First try is Judy Collins. It was a cold evening so I timed it to arrive as the show was letting out. Her car was parked out front so naturally I stood right there. One woman was holding up two vinyls. I tried to tell her to put away those vinyls so a crowd wouldn't form, but that STUPID IDIOT did not listen and a crowd formed. She is a perfect candidate for the list of Jericho!

Two other graphers also arrived. Despite a small crowd and freezing cold, when she came out she signed for everyone. I got two items done and even got her to change pens. She complemented my gold marker. Sadly, she said no photos and that she doesn't do them.
Me and the two graphers then rushed to the nearby 7-11 where she was inside buying stuff. We then tried asking her there but she denied us again.
I did have an early morning outgoing on her, but I figure early morning plus two fresh rejections in a row, this had all the recipes for failure. So I decided against it.
Judy Collins Autographs
On another day I had an incoming for actress Maria Bello. Also in town was Rick Astley and I figured since I'd be there for Maria I'd go virgilize Rick. Then I get a tip about a Paul Williams flight. He's a known songwriter and also wrote some music for movies and even acted in some movies. So he's definitely a name worth picking up especially since I was planning to go out anyway for Maria.
He was the first stop. I go and wait and see him. He's nice as can be and I get a photo op.
Next stop is Maria Bello. We wait and never see her. Upon checking turned out her reservation was cancelled! WTF! I had checked the night before but I had several things going on the day of. Between that and receiving an impromptu flight for Paul Williams and rushing to make that I just didn't think to double check the reservation. $6 in parking down the drain

After that failure it was off to Rick Astley. I realized I had left one of my items at home. PUNCH. He came out late and there and people stretched all the way down the alley. But he took care of every person with both autographs and photo ops. Though I had to go back in line to get my other item done. Wow they truly don't make them as nice as him anymore. I also got a selfie just because.
Paul Williams
Rick Astley
Rick Astley Autographs
Next up, actor Ashton Kutcher is in town. This is a guy who in NYC would be mobbed plus he's not known to be nice I'd never consider trying for him in NYC. To illustrate, one time he was at a spot which was literally on the street where I was walking and just moved along to try for other things. But when not in NYC, I have a shot.
I also had his flight both incoming and outgoing. So with the event that gave me a total of 3 chances at him. I decided not to try the early morning incoming. The fact that he is not known to be the nicest combined with coming in pretty close to his event AND being early in the morning was a recipe for failure. Plus good chance he would have hat and/or shades. Also if he's nasty with me at the airport he might remember at the event. I decided I would try the event and if that didn't work I'd have the outgoing as a backup.
So I go to the event. I see him being escorted with an entourage, holding a glass of water, and media filming him. Also screaming girls were present. I didn't even bother to approach and ask as he went in a room.
I also saw John McCain and Marco Rubio and improved my photo op with each of them. Stupid me I left my items for them at home! ugh! I haven't been to this spot in forever and forgot that you get randoms like that.
Then I tried going in the room where Ashton was to see if I could get him inside. As the event ended cops were next to him and didn't look like I'd have access. So I decide to abort mission in the room.
Try him leaving but again same deal. Huge entourage, cameras, etc. No point in asking. But I did follow him to another room and two cops guarded the room. I waited. While waiting Senator Bob Corker came out of that room and was doing photo ops with some girls so I grabbed a selfie and he thanked me.
At this point most the crowd had dwindled as I continued to wait. Then Ashton comes out. I politely ask for a selfie and he goes "quickly" and I grab it! I couldn't believe I was just successful. I asked for an autograph but he ignored my request. He then went to yet another room to watch some kind of documentary. I could have waited more but at that point I was playing with fire for parking. My spot was a free 2 hour spot which I can normally stretch a little since there is no meter. Since I was already over the 2 hour mark I decided to stop playing with fire quit while ahead. I walked to my car and thankfully no ticket. I also didn't bother putting more time and effort for the outgoing.
I did miss Robert Deniro while doing Ashton. But since I had Deniro the obvious choice was Ashton.
Ashton Kutcher
Political Photo ops
Next evening I decided to get Mary Wilson of the Supremes, who unlike her former partner Diana Ross is super duper nice. Additionally, the venue she was playing had one door in and out. Cannot ask for a better street setup than that.
Before that I wanted to stop by a spot for actress Marsha Mason. Waited at the door and saw some other actors from her show. Sadly they all range from invalid to barely valid. The types that cannot believe you want a photo op with them. But as I've learnt from the past (the hard way), always grab the photo op cause you simply never know. Unfortunately one of the actors told us that there is some kind of reception and Marsha was eating orderves and sipping on wine. Since I had no idea what time she would leave I decided to live to fight another day on this one. I then went to the Mary Wilson spot.
It let out and a Master that was present mooched inside. Shortly after him I decided to try and mooch (I've failed to mooch there in the past) and I was successful. Even though the venue has one door it was a very cold night and while I knew she would stop regardless she would probably be bundled up. Plus it was nicer to get a combo in the warmth anyway. I then found my way into the m&g line. She was right outside her dressing room doing combos for all who asked. When I got to her she held my hand and goes "oh your hand is cold, were you outside" right here my cover was possibly blown but luckily I thought of a quick save I said I went outside and came back in.
She liked the photos I made her sign saying "oh this is one of my favorites" and commented about the others. Seems pretty effortless to be nice. Sucks more can't be that way. This is likely it for me as far as the Supremes go. Of the other two original members, one is dead, and the other (Diana Ross) is a total bitch. To illustrate, even one of the top NYC Masters doesn't have a valid shot with her. And I know a music grapher who is black and failed on her three times.
Mary Wilson photo op
Mary Wilson autographs
Barely Valids
Next up, I bought a meet and greet for original member of The Cure Lol Tolhurst. He is a founding member and former drummer and keyboardist. I saw a m&g for $25 so I quickly snapped it up. Autographs and Photo ops were in writing (both in plural form).
Go to the club where the m&g was taking place, he started with a speech then everyone lined up for combos.
In front of me was a guy with a ton of vinyls. When it was my turn (I had 6 photos) he accused me of being ebay. Like, WTF? Thankfully he did change pens though one photo and the poster they provided was with his bad sharpie and he asked for a change. The poster was so badly signed I gave it away. I even tried asking him to resign the one badly signed 8x10 photo but he denied me that. Of course I got the photo op as well.
In hindsight I wish I went to the book signing instead. But when I bought this I didn't know about the signing and just saw a $25 m&g with guaranteed combos. Book signing would have been slightly more expensive but at least you got a signed book for it.
Still, it was a nice calm setting, multi combos, and even free orderves. In an age where four figures gets you no autographs, group photo ops, bad quality jpegs, or even a photo op with just an empty stage, a $25 m&g with your own camera, multiple autographs, and free food and water is a refreshingly nice change of pace.
After Tolhurst I went back to try for Marsha Mason again. Waited for it to let out and again snapped photos with some barely valids. Finally she shows up and is nice about the photo op, and I got her to sign a program as well.
Overall a nice, stress free, short, and successful evening. It wasn't even cold.
Lol Tolhurst photo op
Lol Tolhurst autographs
Marsha Mason
Barely Valids
Behind the scenes at the m&g
Lining up
UPDATE: For my final meet for February, I went for Dionne Warwick. Sadly she did not do photo ops.
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