But since I had info on an NXT flight arriving that Friday afternoon, I figured that was a good way to clean sweep a bunch of wants while dedicating a minimal amount of time (and being away from most of the NYC crowd and all of the hotel employees in the process).
Additionally, Asuka, who I still needed, was coming in by herself earlier that day. Plus being NYC other stuff could always pop up. So I decided to dedicate Friday during the day to NYC, go to MM and knock out a few photo ops during the show, mooch what I can after the show, then pay for whatever is left on Saturday. With the scheduled arrivals of the flights, this plan worked perfectly.
In hindsight, I am glad I decided to dedicate minimal time to this, because I would later lose my dog

Let us begin with the report. Since I had to be there early Friday for Asuka, I arrived Thursday evening in NYC and parked for free. I make a stop at a spot for actresses Lili Taylor and Janeane Garofalo. Sadly this venue has a front and back. So I rolled the dice in the back. I wait with a couple of other fans and grab photo ops with some barely valids.
At one point security took down the railings and said no one is coming out anymore. Everyone scattered away but I stood my ground (as did security). Not 5 minutes later I see Lili Taylor going into her car. I ask for a picture and she says "quickly" and poses with me. I wait some more then finally give up as I sadly had to assume Janeane left out the front. About a week later I see another report confirming my conclusion.
Drive to the WWE hotel where I meet up with Vanessa the Jersey Shore Stalker and friends. Didn't spend much time there. Vanessa recommended I enter the hotel but as I told her, I had no interest in fighting with the staff as I had my fill of that last year.
Head to the airport, park in the cheapest parking lot, and the three of us sleep. Wake up in the morning and on to the first flight, Asuka. I also see former board member Lucas and board member Rich (DrSatan). Asuka comes out and is nice as can be, doing photo ops and signing. I got her on my WWE_E V3.
Shockingly, this Asuka combo was actually a milestone for me on a few levels
- It is my first time setting foot in this particular NYC airport for a meet
- It is my first ever successful NYC airport score
- It is my second ever NYC area airport success
Next up Vanessa told me there is a "big" wrestling flight but wouldn't tell me who. NXT flight got delayed so there was no conflict. We wait and turns out we are waiting for the Undertaker and it is just the 3 of us. Undertaker comes out with Michelle McCool and denies us. Says he can't stop us from taking pictures but he's not stopping. I get McCool on my WWE_E V2 but didn't fight for photo ops as I have them both (plus Undertaker had shades anyway). I did attempt to get shots for the other two, I ended up with valid photo ops for Vanessa (one just Undertaker and one couples shot).
NXT flight delayed further, which sadly meant I had to cancel my MM plans. No problem I can still get there in time to mooch after the show. We then go to a Drew McIntyre flight. I got him many moons ago but there was nothing else that I knew was going on at that point. So it was something to do. A crowd gathers including former board member Chris Collector! While we wait some valids come through, one rapper that didn't do anything and one female VH1 host that stopped but I didn't feel like chasing after.
Finally Drew shows up with a black guy. Upon inspection turns out that black guy is Percy Watson. I had him as well. I got updated photo ops with both and got both their autos on the WWE_E V2 and WWE_E V3. In the case of Drew he has more of a beard than my previous shots which I guess is good cause he currently has a beard on TV.
NXT flight delayed yet again! WTF? That pretty much eliminated MM plans for Friday. NXT was the main reason I came here so I had to stick it out. It wasn't a total loss though as Vanessa had a Richie Sambora flight (lead guitarist of Bon Jovi). At least that's something you can't get at MM. We wait there and see a driver waiting for Thomas Kail, director of The Hamilton. Pure pokemon name but I'll take anything I can that's there. There were two places that flight could let out, me and Vanessa waited in the upstairs area. Get a call that Thomas was at baggage so rush down there, get a photo op. Go back up and I see Vanessa getting Richie. I get a photo op and he was nice as can be. I also got a shot with Orianthi (really a downgrade as she has a hat).
With this success it was back to waiting for the NXT flight. Sadly it is now due to arrive at 4AM. Wow just wow. I couldn't believe my bad luck! We waited for the next couple of flights hoping for a miracle but no dice. With that turn of events I had to quit because 1) I had to go to MM and 2) At that point they spent like 18 hours at the airport being pushed around, so that combined with arriving at 4AM meant they would likely be in a bad mood anyway.
Dropped Vanessa home, drove out of the city, slept for a bit, then finished my drive to MM. Despite the big blow on the NXT flight (which was nothing I could control), getting photo ops with Asuka, Richie Sambora, Lili Taylor, plus other bonus photo ops and autographs, my prelude to MM was not a waste.
Richie Sambora
Full list of NYC photo ops
Valid Undertaker shot I got Vanessa
Valid Undertaker/McCool couples shot I got Vanessa
WWE_E V2 autos:
Michelle McCool
Drew McIntyre
Percy Watson
WWE_E V3 autos:
Drew McIntyre
Percy Watson
Anne Archer
Anne Archer autographs
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