Before he is due to land, I go and see what else I can get, and I see Cody Rhodes. Since he has a mustache, I got a photo op. I also get him on the WWE_E V2. And of course I see none other than thunderbudies

While hanging around baggage claim with them there's a motherload flight with tons of lower tier folks. Since I don't have a dark haired Aksana photo op I did try for one but she apologized and said no photos. She did sign my new WWE_E though. After getting a couple more autographs I had to rush back to HBK. To my astonishment the thunderbudies stayed with the lower tier folks. HBK did a combo and extra for me. Photo op sucks but considering I have multiple photo ops with him, this is of no consequence to me. Then I rushed back to the motherload flight area. My old nemesis

I scout out more and I find Ted Dibiase Jr and Great Khali. I inform the thunderbudies about my finding. Thanks for the credit, guys

After that I ask

After the dust settles

Shortly after the conversation I bid

My full WWE V2 haul is this:
Alex Riley
Cody Rhodes
Great Khali
Natalya (two entries)
Ted Dibiase
Titus O Neil
Michael Hayes (freebirds entry)
Pat Patterson
Damian Sandow (Idol Stevens and inside cover as Damian)
Cameron (inside cover)
All photo ops
HBK autographs
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