I tell myself, two days a year I suffer in the cold for
combos, and these two days were sadly upon me.
However, before those two days would happen, I would start
with some flights.
Day 1
This starts with a Jane Lynch flight that has nothing to do
with the dreaded two days. Had it not been a flight I probably wouldn't have bothered with her. The main reason I wanted her was because of her role in Wreck It Ralph.
So I arrive at the airport and the witching hour arrives. I ask for a photo op and she says "sure". Then another grapher asks for an autograph and she signs. She expects me to ask and has the sharpie ready, I present the photo she goes "I don't like that one" then I present her another one she goes "I'll sign this one". This is the photo she would not sign
A rare quick and easy success here!
Day 2
This days was the warm up for the dreaded two days. It included some incomings for the event.
Now I mapped up a plan for myself. Go to the airport get a Glenn Close autograph on a Cruella DeVille photo (already had a photo op), dash to the train station and get singer Harry Belafonte (daaayyy-oooo), then drive to another airport for actress Anna Kendrick. Then drive back to the first airport for any other flight I wanted to do. And by now I know with combo hunting you are always playing roulette, so I braced myself.
After picking up my order of photos, I go to the airport. Looking at the list of flights I have I see that Brendon Urie is arriving a few minutes before Glenn Close. So I figure might as well get him. When he comes out he's as nice as can be, happily doing combos.
Then it was time to wait for Glenn Close. Here is where a kink is thrown into my plans. She was taking her time coming out and I had to rush to Belafonte at the train station! Eventually she does come out and does one autograph per person. She said "no thank you" to any extras and to any photo ops. Not a huge deal as I already had a photo op.
I then rush to the train station, hitting traffic and going past the speed limit. When I arrive I find out that his train came in 10 minutes early
Had it been on time odds are I would have been on time! But with Glenn being late and Harry being early, this did not work out as well as I had hoped.

