Wednesday, May 17, 2023

Second wave of April meets, including an A lister

There was an event related to the tv show White House Plumbers. I have most of the cast but I went to see who would show. Turns out it was only Justin Theroux and Woody Harrelson, both of whom I have.

First I got Bob Woodward, then Jacqui Heinrich of Fox News, and writer Alex Gregory. Justin Theroux was nice and I got another shot with him. Woody did nothing for no one. Then I got writer Peter Huyck. And then writer/director David Mandel who also directed Eurotrip. And finally, producer David Bernad. 

Full list of photo ops

Bob Woodward autograph

Next up, I went for Melrose Place actress Marcia Cross. Saw that there were no guards posted so I easily mooched into her event as it was happening. After her speech she was nice as can be and even excited to see the 8x10s.

Marcia Cross


The group Onyx (Fredro Starr and Sticky Fingaz) were doing a free signing. I never heard of Onyx but upon looking at their wikis they were both in movies. So I decided to go. Sadly only Fredro Starr showed up. He was nice as can be, taking care of everyone. I couldn't make the show later that evening to get the other guy (he stopped).

After this it was off to the airport for Savage Garden singer Darren Hayes. With him on the flight were several other band members some of which were actors. I got actress Madeleine Coghlan who was nice. Then I got Darren who took ops but would not sign and then got rushed to the van.

Fredro Starr

Madeleine Coghlan

Darren Hayes

Fredro Starr autograph

To round off this wave of April meets, I finally had another chance at an A lister that I've failed on or had bad luck on over the years, despite the fact that most everyone has her. Got wind that Angelina Jolie was coming to town and by miracle I found her flight. Got up to her and she wasn't being very nice but I pleaded for the op and got it. She's wearing shades but given my failure over the past 12 years I'll take it. My only success in the past was getting her to sign for me once. Other times I got denied or never got up to her. In terms of autographs, I got her to sign blanks since I sadly didn't have time to go home and pick up my items.

Angelina Jolie take 1

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