So the trek begins. After some good sleep I pick up both Joresky
and one other friend and we head for Monstermania in Cherry Hill. Our plan was simple: Monstermania in Cherry Hill Friday, Rosie O'Donnell in Philadelphia after Monstermania Friday night, Big Event in Queens Saturday morning, then NYC through Sunday evening. Let us see how this played out (NOTE: IF YOU HAVE NOT ALREADY PLEASE READ MY PREVIOUS REPORT FOR MY PRE MONSTERMANIA ADVENTURE)

We arrive at Monstermania, and Joresky is obsessed with getting the twins from the shining. It seemed pretty damn laughable to me that they would have VIP tickets, since they don't even have a page on wikipedia. But I wondered if the MM crowd would really kill themselves for them. Turns out that they didn't have much of a line to speak of. No more than a handful of people. While I don't recall watching The Shining it's something I do plan to watch so I figured I'd get the photo op just in case, since that did not cost too much. And if nothing else it's a novelty. For some reason one of the girls kept looking somewhere else each time a picture was taken, but after the third take I got an acceptable photo.
Next up was Roger Jackson who voiced Ghostface in scream. Got a photo op. Then it was off to a last minute addition to the show which turned out to be a good one for me, John Heard who played Kevin's dad in both Home Alone movies! This photo op was a mooch 

Then off to my top want for this convention, Danny Pintauro. This way yet another addition to my Who's the Boss cast. He was friendly though struck me as gay.
Let's see from the cast of Who's the Boss:
Tony Danza
Judith Light
Alyssa Milano
Danny Pintauro
Katherine Helmond
I am only missing the last one!
Another realm where I did pretty good in racking up several cast members, Freddy Vs Jason! And here I had the chance to add two more cast members. Namely Chris Marquette and Brendan Fletcher. I knew the vendors bringing them, as I helped them with NYCC passes a couple of years back. I got photo ops with both and they did not charge me. Though they charged one of my buddies for an autograph that he got, which was fair. So two free photo ops here, this made me happy.
I ended my gets at Monstermania with a splitted photo op with Rusty Schwimmer from Jason goes to Hell.
On another note, they setup Robert Englund differently this time. You had a virtual queue where you would take a ticket. You would then go in the room based on your number. Furthermore, a ticket would not guarantee entry to the room.
After Monstermania it was off to Philly. We arrived at the venue for Rosie O'Donnell. I tried to mooch my way inside in case she was doing a meet and greet, but failed. It would have been pointless cause as I later found out there was no meet and greet. When the witching out came I had to fight my way to her and asked for a photo op and she did it
I could not believe it! Then I saw her start signing as I put m 8x10 next to her and she signed that saying she had to go. Joresky failed to get a photo op but got an autograph. We went to the next spot to try and get Joresky the photo op, but as Rosie went in the elevator her handler threatened to call the police on us. There was no sense in arguing as it was too late to get anything at that point.

We then go to Queens, park right by the hotel for Big Event, and nap in the car.
Danny Pintauro
Full list of Monstermania photo ops
Rosie O'Donnell photo op
Rosie O'Donnell autograph
We wake up, I wash up in the bathroom of the hotel, and we get in line to enter The Big Event.
Overall I would say great show by Brian Barth. My only gripe was the fact that the main room was a bit cramped. But otherwise everything seemed to go smoothly.
I only needed two people from there, Dennis Rodman and Taylor Hendrix.
As we enter though I notice bWo shirted Thomas the Inchworm Rodman. A very cool and unexpected bonus, I got a photo op.
For Taylor, she was doing a bikini photo op. I never get those mainly because I already have a regular photo op so I can't justify paying money. But in this case I didn't have the photo op, and it was $5 more than the regular one, so I elected to do that. And I had to wait till 1pm for that.
Rodman finally arrives, and I get a photo op. First one is blurry so I get a retake.
Later on in the day I notice he stood for a couple of photo ops. I called Joresky so we can attempt for standing photo ops, after talking to the handler we get standing photo ops, which is much cooler since you can see how tall he is.
Next up was the Taylor Hendrix bikini photo op. Sadly I wasn't allowed to bring Joresky in to take my picture. You were escorted in the room, got the photo op, and escorted out. But Taylor shook your hand, posed, and was friendly. This ended my trek at Big Event.
Good seeing everybody, and thanks to all who held up my sign. Also saw Terence and James from Legends of the Ring, who I chatted with and said hi to.
Full list of Big Event photo ops
Dennis Rodman standing phtoo op
Taylor Hendrix bikini photo op
Off to the city for our first target, Carly Rae Jepsen. She is the singer of "Call Me, Maybe"
It's a song I have heard and it is catchy. So I thought why not. Problem is at that spot on a Saturday it's a 50% chance she would be there. But wait, a well known female combo hunting Queen was waiting on the other side of the railing waiting. This pretty much confirmed that Carly Rae Jepson was in fact here. We wait and I get some photo ops with some
names. We also see Fran Drescher who just waves and does nothing for no one. I already have a combo with her but I played the handicap card
to try to get a friend the photo op, and she goes "sorry they won't let me". It is sad how somebody who used to be so nice has become. Wow just wow.