Moving on, it was off to Anna Kendrick. I drive there and arrive with a good 20 minutes to spare. She arrives and sees us then puts on her shades. She does combos with everyone and signs whatever. She was super duper nice! I wish I had more than just three photos for her.
After this success there were two more flights I was interested in trying, namely Don Henley (original Eagles drummer) and Jazz musician Chick Corea. I had nothing for Chick so I whizzed by a record store and picked up some $1 to $3 vinyls.
Now I was hesitant to do Don Henley since he's known to be a total asshole. But I was already there so it was tempting. However, turns out the flight was cancelled. So that was that.
Then I tried for Chick Corea. I looked hard in order to spot him, but sadly to no avail. I don't know if he walked by me or didn't make that flight. But after wasting $5 on parking I decided to call it a night and rest up for the dreaded two days.
Autographs from first two days
Day 3
Day 3 which is day 1 of the two days of the year I dread most!
I had three layers of socks on, three layers on pants, and the top was a sweat shirt, jacket, and coat.
In a conversation I had with a long time grapher, he arrived at the spot saying " this is the day I dread for 365 days of the year". I told him that these are my sentiments as well, and the week before I was like "oh God it's next weekend". Then I said "yet we both keep coming here". His response was, and I quote, "it's part of the job" and I agreed.
The guitarist Orianthi was one of the first I've seen. Going in she was rushed and I got a sub bar photo op, but I got a better photo op going out including two photos signed.
Anna Kendrick also showed up but I virgilized her the day before. I did get her on a blank going out.
Tom Morello of Rage Against the Machine and Mix Master Mike of the Beastie Boys also did photo ops. Both were nice.
Now here is where things got turbulent. I saw Florence Henderson who I got before but I had some items to get signed. Also opera singer Martina Arroyo who was on a wheelchair. I asked her for a photo op and she agreed. But wait, Shirley MacLaine was also coming in! This was my top want for the whole weekend! So I had to ignore the others. I got her to sign then asked for a photo, she said yes but waved at the camera and that ruined the photo
Then I begged for another cause it didn't turn out, and she looked at the camera! Upon the second shot my reaction was this face
To boot, I even scored yet another autograph! Besides me she only did one other photo op with an old lady, and that was the last photo op she did for the entire weekend! This was my major victory! From then on, everything was just gravy.
Harry Belafonte showed and only did a few autographs, which I got one. Billy Joel I sadly failed to get even though he signed going in but did nothing going out. At least I already have my combo from him so while that sucked cause I had albums, it wasn't catastrophic. Carlos Santana also signed a few and I got him on an 8x10.
Next up was Chick Corea, who did a photo op with me and signed two of my albums. On the way out I would get two more done!
After Orianthi comes out I got a photo ops with Rufus Wainwright, Barabara Cook, Christoph Eschenbach, Marina Arroyo, Mix Master Mike again, Brendon Urie no hat, and Sheila E, among others. Glenn Close also doesn't do photo ops but signs, and I manager to get her on one.
Barabara Cook was actually someone I failed to get two years ago, so that was a nice conquest there. I actually begged for this one before her handler begrudgingly said "ok come on take it" as he rolled wheelchair seated Barabara Cook towards me. And Marina Arroyo was being rolled away on a wheel chair but after I called for her she goes "I promised this guy" and she was rolled to me so I got the shot.
For Glenn Close I didn't think she'd sign here which is why I went to the airport the day before. Of course I regret that decision now. I did end up with two autographs from going twice but hindsight being 20/20 should have skipped that flight and gone to the train station.
Besides that Herbie Hancock was cool and Buddy Guy not so much. But I didn't need either one as I had them. Don Henley the drummer of The Eagles didn't even look at anyone.
Country singer Garth Brooks was awesome as can be. Did combos with everyone and didn't rush. I had a photo op so I didn't need that. But I got him on two photos.
Some other non-celeb notes from this round.
This event featured an appearance by the infamous
. A grapher who has seen my explicit photos even asked me "who do you think is the bigger pervert, you or him". Of course he had to be home by 5pm so he had to leave the spot no later than 4pm.
An old couple commended me on my begging abilities, since begging here got results more often than not.
After this me and Joresky got some food at Pot Belly. Joresky wanted to get comedian Joe Torry, a total
name for me. But not like there was something else going on at that time. After his show he did combos with everyone who wanted. But I think me and Joresky were the only non
who were there. Joe Torry himself was more than happy to be doing combos.
Then we try for Malcolm-Jamal Warner who played Theo in the Cosby Show. But he apparently left via another door.
Later we try the hotel, where I managed to score a bit more. There was lots of chaos and I had misses, most notably Harry Belafonte, but I did score another Shirley MacLaine autograph. I can't believe I didn't have more stuff cause she racked! Again hindsight is 20/20. Tony Bennett did a roll down and I gave him an 8x10 which he signed in blue sharpie on the darkest spot
. And I also scored another Garth Brooks autograph. Not mega extravagant here, but fruitful nonetheless.
After this it was time to get some VERY much needed shut eye.
Day 3 photo ops part 1
Day 3 photo ops part 2
Shirley MacLaine photo op Take 2, with a partial photo bomb
Day 4
Day 4 which is day 2 of the two days of the year I dread most! And this was one of the worst, and the weather was EXTRA bad, with snow and frozen rain. My feet were cold even with three layers of socks!
Photo of the weather
People all bundled up waiting for combos (with ninja suited Joresky giving a thumbs up)
The first score that day is Orianthi with no shades, who I also get on a blank. After a couple of more people trickle in Snoop Dog arrives. Now I'm normally not a fan of his type, but he's a good all around name. He's been in WWE on multiple occasions, he's been in movies, and he's even been in Epic Rap Battles of History, where he played Moses in Moses vs Santa Clause. Going in he signed a couple of autos, mine being one of them, but said he has no time for photo ops and that he'd take care of us on the way out.
On the way out he made good on his promise. I was beginning to beg for that photo op and he told me to calm down cause he'll take care of me. Awesome! I was in! I got the shot and I also got another autograph to boot! This is now my second biggest score, after Shirley!
Next up was Kathy Bates. She did nothing going in but going out she did combos with some and I got one! Tony Bennett does a couple of autographs, and I get one of them. Also got a photo op with Michael Bearden
among others. I also get Mix Master Mike on some blanks. And musician Steve Winwood did quick autographs going out but no photo ops. I got an autograph on an 8x10.
Now for red carpet. This is usually blown up but thanks to the ice cold weather, the crowd was very modest. Cal Ripken Jr. was the first to show up. I get him to sign a baseball (which I sold on site). But despite lots of begging and pleading I failed when it came to the photo op. This is a photo op I have been unable to get for the last few years. Kathy Bates shows up and signs for me. She remembered taking a photo op with me earlier but I explained that I wanted a no shades shot. She was hesitant but did it anyway! Linda Carter then shows up and I get an autograph. Don't need a photo op with her as I have that.
One big failure included Billy Joel who only went over to the side I wasn't at
Harry Belafonte does nothing for no one. He looked at the photo I had for him and goes "you have a sense of humor" (it was a photo of him with the Muppets). Carlos Santana does nothing for no one.
Exiting is sadly a 50/50 crap shoot as there are two main doors they leave from. At the door I was at I saw Linda Carter. Got a photo op just because she was doing them. Then we hear that Billy Joel did autographs at the other exit! I guess virgilizing Billy Joel was just not in the cards for me. Since most of the action seems to be happening at that door, we head there. I get a Renne Fleming photo op, and she was nice as can be. Then I hear that Cal Ripken came out the other end. Oh shit, not another photo op failure in Cal! I run there in the hopes that he is still there, and he is standing, I ask for a photo op! SUCCESS! THE CAL CURSE IS BROKEN
Back to where all the action is, this is where I made a stupid move and stepped away for a minute. During that time Harry Belafonte does combos. I return and he is leaving. I quickly manage to go up to him to ask for a photo op. He jokes with me and goes "does your mother know you're here". He takes the photo op even though someone is saying he has no time. I said "he said yes" and I took it. BUT WTF! FLASH IS OFF

