When it comes to WWE I aim myself towards names I don't have
rather than big names.
First off let me say wow I miss the ease and friendliness of
wrestling. How I wish celebs were like that. Not only that, but wrestlers
actually switch pens, something I am no longer used to. So when I present my
item they are giving back someone else's pen and I have to whip out mine.
Celebs just take one pen and sign everything with it (regardless of pen color
and how well the pen works).
So for day 1 I had info for Brad Maddox who I never met and
Paul Heyman.
First off is Brad Maddox. He is as nice as can be. I get a
photo op, autos on an NXT program, and the inside cover of both my WWE_Es. When getting out the NXT program he goes "am I in that one?" which I told him he was. HCIT
Now here is a big criticism for the inside cover of the
WWE_E V2. It is black with WWE logos in white and that makes it HORRIBLE for
autographs. I gave Brad a silver and he signed over the white and it's hard to
see. Really WWE, if it wasn't broke why fix it 
Next up I was waiting for Paul Heyman. While waiting two old
women are being wheeled out on wheelchairs. Then I notice one of those woman is
MAE YOUNG! WTF! I get her on the WWE_E v2. Didn't really bother with a wheel
chair seated Mao Young photo op. I have so many photo ops with her.
While getting Mae Young I see Paul Heyman walk by and get
him on my ECW magazine and two 8x10s (one of which is my photo op with him).
Again, nice as can be.
I decide to stick around a little longer to see who else I
spot, and I spot the man of a thousand holds, Dean Malenko. I go up to him and
ask him for an auto and he gives me his "speak out I can't hear you"
routine and I ask again and he signs for me. The past couple of years I've
never been turned down by him.
After this I decided to leave. Cause really who do I need in
wrestling that wasn't on a house show at that point? Nobody. 
Now I had the hotel info for The Shield. I still need a photo op with Roman Reigns. So I decided to venture there the next day. There was another hotel where I think the bigger names stayed, but I needed Roman Reigns more than anyone else on the current roster. Dean Ambrose I already had a photo op from an airport in late 2011, and Seth Rollins I got in ROH.
So I arrive at the hotel and it's dead. No marks, no wrestlers, no nothing. My reaction was this face 
Suddenly a girl shows up and asks who I saw. I was perplexed considering I only had my camera and a bag on me. No exposed wrestling merch, no wrestling shirts, nothing. I asked her how she knew what I was doing she said she was doing the same thing and that it was "obvious" what I was here for. I told her truthfully I saw nothing yet then she said she saw Brad Maddox.
Then I see Harvey Wippleman and Brooklyn Brawler. I get them on my WWE_E v2 and both are nice as can be. And a handful of marks show up soon after. Ok, some life. That's a good thing.
Saw Brad Maddox and asked him if he remembered me from last night he said he did. HCIT.
First member of the Shield that walks around is Dean Ambrose. Got him on the inside cover of both WWE_Es and NXT program. Second member of the Shield that walks around was Seth Rollins. He had a hood on but did combos with everyone while waiting to buy coffee. I was going to wait till he was done ordering but since others asked I went ahead. I got him on both WWE_Es, the NXT program, and the ROH program, completing it. He goes "oh wow that's an old one". Didn't bother getting another photo op since hooded Seth Rollins is not worth an upgrade. Obviously if I had no photo op it would have been a no brainer to get a photo op.
besides all this I get on the WWE_E v2 the following:
Road Dog Jesse James (he was getting money from the ATM. I asked for one then I told him how disheartened I was when they removed "ass" from the theme song and he laughed. Got him on the Outlaws entry)
Michael Cole
Josh Mathews
Jerry Lawler (seemed hesitant to sign for me but did anyway). Did photo ops with everyone who asked.
Finlay (didn't even know he came back!)
IRS (Money, Inc entry)
Ranjin Singh
Brooklyn Brawler (this time on the Abe Knuckleball Schwartz entry)
Also saw Paul Heyman again and I got him on another mag. Again nice as can be.
I saw Dean Malenko as well but didn't bother him since I figure he'd recognize me from the night before. Jamie Noble was also there I went outside to get him (as he passed me by as I was getting Finlay) but he seemed to ignore me. While all the agents crowded outside who shows up? None other than People Power himself, John Laurinaitis. He was staying at the other place and was just passing by here, so I really lucked out. My priority is now changed as I flip my WWE_E v2 to his entry! After he's done talking to his men I ask him and he is nice as can be. Even inscribed "people power". Then I go inside and get one of my buddies and we go outside he's about to enter the car. My buddy got a photo op with him then I asked him and he goes "quickly". This is probably the nicest I've ever seen him be since before the People Power era. He is actually the only repeat photo op I got that weekend. A man tries to get a Jamie Noble autograph and ends up with a John Laurinaitis combo. Not a bad trade off 
Of course a midst all this I am still missing my number one want for this: Roman Reigns. Why is it that the two that I don't need just walk around yet he does not 
Eventually all THREE members of the Shield come down! YES! I of course target Roman Reigns and he says he's late
really turned down by Roman Reigns WTF! Thankfully I plead and I truthfully tell him I waited all day for him. He caves in and I get a photo op. Then I go to the elevator they were going down from and I manage to get Roman Reigns on both my WWE_Es. Success! I thank them all as I head off.