I would do only one flight for Awesome Con, namely Michael Rooker. I already have one street shot and one paid shot but wanted an upgrade. The free shot from NYC he has a cap on that covers some of his head and he's doing the middle finger covering a part of his face. In my paid shot from Wizard World he has cap and shades. Since he is known to wear cap and shades at cons, my only shot at an upgrade is to go to the airport and pray to the combo Gods he's not sporting any hat/shades.
I arrive and he has cap but no shades. Takes the photo op no issue but says he doesn't sign at airports. Sadly the photo op isn't an upgrade as his cap is even more intrusive than my NYC shot and it's slightly blurry. I chase after him and say the shot didn't turn out. He says let's do another. This time he takes hold of the camera as I selfie it. This helped me big time because the way he held it and posed his head was tilted and the photo op came out great. Now I'm set for life. At the con he was not only wearing both hat and shades but he did NO table ops! And the pro ops people paid big money for he had hat and shades. It's amazing how in combo hunting when you stalk people you can end up with the longer end of the stick.
Michael Rooker take 1
Michael Rooker take 2
Arrive at awesome con, meet with

I had to wait for my splitter for the smallville names, so I held spots in both Tom Welling and Michael Rosenbaum lines (thanks to markedout members Tony, Greg, CM, DJ for all the help). I scored them both. Then I stood in line for Ben Savage and was joined by Greg. We got yelled at by the handler for taking too many photo ops but it worked out well!
Matt Denton and Josh Lee, the BB8 production crew, were doing a signing. Their auto was $20 each and you get a free picture with a BB8 droid. That droid moved and talked and everything (via remote control). Since I didn't want to pay $40 I asked for free selfies with both Matt and Josh which I scored.
Then I discovered another BB8 in one of the fan booths. Aside from the fact that this one was stationary with no internal electronic components, both BB8s looked exactly the same, only that one didn't cost $40 in any shape or form. So I got FREE shots with both humans AND a BB8 droid. Quite the win on all fronts

Tom Welling
Michael Rosenbaum
Ben Savage
The BB8 production crew,
Matt Denton
Josh Lee
The BB8 that cost $40
The BB8 I got for free
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