Some other notes, Carlos Santana still does nothing. Baryshnikov signs but doesn't do photo ops. I try to call over Florence Henderson and she goes "one minute" but never reuturns. Also got a Kyle McLachlan photo op.
I thought about doing hotels in the morning, but I was just waaayyyy too pooped. I decided to go home, where I slept for about 10 hours.
Sunday photo ops
Kathy Bates
Snoop Dogg
Harry Belafonte
Cal Ripken Jr
Now to showcase autographs from two days in the cold:
Chick Corea signed albums
Orianthi and Harry Belafonte signed photos
Kathy Bates and Snoop Dogg signed photos
Shirley MacLaine signed photos
Tony Bennett, Glenn Close, Carlos Santana, Linda Carter, Steven Winwood signed photos
Garth Brooks autographs (upper right one sold to markedout.com board member cubsfan)
Orianthi, Mix Master Mike, and Anna Kendrick signed blanks
All in all, while I was plagued with some bad luck and it wasn't without some screw ups, I would say the good outweighed the bad, and I was very successful, with my best photo op being Shirley MacLaine. Given her age how many more chances of that will we have? It sucked to be in the cold, especially the last day, but the cold was a blessing as it kept the crowd far away from the spot. Had the weather been good there is no way this would have been as successful.
Day 3
Day 3 which is day 1 of the two days of the year I dread most!
I had three layers of socks on, three layers on pants, and the top was a sweat shirt, jacket, and coat.
In a conversation I had with a long time grapher, he arrived at the spot saying " this is the day I dread for 365 days of the year". I told him that these are my sentiments as well, and the week before I was like "oh God it's next weekend". Then I said "yet we both keep coming here". His response was, and I quote, "it's part of the job" and I agreed.
The guitarist Orianthi was one of the first I've seen. Going in she was rushed and I got a sub bar photo op, but I got a better photo op going out including two photos signed.
Anna Kendrick also showed up but I virgilized her the day before. I did get her on a blank going out.
Tom Morello of Rage Against the Machine and Mix Master Mike of the Beastie Boys also did photo ops. Both were nice.
Now here is where things got turbulent. I saw Florence Henderson who I got before but I had some items to get signed. Also opera singer Martina Arroyo who was on a wheelchair. I asked her for a photo op and she agreed. But wait, Shirley MacLaine was also coming in! This was my top want for the whole weekend! So I had to ignore the others. I got her to sign then asked for a photo, she said yes but waved at the camera and that ruined the photo

