That aside, let us see what I did get.
It starts off on Saturday where I pick up Joresky from the train station and we head out to NYC. Our first spot of the evening was uneventful. Kristen Wiig and Jonah Hill would have been cool new photo ops for me, but they did nothing. Paul Rudd also did nothing, although I already have multiple photo ops with him. Could have used an auto and probably would have had it if I went after him as he entered a cab, but it didn't feel worth it since the item I had was just an 8x10. Maya Rudolph and Cobie Smulders photo ops would have been nice scores IF I didn't already have them. The only notable score here was Paul Feig who directed Bridesmaids among others. I also got Jason Sudeikis to sign an 8x10 for me.
Full list of Saturday photo ops
Sunday begins. I first wanted to try for some Alec Baldwin autographs, but we had info on the Amazing Spiderman 2 film set. I still needed a photo op with Paul Giamatti, so I decided to head out there. Sadly it was a bust as we could not find where the actors were. We were getting nothing so we decide to go for Christopher Lloyd. He's a repeat name but better to go where we can actually get something over what we were getting so far, and that was nothing.
We wait for Lloyd and he does one per person. I also got another photo with him as he had no hair this time, so he looks like he did in Who Framed Roger Rabbit. I got him to sign my Marty/Doc photo already signed by Michael J Fox.
Off to the next spot where I get a bunch of photo ops, most notably Monica Potter from Patch Adams. Off to another spot where I get a single name, Jason Ritter (son of John Ritter). Ultra nice as can be. Then off to yet another spot. Michael J Fox was there but did nothing for no one. Christian Slater was there and did nothing for no one. I had a New Girl 8x10 cast photo that I got signed by all except Zooey Deschanel (who wasn't there). I also got two actors from the upcoming Ninja Turtles movie.
Sunday photo ops part 1
Sunday photo ops part 2
Monday starts off on a sour note. We try for Alyson Hannigan who is normally ultra friendly. Sadly this spot has the dreaded garage which essentially renders this spot worthless.
At another spot Joresky spots David Boreanaz AKA Angel. I ask him for a photo op he shoots me down I try to beg and plead he just runs! I did not follow as I don't want to ruin my chances at another spot where I was expecting to see him.
At the next spot I get a few names most notably JK Simmons who plays Jameson in Sam Raimi's Spider-Man trilogy. The spot after that is when I would have a major haul. The spot was basically blown and the crowd was insane. Despite that with yelling, begging, shoving, and pushing, I did real good.
First good score is Emily Deschanel who is much friendlier than her bitch ass sister. Lots of names come in but sadly do only a little cause of the huge crowd. On exits though I had better luck. First comes the most persisting and begging I've done in 2013. A huge want of mine that costs $100 for a photo op at conventions. Namely, David Boreanaz. I wonder if he remembered me from our previous encounter, but he did photo ops but ignored me. I had to run from spot to spot as he went down the railing, begging, pleading, shouting, etc etc. At one point he even gave me a hand gesture acknowledging me but not coming over to take a photo op

But I do not quit! I still continue, and I still plead. He then comes over

I quickly snap the shot and I wasn't sure that it even came out, but thankfully it actually came out. I was so excited I just could not believe it I went on my knees held the camera up in the sky and thanked the lord for this big victory! That's $60 I won't have to spend at a con (after split and digital copy). Demi Lovato was then spotted walking away. I went up to her, asked for a photo op, and she did it. Got a huge score in Matt Dillon. Got Beth Grant from Donnie Darko, among others.
Two notable failures for this spot was Mario Lopez who would not do anything. I needed him on an 8x10. And of course Zooey Deschanel. She was leaving on a go cart and I ran to beat the go cart to where she was being dropped off. I had to climb rocks and take other short cuts. She did an auto and a photo op, but not with me. Despite my best begging, pleading, and persistence this was a total fail.
Off to the next spot where we saw Uma Thurman. This was unexpected so I sadly had nothing on me. A dealer gave me $10 to get his item done and she didn't do photo ops. I missed actor Steve Buscemi but got actress Julianna Margulies. Then came a huge A level score in Ron Howard!
Off to the next spot where I would see some huge scores. Gillian Anderson who played Scully in X-Files was doing stuff. When taking my photo op a dealer tries to get more out of her and she verbally rejects him, and that screws up my photo op

David Boreanaz
Demi Lovato
Matt Dillon
Ron Howard
Courtney Cox
Gillian Anderson
Rebecca Romijn
Monday photo ops part 1
Monday photo ops part 2
Monday photo ops part 3
Finally we get to Tuesday, and sadly my final day for this round. It started off at a spot trying to meet singer Huey Lewis but unfortunately he used another exit to leave the building. Got a photo op with Carson Kressley from Queer Eye for the Straight Guy who was ultra friendly. Joresky spotted Steve Guttenberg jogging. I ran to him and I asked him for a photo op just for the hell of it even though I had one already. He did one no problem.
At the next spot I would make up my Sean Hayes photo op and get GW Daily from Police Academy, among others. Then at the next spot I would obtain a huge mega score! I actually had no idea who that was when I got him, but when he was ID'd boy was I floored! Joss Whedon who directed Avengers and created Buffy and Angel. I also got Clark Gregg who I always missed out on in the past, among others. One Asian actress did not look at my camera but I was able to make it up later.
Then me, Joresky, and others stand in line for a free frozen banana. I was actually hungry but questioned the wisdom of standing in this line since every second standing there was possibly costing us an autograph or photo op somewhere else. However this turned out to be a wise move as Joresky spots Christian Slater walking about. We both followed him and as a result scored photo ops!

As soon as I arrive at the next spot they had railing setup and were actually enforcing them. One actor came through and took photo ops, and I defied the rules and got him just as he entered the door. Security yelled at me and I obeyed the rules from there on. I had no idea who that actor was when I got him, but turns out it's Sean Bean from Lord of the Rings and Lightning Thief. So a good move on my part. Throughout the course of the day I would go between spots. I scored two Courtney Cox autographs on an 8x10 with David Arquette and also a Masters of the Universe DVD already signed by Frank Langella. I got a Breckin Meyer (road trip) photo op. I made up the photo op with the Asian actress, and got some other photo ops. I did have some big misses in Ben Affleck and Robin Williams, but since I already have combos with them it was no big deal. This ended my trek as I left the city.
Joss Whedon
Christian Slater
Breckin Meyer
Clark Gregg
Sean Bean
Tuesday photo ops part 1
Tuesday photo ops part 2
Now to showcase some autographs
Back to the Future photo, completed
Coutney Cox, Jason Sudeikis, and New Girl cast (worthless without the Zooey)
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