Saturday starts off relatively stress free as I wait for Michelle Williams and Alan Cumming. First up is Alan Cumming and he is on the phone, but we call him over anyway. He begrudgingly comes over and poses. Sadly he took my camera and decides to make a selfie, but he's not really looking at the camera. I have a photo op with him but wanted a better one. Failed on that count. Then my top want for this spot is here, namely Michelle Williams. She wasn't going to come over but did. She posed for me and a friend. She was wearing a hat and shades but at the time I was grateful to get it. She said he had to go in when I asked for an auto. Hindsight is 20/20 this endeavor was a waste of time and effort because weeks later get a better shot with Michelle plus some autographs.
I move over to the next spot in the hopes of seeing Mike Myers AKA Austin Powers. I apparently missed Eva Longoria by minutes. Already have a photo op with her but have photos for her to sign. While waiting who comes walking down? Michael Douglas! And he is MOBBED by everyone! Luckilly I had a photo op so this was an autograph mission. I didn't get to him as he went to the media he just nodded to me. But after his media it was another mob scene, I had to climb railings and I got an AWESOME autograph on an 8x10, completing my combo with him
I told a cop that was there "yay I got him" and the cop replies "good job".

In this spot was also Vanessa plus one other NYC friend/ally. We give up on Myers and we all drove together to the next spot. Sadly nothing happened there and ebayers left. So we walked away and stumbled to another spot. We see Robert Deniro, Keira Knightley but they do nothing for no one

Since this spot won't have more activity for a little bit, we head to a spot for Chloe Grave Mortez and Daryl Sabara. Chloe didn't come out as expected, but I apparently missed Daryl Sabara, a huge disappointment for me 

Back to the spot for Deniro/Knightly and we realized that it was worthless. Then we headed to another spot for some comedians where I saw Woodmo and Lanza from markedout and got updated photo ops with them. I then scored a photo op with Craig Robinson from Hot Tub Time Machine and many others!
I was joined up with Joresky and this ended our NYC trek.
Michelle Williams
Craig Robinson
Full list of Saturday photo ops
Michael Douglas autograph
Sunday starts in Cherry Hill, NJ at a Star Trek Con that Joresky wanted to attend. After he was done he told me that Robert Picardo AKA Coach Cutlip from Wonder Years is there. I mooch admission then get a photo op. I also get free photo ops with Anthony Montgomery and Max Grodénchik.
After this it was off to Philly for the Lucha Libre show featuring La Parka. We buy a meet and greet ticket and my first score is Damian 666. In addition to the show poster I get him on the inside cover of my WCW book. Scored a bunch of
names, some of which I only got autographs on my poster cause I didn't want to pay for photo ops. Finally we get La Parka and he is not fully suited
WTF! In addition he charged $10 for the photo op even though he was supposed to be included in the admission price of the meet and greet! Since that was my main reason for coming to this I had to bite then I got him on the show poster and WCW book. I had an 8x10 photo but he said that wasn't him in the photo. Damn, what a waste of an 8x10. Though I appreciate him not wanting to give me an invalidly signed item.

During intermission Sabu comes out and does a meet and greet. I got him on the show poster and upgraded my photo op since he was in full gimmick. I also aired my grievance about the La Parka situation and we were told to come back after the show.
After the show came and we went back to air our grievance to one of the promoters. He said he didn't have $30 to give back to the three of us but he could take us backstage. I suggested a fully suited La Parka photo op would make up for it, and he agreed to those terms. We got cool looking backstage photo ops with a fully suited La Parka, and this was a fitting end to the trek.
Robert Picardo
Fully suited La Parka
Star Trek Con photo ops
Lucha Show photo ops
Signed poster and signed La Parka entry on the WCW book
Damian 666 autograph