People say it's sad and pathetic, and maybe that's true. BUT he's able to get people to pay him for combos, be it at con or a subway, and that is more than almost everybody on this earth can do. Hell, most people that mock him (myself included) have paid him for autographs and/or photo ops at least once. So as much as we mock him he laughs all the way to the bank.
Some articles also claim he blew away all his money from WWE and WCW, but that is not necessarily true. While I do not know how his finances look like, by looking at him he seems to have done better for himself than most others. So I'm guessing he still has money in the bank. That doesn't mean he shouldn't have the desire to stack up on more money if he thinks he can make more money.
That being said, Virgil is truly full of legendary tales. Seems like only yesterday he flashed me at super mega show. To be exact it was actually July 13, 2008. I showed the photo to Jackie Haas and she goes, and I quote, "ewww he needs to get a life"

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