When Carly Rae Jepsen came out she made sure to take care of everyone and did combos with everybody. I of course got a combo!
After this it was pretty much a slump. When the slump ended I got Pater Maloney who is essentially a convention level name. Then I got autographs from singer KD Lang. A total
name for me. She said "no selfies" but signed two items for me. Then it was off to a spot where I was hoping to get a good name in Emma Thompson. While there Joresky spotted Jon Hamm and Jennifer Westfeldt. Already have Jon never got Jennifer. I approached for the photo op and got a picture with her snuggling into him, making for a unique photo op. I also got another
name. Sadly we found out Emma Thompson garaged it and that was one big score we were not getting

Now it was off to get my car to meet up with the rest of my team at a spot in order to fish out information for the next spot. As I arrive, I see Joresky and other friends/allies. Turns out they STILL didn't find info for the next spot. My reaction was this face
because the clock was ticking and we needed the info or we would end the evening with potentially less combos! As I scramble for ideas I phone Vanessa the Jersey Shore stalker to see if she has anything, as she is normally the Queen of all info, maybe a couple of notches below Radioman. Turns out she is on the other side of the building. I run there and meet up with her. Turns out she doesn't know more than I do
Since Joresky tried on one side to find info, I thought I'd try the side Vanessa was on, but to no avail. Back to the side Joresky was on, I thought I'd give that side another shot. I walk down the street and BAM! Within inches I score the address of the next spot! My reaction was this face
and the reaction of the person I fished out the info from was this face 

As I found the info, I phone one other female friend/ally and told her the info. I also sent one member of our team to her car to make room in my car for Vanessa. And we headed to the spot! Interestingly, another friend of Vanessa who always gets info did not have this address. Vanessa asked if it's ok to give her the info since "she always finds out" and we said it was fine.
On to the next spot, we see Lena Dunham who does nothing for no one. And we see a huge name in Taylor Swift who does nothing for no one either. Coming out, Taylor sneaks through the side and does nothing for no one, and Lena blows everybody off.
Lena was disappointing not because she was a huge want of mine, but because it was a combo I was expecting to actually obtain 

Additionally, I was hoping to see Adam Driver in this spot. He is the main antagonist in the next Star Wars trilogy. Yet we did not see him at all.
So with Taylor ignoring everyone, that's THREE huge disappointing aspects of this spot.
Jon Hamm did photo ops after he came out to smoke, but I got him before (in addition to earlier on) so I didn't care for that. When him and Jennifer Westfeldt were leaving I did try to get a solo Jennifer shot but to no avail.
This spot wasn't a total loss. Couple of us spotted an actor from Mean Girls and he was super nice. Even said his buddy was from the movie and got him in the photo op. Turned out to be a nice dual photo op with Rajiv Surendra and Daniel Franzese. And I got a couple of members of the band The National, including the lead singer.
After a sub par day, it was off to sleep.
After a less than ideal time sleeping in the car thanks to some heavy snoring
I head out to meet Bryan Cranston from Breaking Bad and the upcoming Godzilla movie. While waiting for him I scored a photo op with James Eckhouse from Beverly Hills 90210. A nice bonus. Bryan then arrives and HE approaches ME and says hello. I ask for a photo op and he is more than happy to do it! Why can't others be that nice? 

A good start to the day. Then off to a spot for Patrick Stewart where I score an autograph.
Now it was off to get a huge score and a huge want of mine, namely Liam Neeson from Star Wars, Chronicles of Narnia, and much more.
After a good wait he arrives and is swarmed by guards, media, and much more. He goes inside the building, and we go inside soon after. After he speaks I manage to approach him ready to take a self blast asking him for a photo op and he goes "sorry I'm off the clock" my reaction was this face
For the second time in 2014 I get a huge A level actor that's been in Star Wars right in front of me, and for the second time in 2014 I get blown off! Wow just wow! 

While waiting for him to leave, we do manage to go into a little room and mooch some good food and drinks. Joresky was like "is this for everyone?" to which I replied "I don't know, no one told me it wasn't for me" as I was eating some sandwiches and some exotic looking sweets.
Exiting was sadly not much better than entering, as he gets rushed into the car ignoring everybody doing nothing for no one. This would have been an epic meet. But it was not to be.
For the last spot we hope to see Andy Garcia and Ray Romano. Andy would be a cool get and Ray I got before but I had a nice Ice Age photo for him to sign. We score photo ops with Joseph Gannascoli, Michael Pitt, and Burt Young but upon further research find out that neither Andy nor Ray are going to be here.
We hop in the car to rush back to Philly so Joresky can get a Rosie O'Donnell photo op. But traffic leaving the city was ultra bad that once out of the city we realized we would simply not make it in time. So we decided to call it quits right there and then.
While the overall haul is nothing short of decent, it's nothing I would consider epic or extravagant. And it's not as if we didn't have a chance at extravagant. Extravagant just didn't pan out due to celebrities being bitches. How ultra epic would all this have been with Liam Neeson, Taylor Swift, and Emma Thompson photo ops