with you. Next up I get Michael Madsen and get a photo op. To cut down on costs did not get any autographs from anybody. I wanted to get an upgrade is Lisa Lorring since she looked better than when I last got her (she lost weight), but decided against spending more money. Either way she does not look like the little girl that played Wednesday Addams. And I figured the only upgrade worth paying for is her as a little girl, which will of course never happen.
Carel Struycken photo op
Michael Madsen photo op
For my final combo related stop for the evening, I attempt for Cyndi Lauper.
The setup was outside a venue. As far as regulars go you had me, one grapher, and one pap. As far as random people you had one guy and two black girls.
Now that one woman who worked for the venue tried to tell us that she personally put her in a cab right after she went off stage and told us which train she left in. She was apparently "on her way home". She assured us she wasn't lying. The whole story seemed shady at best. I moved away from everyone and upon some magical research I confirmed that she was in fact not on that train. We were 99.9% sure she was lying, but now we were 110% sure.
Then a security guard starts bothering people on the public sidewalk trying to tell them they have to leave. When he got to me asking what I'm waiting for (I had a guitar on me so it was obvious) I told him I was just on the sidewalk waiting. He asked for what I said nothing he needs to know. He said that perhaps he could help me. I told him that there's nothing he could help me in and I ended in a "thank you for your concern" and told him to have a good night. Essentially I politely but firmly made it clear that he had no legal authority over me on the sidewalk. Which is factual because nor is he a cop, nor is he secret service.
As we were waiting Cyndi Lauper finally comes out. I start to mobilize and the security guard tried to tell me I can't approach her and I can't ask. Obviously neither legal nor acceptable for him to say that. I kept moving and demanded "get out of my face" and "stay away from me" and reminded him that I'm on a sidewalk. At this point him and one other guy were trying to block me and I quickly dash right in front of her car. At this point they put their hand on me and got physical and I yell and scream and gesture at them. And I quote:
At this point the pap also takes pictures of the guards. I then point out now we have photos of assault. After which there is no more physicality.
Cyndi Lauper then says "well there are four people it's ok". She signs my guitar and says "I'll sign this and if he hits me with it I'll beat him up myself" to which I replied "sounds like a plan". She did autographs and photo ops, even though her people were saying no photos. While a photo op wasn't necessary for me since I had it, she looked different (red hair) so I asked for a photo op. She said yes and as I prepared for a self blast. She said further away which I obliged. Besides that I also had the entry of the first Wrestlemania signed in the WWE_E V1.
After she left in her car the whole thing ended then the first security guard told me to have a good night. And I yelled and screamed "IF YOU EVER TOUCH ME ONE MORE TIME I WILL PRESS CHARGES THIS IS YOUR WARNING"
He tries to outright lie saying "no one touched you" and the pap told me that if I want to press charges I should do it now and that he would be a witness.
I said I'll forgive him but only this once, and we all left. As I left in the car the pap text'd me saying "that

Red haired Cyndi Lauper photo op
Signed Guitar
Signed WWE_E V1 Wrestlemania entry