We tried a spot but it already let out as traffic was against us coming into the city. We try another spot where we see Meg Ryan and John Cougar Mellencamp together. Sadly they blew us all off, although I already have Mellencamp so that one was no loss to me. We see Will Arnett but notice him too late

The morning starts off with Alyssa Milano. The last time I got her she was pregnant and had short hair. So I wanted to try for non-pregnant long haired Alyssa Milano. Despite a sizable crowd she was accommodating and I got a photo op without even having a good railing spot (as I wanted to get a bit of much needed sleep). That photo op was a nice thing to get, but I already had her so nothing extravagant Though it was cool getting two Charmed actresses within a two day span.
Next up we try for legendary book author Stephen King. Sadly no one ever saw him (not even dealers) and no one knew how he went in and out. Another bust!
At this point is was pounding heavy rain. So we go into a hotel and mooch a free breakfast

After this we decide to try for a big one, one that would have made everything worthwhile. Meagan Fox at the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles set.
We arrive and they were still shooting. We meet the actors portraying the four turtles. Jeremy Howard, Pete Ploszek, Noel Fisher and Alan Ritchson. Two were first time meets. So a good start. They were being all chatty and BS-ing with us. We even got a background that will be a setting in the movie. They also insisted we get that in the background for better photo ops! Sadly that would be the end of the good at this spot. Despite playing our cards right, security being cool with us, the movie crew being cool with us, the Turtles being cool with us, Meagan was a cold hearted bitch blowing the three of us off multiple times.
While it hurt on so many fronts, what really hurt the most about this whole ordeal was not the fact that we wasted 7h on her as failure is definitely possible doing these things, nor was it the fact that we had to forego an all but guaranteed Neil Patrick Harris spot and another shot at Stephen King as this is also the nature of the beast, it was the fact that we know multiple people who have had success in getting that Meagan Fox before us. Yet here we were basking in failure. Whilst pretty damn awesome getting the two remaining Turtles I didn't have (and all four in a background of a setting in the movie), they are likely going to be at every con come 2014.
We then go to the next spot, but it was totally blown. We leave this spot figuring nothing good can come out of it, but in hindsight that was a bad move cause some people did get some stuff. At the next spot we would see some success, most notably actress Teresa Palmer.
Kate Upton does show up but is her usual unfriendly self. When she leaves that spot I make an alliance with a known NYC dealer/ebayer. Some have called him the top dealer in NYC. Basically he took me to the next spot where Kate Upton was at. In exchange I would try to get him an auto (that he would pay me some cash for if I got it) and I have a shot at the photo op. Sounded like a fair arrangement to me. The next spot as it turned out was a strip club of sorts. Kate Upton's handler said she would sign on the way out.
While there the bouncer would get all threatening with me and the dealer, threatening to punch us while the dealer threatened to call the police. Technically we were on the sidewalk so we were not in the wrong, and we did stay away from the door of the club. After a heated exchange we were across the street but we would approach if someone was there. I got the dealer one autograph of a model that I got a photo op with at the previous spot. Then when Kate Upton came out the handler said she would take stuff in the car, but again this was a no go and Kate did nothing for no one. The dealer was not deterred and went to her hotel, where again she did nothing. I was dropped back to the original spot where my car was parked, the dealer thanked me for helping him, and this ended the trek.
While we did not leave empty handed, for the total time, work, and effort we dedicated to this whole thing, I would declare it a failure that was cushioned by the guarantees we had at Wizard World.
Alyssa Milano
Teresa Palmer
Jeremy Howard (Donatello)
Alan Ritchson (Raphael)
Noel Fisher and Pete Ploszek (Michelangelo and Leonardo)
Full list of photo ops
While on the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles set we saw lots of foot soldiers running about (ie extras). They were actually carrying guns this time! Sadly they weren't allowed to do photo ops in costume but one of them got friendly with me and requested I take a photo of him doing a backflip (doesn't show his face). I also emailed him the photo.
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