My Wrestlemania weekend was full of highs and lows. Full of good decisions and dumb decisions. Full of victory and defeat. Additionally, the agony was further enhanced by the fact that I got sick after the first day. It was already starting before the trip, and was further aggravated. But thank heavens I was wise enough to pack myself some anti biotics. Without those the whole thing would not have been possible. The trip begins Thursday and ends Sunday. Also, photo ops will be posted after each day, autographs at the very end. Let us begin.
Heading to the WWE hotel for Wrestlemania, we wanted to start our trip with a Shawn Michaels flight. Unfortunately we were a day late and a dollar short
We were close to the airport and the flight was early and just as we were close he landed. Not a huge deal for me personally as I just got him on my figures a week before. But still would have been nice to get him just while on the way. At least I did actually send two people to the flight and they got him.

So we go to the WWE hotel. We had a room for one single night. We saw Bobby and Peter from Holland and Ben and
from the UK.
While there I get something I actually wanted: a combo with Alberto Del Rio!! I wanted to improve my photo op plus I got my Toys R Us exclusive figure signed. A decent start, but sadly the rest of of the day would be just that: decent, not extravagant even though it could have been.

After this I wanted to go for Hulk Hogan's flight to get some autographs. Unfortunately traffic was MAJORLY against us, and again we would be a day late and a dollar short

He already signed 10 minutes before we arrived. Thankfully I sent two of my major NYC allies to the flight and they managed to get a photo op with him (albeit via lots of begging). Their success made the failure much more bearable as I was glad they got him.
Next up was to the Sandy victims charity benefit. This event was a total mad house. Some people got inside for photo ops but that would not have done me much good cause wrestling wise I didn't really need photo ops from anyone there.
Here I would make my most fatal mistake for the weekend. I did not go to the back where I could have had Triple H autograph(s). I should have trusted my instinct here, dunno why I didn't

But it was far from a bust. Some highlights for me were photo ops with Funkasaurus suited Brodus Clay, Freebirds suited Michael Hayes, Ronnie and Sammie from Jersey Shore, and a JBL autograph. Had to do some running after for Ronnie and JBL. Filled up the WWE_E V2 with some autos. I also got a photo op from Noelle Foley, Mick Foley's daughter. She was more than happy to take a photo. She is valid cause she was in Beyond the Mat. Wish I had my poster for her to sign. I believe I was the only one who got a photo op from her as no one else asked. Also got an improved photo op with Mustached Cody Rhodes.
Back to the hotel were a get a few more autos, and I called it for the night. A notable blow off was from Mark Henry, notable autograph Rey Mysterio.
WWE V2 haul for Thursday:
Howard Finkel
Dolph Ziggler
Rey Mysterio
Yoshi Tatsu
Jimmy Hart
Billy Gunn
Sgt Slaughter
Alberto Del Rio
Alicia Fox
Brodus Clay
Lillian Garcia
Ricardo Rodriquez
Mick Foley
Early in the morning we receive a tip for a celebrity event with Jack Black, Bob Saget, and others. But we made the wise decision of sleeping in and trying for that later. Cause as it turns out early on nobody saw them.
We wake up in the hotel. Now I had the choice to take a shower or go downstairs for some meets. Joresky chose to shower, I chose to skip the shower. Turns out I made the right move cause right when I arrive Bobby pointed out Kane to me, and I managed to get my magazine signed 

After that some FCW photo ops, Byron Saxton and Mike Chioda on my WWE_E V2. I reminded Byron of when he did a combo with me in Tampa months ago and he actually remembered the exact spot. Then the hotel was on lockdown and they kicked out everyone not affiliated with WWE. We then head to NYC for the event. At the first spot it was all over. When I got to a door turns out Gene Simmons came through 5 minutes ago. Again, a day late and a dollar short
But at the next stop which was very low key I managed to score some photo ops, most notable was Bob Saget, a want of mine. He was ultra cool and I got him to sign two 8x10s I had on me.

