Thursday, April 1, 2021

An A-list in person street meet in 2021!

So in 2021 I ventured to a spot for actor Denzel Washington. I already had a photo op pre virus, but I figured I could get autographs. It was a fairly public spot too. Plus there were other smaller actors I wanted to try for, namely Chanté Adams and child actor Julian Vidaurrazaga.

Arrive and not too long after the spot ends and they start to leave. First Chanté Adams comes through wearing a face shield but she denies any photo ops. Then comes Julian. He seemed confused why anyone wanted a photo with him. I asked if he could remove the mask but his handler said he couldn't. I got a mask shot which I consider completely worthless. Though technically this is my first street photo op of 2021. 

Photo op wise this is officially a bust. This photo op with Julian serves no other purpose than historical documentation of something happening. 

Denzel then starts to leave and tells us to meet him by his vehicle. He signs for me and one other and takes mask/car photo ops with everyone. 

This officially marks my second in person autograph of 2021.

After I got Denzel I got a photo op with an extra named Lucky Harmon. He removed the mask but wanted to distant. This officially marks my first no mask street shot of 2021.

Julian Vidaurrazaga

Lucky Harmon

Denzel Washington

Denzel autographs

For reference, my pre virus Danzel photo