Thus I attended my first ever Hollywood Show in Los Angeles with

Of course there was fear he could die or cancel out due to health reasons. But although a handful of people DID cancel due to health (including some wants of ours) Dick Van Dyke thankfully wasn't one of them

Not only that, but he looked healthy as a horse happy and full of life. I was reading that he may have early Alzheimer's but I saw NO indication of that. He's a 20 year old man in a 90 year old body. Anyone who is like Dick Van Dyke at 90 or even at 80 has won in life.
Dick Van Dyke singing
Compared to Chiller, prices are better and the setting is more relaxed and less chaotic. I also cut costs by splitting many photo ops with Joresky and also getting some free ones.
The jpegs they gave out for pro ops are ULTRA high quality. They were 10mb in size!! Wow at least they give fans their money's worth compared to NYCC who gives jpegs that would have been top of the line in 2004 digital cameras. The only forced pro op was Dick Van Dyke which was good.
Anyhow, let's get with meets. Bond girl Britt Ekland would be first with a free photo op. She said others charge for photo ops but she doesn't think it's right. Awesome. Then Karen Dotrice from Mary Poppins who had a cool gimmick set up and the photo op was only $10! Wow! Sadly her autograph was $30. I was on the fence but the price tag made it an easy pass.
I stood in line for Dick Van Dyke autographs. I got 3 items done. The laserdisc for myself and two 8x10s one for
and one for someone else. He also marked out for the laserdisc as he goes "oh wow a laserdisc".

I even got a bonus up close and personal concert! HCIT!
After that I got a free Lana Wood photo op though I had her already. Then Max Bear Jr from Beverly Hill Billies and Irene Bedard AKA Pocahontas. Then to Michu who physically wore the Alf suit. The full combo would have been $10 more but I elected to just go with the photo op simply because EVERY photo op on the table was pre signed. WTF

Then Patrika Darbo, Jerry Supiran AKA Jamie from Small Wonder, Kevin Spirtas, Belinda Bauer, Michael Nouri, Tristan Rogers, and Ed Begley, Jr. A couple of these names I was not planning to get but splitting with Joresky made it a better deal.
Then Tippi Hedren from Hitchcock's The Birds. She had a decent line. More bond girls in Diana Lee, Luciana Paluzzi, and Maryam d'Abo.
I also got my second and last autograph from Hollywood show, namely Olivia d'Abo. Got her on my Wonder Years project. Already had the photo op.
On to Christopher Judge from Stargate (who I'm shocked has never been to Chiller) and Art Evans. Keith Coogan was just visiting so I got a photo op. Then Catherine Hicks and a free Tom Sizemore. I then saw TODD who I know from markedout. First time meeting him.
Valerie Harper was a pricey name. But Thanks to our buddy Bob who was attending Hollywood show I managed to get a good deal. Because he wanted the autograph I just paid the difference between the autograph and combo price and got the photo op. That worked out awesome. Then got a free Geoffrey Deuel.
FINALLY it was time for the Dick Van Dyke photo op, my main reason for attending. It was initially 12pm and 3pm but then the 12pm session was cancelled. Photo op turned out awesome! I rounded up Hollywood show with director Michael Stoller and and his dog Little Bear and a free Jeff Breslauer.
Dick Van Dyke
Karen Dotrice
Britt Ekland
Tippi Hedren
Diana Lee
Luciana Paluzzi
Maryam d'Abo
Full list of photo ops part 1
Full list of photo ops part 2
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