After some rest we decide to put all our eggs into one basket for Friday evening. Namely, Tom Hanks. This was a high risk high return type situation. I arrive at the spot and I see Radioman there. Seconds later I hear him speak. He goes "just so you know" as I have this face
wondering who he is talking to. Turns out he is talking to me! He was trying to tell me that Tom Hanks is no longer signing merch, only programs. I thank him for the info and tell him that I am trying for the photo op and will put my merch away. As I secure my spot at the front of the railing, we are basically informed of what Radioman had told me earlier. At least that meant no ebayers were around and thus I had increased chances for the photo op.

While waiting this was the most tense, stressful part of the whole weekend. Here I was standing being shoved/pushed guarding my spot like my life depended on it with a 50% chance (at best) of that photo op. And if that failed, that means the whole evening is a waste 

The witching hour was close and something unexpected happened. Maura Tierney who apparently never uses that door actually came out of that door! Had to scream a bit but got a combo and extra from her! YES! That meant at least if Tom Hanks totally fails I now have a cushion. It's not a very soft cushion, but it's a cushion nonetheless. Not too long after Tom Hanks is out and both intensity and stress is at the highest level. As he is signing for the person next to me I see on my screen that he's looking at the camera and OMG I GOT THE SHOT

The evening officially turned extravagant as I got the money shot of the whole weekend! Sadly I don't have Tom Hanks virgilized autograph wise as I need him on my Apollo 13 LD signed by Kevin Bacon and Bill Paxton. At least next time I try for him I won't have to worry about a photo op.
Next up we would try for Hulk Hogan at the Beacon theater, but that was another bust. Then it was off to Meadowlands Expo Center for Wrestlecon. We said hello to a bunch of wrestlers who arrived, including Trent Baretta and Matt Hardy. Sadly I was feeling extra sick at that point and decided to put myself on anti biotics. I figured I needed that to save the weekend. We got a rock star parking spot close to the building in the then empty lot and went to sleep.
The day begins with me mooching some breakfast at a hotel. Sadly I couldn't eat too much due to being sick but I ate enough so I could continue my anti biotic medication. During Wrestlecon itself I was obviously sick and miserable. But I was sable to get by thanks to the medication.
My Wrestlecon want list was low (thankfully). My first get was a Heidi Lee Morgan photo op that Kenny took care of for me. Then came the agony of searching for Gary Cappetta and David Penzer. Was almost going to give up but finally found them and got a dual photo op. Brian Lee combo was next, got him to sign the DOA entry of the WWE_E V1 (already signed by the Harris Bros) and then a Wolfie D photo op. Goldust was a rare repeat name for me. For ages I've wanted a gold suited Goldust photo op. I even asked him to move to a position where I could capture the full suit on camera, which he was happy to do. And I finally got him to sign by TNA program as Black Reign (after many failed attempts on the road). He goes "who is this guy" as he signed it. Also got Gregory Helms to complete my 3 count promo. Rounded up my time with Jameson, Doink, and super hero suited Molly Holly. After this I saw Jushin Thunder Liger fully suited and broke down and got this photo op.
Now it was off to the city. I stand at a spot for Alec Baldwin and Ben Foster. I was not expecting Alec Baldwin to pose for photos and sure enough was informed before hand that he wasn't doing photo ops. Sadly the witching hour not only came in too late but everyone came it at once. Alec is looking for a sharpie and I offer him mine, which insured I got my 8x10 signed! I then got a Tom Sturridge but I am looking away due to concentrating on Ben Foster who was nearby. Oh well. But as Ben Foster arrives I got him to sign and had to beg for the photo op. After some more begging I managed to get an extra item done.
There was other spots I wanted to try but sadly due to them coming out so late that was out of the question. I did rush to one spot where I had a 10% chance of seeing someone, but I was informed that "everybody already left" (which was easy to believe at that point). I waited 5 minutes that met up with some buddies. Overall I cannot complain as I scored an A list autograph in Alec Baldwin and a combo and extra with Ben Foster.
Next up I decide to try for Arnold Schwarzenegger, even though I figured I had almost no chance of getting him. I arrive at his hotel where other graphers and ebayers are waiting. Apparently earlier on there were about 20 people including Radioman and Arnold did nothing for no one. This time we were about 7 people. As time passed still no signs of Arnold. We saw Lindsey Buckingham from Fleetwood Mac but he did nothing. More time passed and much to the delight of the dealers I decided to call it and join Joresky at another spot.
Many factors led to my decision. First off I figured even if Arnold came he would probably do nothing. So I was moving to a spot where I can actually get autographs and photo ops, as opposed to nothing. And second Radioman was not at that spot. How could Arnold be coming somewhere with no Radioman around? And third it's always possible he left immediately after inducting Bruno. As I would later find out Arnold DID leave town after the Hall of Fame so I made a good call there.
Anyhow, I joined Joresky and there I would get a combo and extra from Melissa McCarthy, among other things. She was nice and friendly (which was a refreshing change). It also helped that we were not many people.
It was 5AM, and we drove back to Wrestlecon and got the same spot. I then collapsed and slept through the morning as Joresky got The Ultimate Warrior and others.
After some good sleep I woke up and it was time for Axxess at the IZOD center. At the hotel we were lucky enough to find someone selling tickets to the Sunday afternoon session. We make the fatal mistake of going to McDonalds to get a bite to eat, as that almost ruined the whole day for me. Almost.
We arrived an hour after it started and directly headed to my biggest Axxess want, namely Sin Cara. So many people were in line they said we might not make it, and next up was Tamina, who I already had. As it turns out, our row was the very last who managed to meet Sin Cara
This goes to show you then when out meeting you cannot really partake in luxuries like getting a bite to eat cause if you do you could get screwed. Granted this time it JUST BARELY worked out, but other times we really paid the price, and we should avoid making mistakes like that in the future. Through the skin of my teeth I got a Sin Cara photo op.

