We will divide this report in days. And after each trek I will showcase autographs and photo ops.
Arrive at MM on Friday. Max gave me a They Live poster and laserdisc to get signed for him. First person I go for is Meg Foster. I already got her but got two autographs for Max. And I got a free updated photo op. She is sweet, talkative and friendly as always.
Next up is Keith David who is a first time meet for me. I of course know him best from They Live. Got him on Max's items, my They Live DVD (the only autograph I obtained for myself at Monstermania), and of course for a photo op. Katharine Isabelle is the next photo op I get, adding to my ever growing Freddy vs Jason cast. Honestly the only major person I'm not missing from that cast is Jason himself.
Then I hold a spot for the Mads Mikkelsen line and I am joined by Joresky. While waiting I rush to the Roddy Piper line where someone else held me a spot, and I get Max's items signed. Piper was nice, friendly, and talkative like he usually is. I then RUN to the Mads Mikkelsen where I split a photo op with Joresky.
Ended Monstermania with a Michael Berryman photo op, who I know best from The Hills Have Eyes.
In the lobby I saw a Freddy suited man who was wearing the full correct outfit. I find him rather humorous and strange that Robert Englund who went through all the effort to put in the Freddy make up made up excuses on why he couldn't wear the proper attire. Yet here was a Freddy suited fan who had the full accurate outfit. Made for a good photo op, and it was FREE.
Monstermania photo ops from Friday
They Live DVD (signed by Carpenter, Piper, David, Foster)
Freddy photo op
It was then off to NYC for some meets. Sadly we arrived later than expected so we missed some stuff. We started with Anna Gunn from Breaking Bad. I parked illegally and we waited for her. When she came out I scored a combo plus one extra.
Moved on to the next spot where my main goal was Annette Bening. We arrive and see John Lithgow with a huge beard. He did nothing for no one but no big loss as I have him and the beard wouldn't have made the photo op an upgrade anyway.
We see actor Jay O Sanders come out then shortly Annette Bening who was mobbed. We had to do begging and pleading but I managed to get a combo. Then I had to run after her so my friend could get a photo op. I used the handicap card and got him the photo op. He also helped me with another autograph.
Rush back quickly and thankfully Jay O Sanders was still there. He came to us and did combos no problem.
We then rush to the next spot for Todd Barry from the movie The Wrestler. We feared we missed him but he was just hanging around and chilling. He did combos with us. We then went to another spot in the hopes of seeing celebrities but it was dead.
It was then off to Brady Bunch Con where I parked my car and went to sleep.
Overall a very good and fruitful day.
Annette Bening
NYC Friday photo ops
NYC Friday autographs
The day begins with Brady Bunch Con. The prices were insane as they had a price for photo ops and a price for autographs, making the cheapest combo $50. Luckily we decided to work the system. Admission was partially mooched, and we went upstairs to investigate what was going on. It seems that aside from the bigger guests (ie the Brady Bunch kids, none of which I needed) the rules were not enforced

First I got free photo ops with Henriette Mantel, the oh so cute Olivia Hack, and Paul Sutera. Then I see that Christopher Daniel Barnes had a Little Mermaid photo on his table. Turns out he voiced Prince Eric! I got him to sign the photo and got a photo op. The photo is the original artwork which features the penis like image on the castle. This can be found on the VHS release, but later changed for the laserdisc release. ref: the artwork in question
Then I went to one of my wants from this con, Robbie Rist. Partially mooched the autograph and got a free photo op. I got him to sign my laserdisc of the first TMNT movie where he voiced Michelangelo. Unfortunately he wrote a lot and in big writing taking up HALF the laserdisc. No offence Robbie but I hope to add others to this. Thankfully I managed to remove most of his writing, keeping his autograph and character inscription. I then got free photo ops with Hope Schwartz Juber and producer Lloyd Schwartz.
During the con I was interviewed by someone for a radio show of sorts. He asked me all sorts of questions, why I'm here, about my signed merch, and if I jerk off to Marcia Brady, among other things.
Sadly I don't see them having another Brady Bunch Con as this was a Saturday and traffic was almost none existent.
Brady Bunch Con photo ops
Brady Bunch Con autographs
TMNT movie LD before I cleaned it up
Next up to NYC to try for actress Ally Sheedy from Short Circuit and Breakfast club. Parked illegally again and we waited. She arrived and was as nice as can be. I got the photo op and my three photos signed. Sadly, JUST AS I was getting the combo I got a parking ticket, my first one ever in NYC

Ally Sheedy photo op
Ally Sheedy autographs
After this, we drive to Connecticut for Connecticut ComicCONN. We arrive at 3pm and quickly park and rush to the venue. I was trying to asses a way to mooch, but sadly could not find one. And besides we had to go in quickly cause we were there late and didn't want to miss anyone. So I didn't have time to think