To boot, I even scored yet another autograph! Besides me she only did one other photo op with an old lady, and that was the last photo op she did for the entire weekend! This was my major victory! From then on, everything was just gravy.
Harry Belafonte showed and only did a few autographs, which I got one. Billy Joel I sadly failed to get even though he signed going in but did nothing going out. At least I already have my combo from him so while that sucked cause I had albums, it wasn't catastrophic. Carlos Santana also signed a few and I got him on an 8x10.
Next up was Chick Corea, who did a photo op with me and signed two of my albums. On the way out I would get two more done!
After Orianthi comes out I got a photo ops with Rufus Wainwright, Barabara Cook, Christoph Eschenbach, Marina Arroyo, Mix Master Mike again, Brendon Urie no hat, and Sheila E, among others. Glenn Close also doesn't do photo ops but signs, and I manager to get her on one.
Barabara Cook was actually someone I failed to get two years ago, so that was a nice conquest there. I actually begged for this one before her handler begrudgingly said "ok come on take it" as he rolled wheelchair seated Barabara Cook towards me. And Marina Arroyo was being rolled away on a wheel chair but after I called for her she goes "I promised this guy" and she was rolled to me so I got the shot.
For Glenn Close I didn't think she'd sign here which is why I went to the airport the day before. Of course I regret that decision now. I did end up with two autographs from going twice but hindsight being 20/20 should have skipped that flight and gone to the train station.
Besides that Herbie Hancock was cool and Buddy Guy not so much. But I didn't need either one as I had them. Don Henley the drummer of The Eagles didn't even look at anyone.
Country singer Garth Brooks was awesome as can be. Did combos with everyone and didn't rush. I had a photo op so I didn't need that. But I got him on two photos.
Some other non-celeb notes from this round.
This event featured an appearance by the infamous

An old couple commended me on my begging abilities, since begging here got results more often than not.
After this me and Joresky got some food at Pot Belly. Joresky wanted to get comedian Joe Torry, a total

Then we try for Malcolm-Jamal Warner who played Theo in the Cosby Show. But he apparently left via another door.

Later we try the hotel, where I managed to score a bit more. There was lots of chaos and I had misses, most notably Harry Belafonte, but I did score another Shirley MacLaine autograph. I can't believe I didn't have more stuff cause she racked! Again hindsight is 20/20. Tony Bennett did a roll down and I gave him an 8x10 which he signed in blue sharpie on the darkest spot

After this it was time to get some VERY much needed shut eye.
Day 3 photo ops part 1
Day 3 photo ops part 2
Shirley MacLaine photo op Take 2, with a partial photo bomb