After this we rushed to try and catch the Aksana photo op session. Sadly we caught it on its tail end and she was getting ready to leave as we got there. But since I still need a dark haired Aksana photo op I was not deterred. She left and I ran after her and lucky me she forgot her cell phone. She came back and I asked for the op and I got it! The rest of my crew weren't so lucky as they trailed behind me and she blew them off.
The rest of Axxess was uneventful for me. No one I didn't have. For the hell of it I got a couple of photo ops and some photo ops with a few suits and other trinkets. I was unimpressed with Axxess as a whole as there was no Undertaker's graveyard or golden caskets. Although the Sunday afternoon session was no where near the mad house that other sessions apparently were.
After this we go to Wrestlemania itself. We wanted to get tickets but me and Joresky couldn't find any half decent deals. The shitty seats were overpriced and the good seats cost way too much. Additionally I had missed taking my medication and was literally coughing, spitting, and puking in the middle of the streets while scouring for tickets. I did take the pill when I realized I was late, but it hadn't kicked in yet so I really suffered until it did kick in.
Essentially what it boiled down to was going to the event or photo ops at the upcoming Wizard World. No way I could pay for both. So I made the easy no brainer choice here: photo ops. We went to a blast area in Hoboken and enjoyed the last couple of matches. I paid $5 for a bowl of Chili. A rip off considering you can have all the Chili you want plus a lot more at Golden Corral. But I had to get something to sit down and watch the PPV and this was the cheapest thing. Coming in late had a silver lining as they apparently charged $20 to watch the PPV (included appetizer plus 3 drinks). So I saved money on that front as well. After Wrestlemania we headed out.
Sin Cara (look at my face you could tell how tiered and sick I was by Sunday afternoon)
Now to showcase some autographs spanning all four days
As I stated, lots of ups and downs, lots of stupid and smart decisions, lots of pain and suffering (further enhanced by being sick), but looking at the end results:
Celeb wise I got some A level scores in an Alec Baldwin autograph and Tom Hanks photo op, got combos from Ben Foster, Bob Saget, and Melissa McCarthy
Wrestling wise I got: Alberto Del Rio combo (improving my photo op), Kane autograph, JBL autograph, and Sin Cara photo op.
So overall it was well worth the effort!
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