The comments essentially reflect what I've been saying all along when it comes to how most people perceive the act of combo hunting. Let's face it, it is not normal. Bothering strangers on their space time and/or invading their private space for one's selfish desire for combos does not come across as something decent human beings do. And the comments of people who do not care for autographs or photo ops on yahoo news reflect that fact.
For those who remember it, this opinion was also illustrated in the past in the CZWfans vs markedout.com feud.
I myself put a comment on Joresky's video, here is a print screen of it:
Now to reply to what some on markedout.com have said:
And I quote:
Still don't quite understand any of the "get a life" comments. So Joreskys life
having fun meeting people is less of a life than them trolling and doing A, B, C
or D with their extra time.
Oh you go put to bars every night, get a life.
You enjoy watching sports, get a life.
You spend hours knitting, get a life.
It's all perspective. Their own self loathing causes the negative responses
Oh you go put to bars every night, get a life.
You enjoy watching sports, get a life.
You spend hours knitting, get a life.
It's all perspective. Their own self loathing causes the negative responses
Danny boy, you don't ever see anyone make a yahoo news interview about someone watching sports, knitting, going to bars, etc. That's cause hunting down celebrities is NOT a normal pass time. Hence many of the comments.
I also agree with Woodmo that what CMshowstopper
AKA the other half of the thunderbuddies has said does not hold. People are not jealous of his photos, as they do not desire combos. I also agree with Woodmo when he said this, and I quote:

The two points in the article/video that perhaps brought people to their
negative reactions are as follows, at least in my humble opinion.
1) The working two jobs to support the hobby. That makes it seem more like an obsession, and I think people would react similarly if someone said they work two jobs to support golf, basketball, or any other activity they enjoy. Jeremiah and I have discussed this issue at length, and he knows my opinion on spending less on frivolous names and spend less time working, more time finding other ways to occupy his time.
2) The mention of succeeding is a feeling like no other. We in the hobby can understand the feeling, and while I wouldn't say it's a feeling like no other, it is always fun to succeed. But again to the casual troll that bothers to comment on a Yahoo story, that tied into the two jobs thing, makes it seem more like an addict getting a fix.
1) The working two jobs to support the hobby. That makes it seem more like an obsession, and I think people would react similarly if someone said they work two jobs to support golf, basketball, or any other activity they enjoy. Jeremiah and I have discussed this issue at length, and he knows my opinion on spending less on frivolous names and spend less time working, more time finding other ways to occupy his time.
2) The mention of succeeding is a feeling like no other. We in the hobby can understand the feeling, and while I wouldn't say it's a feeling like no other, it is always fun to succeed. But again to the casual troll that bothers to comment on a Yahoo story, that tied into the two jobs thing, makes it seem more like an addict getting a fix.
However, while this is no doubt a factor it does not explain ALL the comments.
The following comment is a microcosm of most of the comments on the yahoo news video, and I quote:
I don't even almost get it. His hobby is take take pictures with strangers? That's just weird. He spends all that time tracking these people down. And his reward (assuming they don't blow him off) is picture that proves he was standing next to them at some point in time. So what? I don't understand the payoff.
I was tempted to say "Live and let live, he's not hurting anybody" But this seems more like a strange addiction than a hobby. I would think if he could get past this he could find something to do with his time that would be much more rewarding.
This comment does not address the fact that it seems to be an addiction or obsession of his. It simply denounced the actual act of taking a photo op with a stranger and finding that thrilling. Which backs up my argument that the concept is unusual for anybody outside this practice.
I will end this commentary with two more comments I found on there:
What a sad and pathetic life this poor loser leads.
This guy represents everything thats wrong with todays society.
Now, to showcase a couple of meets that took place before the day where everything played out in my favor (see my previous report).
First up, was an airport run for Ice Cube. I found it a little strange that he was incognito with shades and a cap whilst his bodyguard had an Ice Cube jacket on. His bodyguard was yelling at us but allowed us to get combos. So of course I listened to everything he said. Ice Cube himself was cool and took a photo op with me then signed. After he got his luggage we got more from him and I got another item signed.
Next up was somebody I met before, Mandy Patinkin, who I know best from the Princess Bride.
Since I already had a photo op, I had 3 main objectives here. 1) complete my combo 2) virgilize him 3) get a photo op with non-bearded Mandy Patinkin.
Sadly, objective #3 would be an immediate failure, as he sported a beard
To boot the photo op was a downgrade since he was wearing a beanie hat. He still signed both my photos and took a photo op. Since he was in a signing mood I also had him sign the back of my Princess Bride blu ray (the front is signed by both people who grace the cover, Robin Wright and Cary Elwes).

Objectives #1 and #2 were completed! Success!
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