- It wasn't that expensive, would be lots more money at a con
- I never got both Matt and Jeff in the same photo op
- I don't have any great shots with Matt Hardy (he has shades in all my shots)
- I never got Reby Sky, King Maxel, or Senor Benjamin, all of which were advertised
So I pick up
and we head to the MCW arena. To our delight all the participants were fully suited for the photo op. Additionally, they had an awesome background, great equipment, and used flash (they initially said no flash). And unlike other 3 and 4 figured meet and greets, the photographer was actually checking for validity and doing retakes (except for the child, obviously). Me and Joresky got the shot no issue and went back in line for autographs.

Luckily we were near the front of the line because as the photo ops progressed there came a point where the baby couldn't take it. So both Reby AND Maxel left the photo op! Wow I can see Maxel leaving but Reby? Sure someone needed to stay with the child but they couldn't have a worker do that while Reby stays in people's photo ops? After all 5 people were advertised, not 3. But it wasn't my battle to fight, thankfully. My battle would come later on.
For now though, it is time for autographs. While waiting in line for them to prepare I notice Senor Benjamin standing around and I get a solo shot with him. We go through the line and I get the Hardys on an attitude era WWF mag. That went smoothly.
I then wait for the signing to end since I could try for a Reby Sky solo shot. I figured [correctly] that while leaving all security would be on Matt and Jeff leaving Reby for the taking. To boot, since she was pushing the baby on a pram that slowed her down and she traied behind everyone else. So I get a selfie with Reby but sadly it's blurry I then run after her for another. At this point staff is yelling at me telling me "we're not doing that now" but I ignore them and get a second shot with her. Unfortunately in hindsight that effort was for nothing because later on she went to the food stand to buy overpriced food 

Unfortunately at this point I received horrifying news. Apparently the photos are uploaded on FB! WTF! So I found one of the top guys on MCW and explained my situation, he said to email and he would provide me with the jpeg full rez.
I wait till intermission to try and score some "you never know" names. I avoided those that had a table setup because I didn't want to be charged. But I got those that were standing around doing free photo ops. I then left the place and went clubbing.
The next morning the photos were uploaded to FB. So now I had to commander the full rez shot. There is where my battle begins.
I sent an email and FB message to MCW. Got no response. Then I found the photographer, PM'd via FB, explained what I wanted. He said he can't email because the file is "too big". I suggested other methods he said he would do FB PM. But sadly that reduces quality as well. So I suggested a site where you can upload files up to 5GB and implored him to do it that way. After all it's just as quick to select a file via that site as it is via FB PM. He accommodated me but said he wouldn't do it for me in the future.
I sent an email and FB message to MCW. Got no response. Then I found the photographer, PM'd via FB, explained what I wanted. He said he can't email because the file is "too big". I suggested other methods he said he would do FB PM. But sadly that reduces quality as well. So I suggested a site where you can upload files up to 5GB and implored him to do it that way. After all it's just as quick to select a file via that site as it is via FB PM. He accommodated me but said he wouldn't do it for me in the future.
I then again send an email to MCW telling them what transpired. This is what I sent:
Since you didn't respond back I tracked down the photographer and got him to send me the photo in full rez, which he did and I am now satisfied and thankful to him. However he also told me that he would not do that for me in the future.
Due to this I likely won't buy another pro photo op at MCW since facebook uploads are really low quality.
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE use something else like dropbox, flickr, or any of the other services that don't destroy the photo when uploading. We are after all in 2017. Or even upload to one of these services AND upload to facebook.
I finally got a reply back:
I sent him a message and I was waiting to hear back from him. You went and got it done before I could get it done for you. I apologize it took longer then expected. As for anything in the future. That gentlemen works for me and if I tell him I need a photo in hi Rez then I will get it. I own the company. I just sent him a message to let him know not to tell anyone that again. You have my word that you will always get what you need from MCW. I told you that you could get the photo and I would of made sure you got it. We appreciate your business and don't want to see you not support us in the future. If you have any other questions or concerns please let us know. Thank you.
Then I sent this:
Thank you Dennis I appreciate both your response and your reassurance. Given that if I see anything I like on MCW's site I will definitely come out and support it in the future.
Broken Hardy photo op, full rez
Full list of photo ops
Signed Magazine
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