My day started early in the morning as I wanted to try for singer Linda Ronstadt. I got to the spot and I was the only one there. As soon as I arrive her car pulls up. She is frail and has Parkinson's, so she slowly comes out of the car. It was just me and my camera, I pleaded for the photo op

Two minutes later two other graphers arrive and I say they just missed her.
As the time passed we became 7-8 graphers. When she came out everyone had their items up and as expected she did nothing for no one.
I decide to go to where she was staying, and I was the only one there. Again, I plead, this time for an autograph only. But again, she declines me.
Wow, so 3 different attempts at her, 2 of which were one on one. And nothing to show for it. What a wasted morning. 

Off to the next spot where I had the train info of Chloë Grace Moretz. I wait and the witching hour is close. I then see from a distance two security guards escorting a hot girl with shades out to the side where I cannot get to her! Dammit!
Baffles a person when someone like Hugh Jackman comes out like everyone else but Chloe has to be snuck out. Shows you that there are no rules when it comes to combo hunting.

This is truly a horrible day for me
And it has nothing to do with my technique or decision making. It's simply because in combo hunting it's essentially a crap shoot no matter.

Now I'm faced with a choice: Go to the Chloe signing or do the AP the next day.
The signing was at least somewhat of a guarantee. The only thing that bothered me was the fact that they said they had "If I Stay" posters they were giving out to be signed and that anyone is free to bring an "If I Stay" book to get signed. This implies that 8x10s (or anything not related to "If I Stay") would at the very least be frowned upon. Plus I did have another non-combo related engagement I had to attend to. So if I attended the signging I would be late.
After much thought I decided to delay my engagement and try my luck at the signing in the hopes that I would not have to get up early in the morning and pay for gas/parking at the AP. After all cutting costs should be the priority here.
So I get to the signing around 4. By 4:30 the line grew twice as long, and about 30 minutes after that she finally showed up (late).
Everyone had the book as their extras, didn't see anyone with merch. But people were getting both the poster provided and the books they had signed. A good sign.
It seems quick photo ops were being allowed at first, but then were shut down. That was of no concern to me cause I had a photo op from NYCC last year. So this was an autograph only mission. And let me say, so much stress is removed when your only focus is autographs

By the time I get to them they said we were allowed ONE item to speed things up, either the poster or the alternate item (which for everyone was basically the book). So essentially if you have a book signed you're not allowed the poster. I had two 8x10s I was aiming to get signed.
The guy in front of me actually had the first item I saw that was not a book, a program of a previous show she made. She marked out for it and signed it.
Then it was my turn, the moment of truth! I arrive to the table and as I put the 8x10s down Chloe and book author Gayle Forman sign the poster. At first Chloe is hesitant to sign my hit girl photo and asks if she's allowed but signs it. The woman says ONE ITEM. Then I ask for one more again she is hesitant and looks away for approval but signs it.
I then escape with my poster AND two sign 8x10s. After being told one autograph, I got away with THREE!

And people were paying big bucks for these at NYCC 2013!!
I guess I could have stuck around for more autos or to get a photo op with author Gayle Forman, but I chose to make good on my engagement and quit while I was ahead.
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