Day 4
Day 4 which is day 2 of the two days of the year I dread most! And this was one of the worst, and the weather was EXTRA bad, with snow and frozen rain. My feet were cold even with three layers of socks!
Photo of the weather
People all bundled up waiting for combos (with ninja suited Joresky giving a thumbs up)
The first score that day is Orianthi with no shades, who I also get on a blank. After a couple of more people trickle in Snoop Dog arrives. Now I'm normally not a fan of his type, but he's a good all around name. He's been in WWE on multiple occasions, he's been in movies, and he's even been in Epic Rap Battles of History, where he played Moses in Moses vs Santa Clause. Going in he signed a couple of autos, mine being one of them, but said he has no time for photo ops and that he'd take care of us on the way out.
On the way out he made good on his promise. I was beginning to beg for that photo op and he told me to calm down cause he'll take care of me. Awesome! I was in! I got the shot and I also got another autograph to boot! This is now my second biggest score, after Shirley!
Next up was Kathy Bates. She did nothing going in but going out she did combos with some and I got one! Tony Bennett does a couple of autographs, and I get one of them. Also got a photo op with Michael Bearden

Now for red carpet. This is usually blown up but thanks to the ice cold weather, the crowd was very modest. Cal Ripken Jr. was the first to show up. I get him to sign a baseball (which I sold on site). But despite lots of begging and pleading I failed when it came to the photo op. This is a photo op I have been unable to get for the last few years. Kathy Bates shows up and signs for me. She remembered taking a photo op with me earlier but I explained that I wanted a no shades shot. She was hesitant but did it anyway! Linda Carter then shows up and I get an autograph. Don't need a photo op with her as I have that.
One big failure included Billy Joel who only went over to the side I wasn't at

Harry Belafonte does nothing for no one. He looked at the photo I had for him and goes "you have a sense of humor" (it was a photo of him with the Muppets). Carlos Santana does nothing for no one.
Exiting is sadly a 50/50 crap shoot as there are two main doors they leave from. At the door I was at I saw Linda Carter. Got a photo op just because she was doing them. Then we hear that Billy Joel did autographs at the other exit! I guess virgilizing Billy Joel was just not in the cards for me. Since most of the action seems to be happening at that door, we head there. I get a Renne Fleming photo op, and she was nice as can be. Then I hear that Cal Ripken came out the other end. Oh shit, not another photo op failure in Cal! I run there in the hopes that he is still there, and he is standing, I ask for a photo op! SUCCESS! THE CAL CURSE IS BROKEN

Back to where all the action is, this is where I made a stupid move and stepped away for a minute. During that time Harry Belafonte does combos. I return and he is leaving. I quickly manage to go up to him to ask for a photo op. He jokes with me and goes "does your mother know you're here". He takes the photo op even though someone is saying he has no time. I said "he said yes" and I took it. BUT WTF! FLASH IS OFF

But wait, I quickly open the flash for a retake, which he does! Unfortunately he does seem to be looking slightly away, but I do think the photo op is passable. Even the no flash one you can still see who both people are. Still a big rookie blunder on my part. Could have had a perfect combo here, instead I got a less than ideal photo op.
Some other notes, Carlos Santana still does nothing. Baryshnikov signs but doesn't do photo ops. I try to call over Florence Henderson and she goes "one minute" but never reuturns. Also got a Kyle McLachlan photo op.
I thought about doing hotels in the morning, but I was just waaayyyy too pooped. I decided to go home, where I slept for about 10 hours.
Sunday photo ops
Kathy Bates
Snoop Dogg
Harry Belafonte
Cal Ripken Jr
Now to showcase autographs from two days in the cold:
Chick Corea signed albums
Orianthi and Harry Belafonte signed photos
Kathy Bates and Snoop Dogg signed photos
Shirley MacLaine signed photos
Tony Bennett, Glenn Close, Carlos Santana, Linda Carter, Steven Winwood signed photos
Garth Brooks autographs (upper right one sold to markedout.com board member cubsfan)
Orianthi, Mix Master Mike, and Anna Kendrick signed blanks
All in all, while I was plagued with some bad luck and it wasn't without some screw ups, I would say the good outweighed the bad, and I was very successful, with my best photo op being Shirley MacLaine. Given her age how many more chances of that will we have? It sucked to be in the cold, especially the last day, but the cold was a blessing as it kept the crowd far away from the spot. Had the weather been good there is no way this would have been as successful.
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