Lots of people expected to be there. Namely:
Curtis axel
Brie Bella
Prime Time Players
Dean ambrose
Heath slater
Sin Cara (Hunico)
The Ascension
Luke harper
Randy orton
Seth rollins
Joey Mercury
Jamie noble
Eden stiles
Cody Rhodes
Most of these people I didn't even need. But let's see who I DID in fact need
Needed upgrade shots with
Needed first time shots with
So at the spot I play the waiting game. Wait for signs of life, and finally signs begin to trickle in. The Ascension were super nice. I got a Viktor upgrade, I got a Conner update (he has red hair) and they both signed my Ascension photo. Sadly most of the others I either didn't need or were dick. When I saw Rusev and Lana came I presented Rusev his new figure and asked for a photo op. He says he'll sign but no photos

I am hoping a Ryback upgrade can salvage this. But he goes "gotta get to the plane" then he was just standing there for like 20 minutes

As a last ditch effort to salvage things, I try to beg Lana but only manage to score an autograph. I then try to beg Ryback some more while he's standing in line he goes "I'm getting on the plane"
One thing did happen that was absolutely shocking. Randy Orton of all people actually posed for photo ops! Not just with me but with other random people there. Wow, Randy Orton who is usually a dick posed while others like Naomi and Joey Mercury were assholes. While this photo update was not high on my priority list it was still cool to get it as this is my first Randy Orton photo op in about 5 years.
To further illustrate how unpredictable combo hunting can be, not two hours later at the destination city Randy Orton actually lectured fans not to bother the stars for combos after a long trip. And another motherload that landed in NJ they had more success. All but 2 or 3 on that motherload did multi combos with all fans. Even though bothering people after an 8-9 hour trip may seem like a bad idea, results are in fact possible.
While technically this was not a bust, I do consider this WWE trek a failure, as I failed to get almost all my top wants.

Randy Orton
Full list of photo ops
Autographs (for some reason the Kane auto does not show up)
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