My first and only spot for the evening after Wizard World would be a spot for David Harbour from Suicide Squad. I wait for the spot to let out. First person out was David Harbour himself. I ask for a photo op he goes "quickly" and I get the shot. He is rushed but I also manage to get two items done. Sadly if given the chance I have to go for him again in the future because he has both a cap and beard.
Next up is Paul Wesley. He also is sporting a beard. Thankfully I have multiple shot with him so I have no need for a bearded Paul photo op. He is rushed as well but I manage to get an autograph. He takes one group shot with some girls.
Finally actress Katya Campbell is out and she is nice as can be. But Damn I couldn't believe how I had to pull teeth for mediocrity here. Combo hunting is becoming harder and harder and this was an "easy" spot without any A listers and a spot where Masters typically don't hit up. In fact there were mostly fan girls waiting.
After this I go to a party where funnily enough a guy who recognizes me from markedout approaches me and slams certain board members.
After the party I get my free parking spot, and I sleep like a baby for about 12 hours.
Wake up and it's raining. While rain would prove to be an annoyance, it would not hinder any hunting. In fact that rain was not nearly as bad as originally forecast.
My first spot for the day I wait for Sean Hayes. Got him before but need autographs from him. Sadly I didn't see him so either he was already inside or he went in another way.
I go to my main spot for the day and it's early. I go to McDonalds then come back. Wait some more. At this spot we are expecting names like Colin Firth, Nicole Kidman, and Jude Law.
At this point it's not raining and security setup paps under an awning and fans have to go the opposite end where rain can fall. The security guard tells us that he will set us up under the awning if it rains. I tell the security guard that it's supposed to rain why not set us up there from now. He said he will do so if it rains. We are also joined by a Master and his minion. These two would be somewhat significant later so keep them in mind. Radioman would also show up at this spot.
Radioman eating candy
Sadly we hear ramblings that neither Colin Firth nor Nicole Kidman are supposed to show up. Jude Law is but I have him already. Time passes, Laura Michelle Kelly comes over to us before it starts pouring rain! Rain is pounding and of course that damn security guard who said he would move us was nowhere to be found

I ask that Master if he knew where the next spot for these celebs would be, he says he doesn't know. I ask if he doesn't know or he doesn't want to say he says "you asked me a question this is my answer". I needed to find that spot as a backup for me and for Joresky who was arriving to NYC late. More on that spot and how it relates to the Master/minion later.
Anyhow, I get a decent score here without knowing it at the time, namely Elena Kampouris who was super friendly. She is in My Big Fat Greek Wedding 2. I also get actress Angela Ashton who people mocked me for. They're like "you got somebody's girlfriend". But upon research she is in fact valid. Jude Law arrives and does combos, I get an autograph, then Nicole Kidman and her husband Keith Urban arrives. I am screaming for the Nicole photo op but she does nothing for no one.
Other failures include director Michael Grandage, Regis Philbin, among others. Laura Linney did nothing but I got her already (she used to be nice)
People stick around. Jude law leaves and does nothing. Nicole and Keith leave and Nicole does just ONE autograph upon exit and nothing else. After that everyone leaves and I'm the only one remaining.
I wait for the rest of the exits, while waiting the minion of that Master who said he doesn't know the next spot texted me asking if I found the spot, I said not yet. He said to keep him informed if I do. Upon further research I FINALLY score the location of the spot. Then exits break and I get the director who remembered me asking on the way in. I also score Regis and producer John Logan. Sadly there was another guy in the John Logan shot and I thought both were valid as the paps were taking pictures of both. But upon further research doesn't seem like the other guy is valid, thus my shot is ruined. At least it's not a major shot. At this point I inform the minion that I found the spot. He asks me where it is and how I found it. I don't respond.
I then walk to the spot and who do I find waiting? Yes, the Master and his minion! Wow what shady tactics. I then told him how I found it right there and then. Of course in hindsight I could have simply followed Radioman from the first spot to the second spot.
Here's another humorous thing that happened. After he saw me that minion actually texted Joresky the spot info to make it look like he was doing him a favor (at this point he knew I would text Joresky the info anyway). To be fair though I don't blame the minion for such shady tactics. He only does what the Master tells him to do. After all that Master is his source for money.
Anyhow back to meets. We are hoping Nicole Kidman arrives at the spot but she sadly does not. Jude Law does and does nothing. I get actresses Ashley Williams and Martha Plimpton and Indian director Mira Nair (who I had to plead for the picture, WTF!).
As with the prior evening, I find myself pulling teeth for mediocrity. Really? More proof that combo hunting is becoming harder and harder. I had greatness right in front of me in Nicole Kidman but sadly greatness chose to do nothing for no one.
After this it's almost time for me to head to Brooklyn to get the band Modern English. Thankfully they put the set times on the venue's web site so I was able to have a rough idea when to arrive. On my way I stop by another spot just to check it out, and exits begin. I score a few names but among them is only one decent name I didn't have (Laura Benanti from Supergirl).
When this spot is tapped I rush to Brooklyn via the car. I park in front of the venue. I arrive and find out the concert is still going on. I go in the venue and to my shock my ID is checked but I am not charged! YES! I enter and it's a bar, and there's a separate area where the concert is taking place. I open the door to go to said area, I catch the tail end of whatever song is playing, and then they play the song they're most known for (I'll Stop the World and Melt With You). So I arrived and mooched their best song live, a good start to this endeavor.
When the concert is done they come out and do combos with everyone. The evening ends in success. I finally meet up with Joresky, we get our free parking spot for the next day, and go to sleep.
Full list of Day 1 and 2 photo ops part 1
Full list of Day 1 and 2 photo ops part 2
Sampling of photo ops:
David Harbour
Elana Kampouris
Regis Philbin
Laura Benanti
Robbie Grey
Wake up and wash up. Me and Joresky try our first spot which is for Eric Dane and Freddie Prinze Jr. My hope was to get a Freddie photo op here so I can do other stuff in the evening rather than do his book signing. Eric Dane leaves and only does a couple of photo ops. I sadly only manage to get an autograph. I got a photo op before but he has a cap and shades. Then Freddie comes out and refuses to do photo ops. I do manage to get two items signed though.
We then go to our next spot for Tatiana Maslany and Scott Speedsman. We arrive and found out we missed Tatiana going in. Leaving she sadly did nothing. Scott Wolf arrives and is as nice as can be but I got him before. Some prosecutors and lawyers related to the OJ case arrive. The head prosecutor does nothing for no one. Really? A name like that is nasty?
We wait more and Scott Speedsman does nothing going in but we manage to score him leaving. YES finally some success. But damn we are really pulling teeth for mediocrity here.
After this it is time for our guarantee, namely the Freedie Prinze Jr book signing where photo ops were written. Sadly we would miss other opportunities going to that book signing, but when pulling teeth for mediocrity seems to be a recurring theme, a guarantee is priceless and should not be squandered.
We head to Bookends with Vanessa and her friend, buy our book, and line up. Freddie is as nice as can be when it comes to the photo op. We then wait outside because Joresky wanted to get his items done but he does nothing for no one. This ended the trek.
Scott Wolf
Scott Speedsman
Freddie Prinze
Now to showcase autographs:
Autographs part 1
Autographs part 2