As we're inside we quickly look for the area where celebrities are. First thing I get an upgraded photo op with Ray Park AKA Darth Maul. I then get FREE photo ops with two Thundercats voice actors, Peter Newman (Tygra) and Lynne Lipton (Cheetara). We then stand in line for actor Maximiliano Hernandez who played Agent Sitwell in TVs Agents of SHIELD, Avengers, and Thor. I wasn't planning on getting him but as soon as I saw the sign "free autographs and photo ops" I quickly jumped in line. He was about to leave and we were the last to get him. Then I scored FREE photo ops with Scott Schiaffo (Clerks) and Steve Savino and Jordan Hembrough from Toy Hunters.
Honestly, as much as it sucked to pay admission, these free photo ops made the blow less painful.
Since we had time to kill, we decided to do something we never have time to do at other cons. Rack on some decent comic book names. It felt so good that the stress for the celebs was off. I also bought some comics for 25 cents to get signed!
Sadly, one of my top comic book wants Klaus Jansen (artist of Frank Miller's Dark Knight Returns) was gone. Another good name Denny O’Neil was gone but we ended up seeing him walking around (thanks to looking at his photo via smart phone).
This is what I got in terms of photo ops:
David Finch (Batman)
Jerry Ordway (Superman)
Keith Giffen (Guardians of the Galaxy, co-creator of Rock Raccoon, Lobo)
Jose Luis Garcia-Lopez (various DC comics)
Steve Montano (Guardians of the Galaxy, WCW comics)
George Perez (Teen Titans, Superman)
Frank McLaughlin (Justice League)
Bob Wiacek (Star Wars, Uncanny X-Men)
Rick Buckler (Fantastic Four)
Bob Layton (Iron Man)
Joe Rubinstein (Superman, Wolverine)
Denny O’Neil (Batman)
Out of those got autographs from Jerry Ordway, Joe Rubinstein, and Jose Luis Garcia-Lopez. All were free except Joe who charged $1 per comic. Also got Denny O’Neil on the show program.
Additionally I got a free photo op with actor William Katt (Greatest American Hero, Carrie) who was in the artist's alley.
Three cons in two days, a new record for me!
Of course, there was a moment at the con that crushed me, even though it didn't affect me. David Finch was charging 3 figured numbers for sketches and he CUT the line saying to come back tomorrow. Wow really? You're rejecting money to simply sit down and draw? I'd stay up all night to draw if someone paid me that kind of money.
CT photo ops part 1
CT photo ops part 2
CT Autographs
Off to NYC for more celebs. We try for a spot with actresses Cate Blanchett and Elizabeth Debicki. We play the waiting game for the spot to let out.
Director Martin Scorsese comes and is rushed in the car. Luckily I already have him. Then I get a combo and extra from up and coming actress Elizabeth Debicki. She's already been in quite a bit and may be tough to get in the future. French actress Isabelle Huppert is rushed out but I manage to get a photo op. Finally Cate Blanchett is mobbed and signs. She does a couple of photo ops but I don't manage to get one. I only get an autograph. I try following her in another building very discretely but she and her handler outright refuse me. I then quickly exit so as not to stir things with the employees.
We then see that she is entering a spot nearby. There were about 5 of us and she does ONE photo op and is rushed. So we wait more. Anne Hathaway is rushed to her car and did nothing for no one. A very drunk Naomi Watts and Liev Schreiber come out and do nothing. Luckilly I have them all.
Then finally Cate Blanchett comes out and refuses us. Not detterred I enter the building and the security guard of the party she left follows. He begins to assault me and we spat words. Since the security of the current building was going to come out, I exited so as not to leave an impression.
Back to the original spot I went off on the security guards and cursed them out. They tried to say I was trespassing and I said they could call the cops if they thought I was trespassing. I even offered them to use my phone. The guy called me a loser for combo hunting and that I should find a new hobby, I told him that I don't say he is a loser for working a minimum wage security job nor do I tell him to look for another job so he has no right to call me a loser and tell me what to do. They were threatening to forcibly remove me and I said that if anyone touched me I would press charges. Some time passed and I walked away. We then scouted another spot but saw nothing.
We then drove to Cherry Hill, parked the car by Monstermania, and slept.
Elizabeth Debicki
Isabelle Huppert
NYC Saturday Autographs
Sunday was quick and easy at Monstermania. Adam West and Burt Ward were doing photo ops at the table. I found someone to split a Burt Ward photo op with me, and I split an Adam West photo op with markedout.com member Greg2600. I already had them both but it was with my old camera and the photos weren't the greatest. I figured it was no or never to upgrade, since I will never get the chance to get those photo ops for lower tier 2 figured numbers. I also split a photo op with actress Torrey DeVitto.
Monstermania photo ops from Sunday