I arrive at the spot. I see cars up front, it is looking so promising as I wait for them to exit. But a big fat black dyke looking security guard says we can't stand here. Unfortunately where we could stand we had no access.
This sadly meant I had to formulate alternate plans and improvise. I had to go to the next spot which was a restaurant. I am not crazy about bothering them at restaurants but blame that security guard. She even saw that I was heading there and she looked on as she could do nothing.

Upon entry to the restaurant I got a combo and two extras from Aaron Paul! Yes! Success and my evening is officially not a total waste. Bryan Cranston refused to sign saying he doesn't do it in this kind of situation and restaurant staff was starting to tackle me as I tried to get a Johnathan Banks photo op.
More graphers arrived, a couple because I gave the info, and a couple because they found out the spot like I did.
I sadly gave up hope that Cranston was going to sign my poster (now with 3 autographs, Aaron, Johnathan, and Dean). But I advise all other graphers that he loves photo ops and if they want to walk away with something over nothing to ask for photo ops. One guy even responded "a photo op IS nothing can't sell that".
Upon leaving Cranston was ready to ignore everyone then the grapher who said "a photo op is nothing" asked for one and he goes from ignore mode to "YES let's do pictures". I got one just for the hell of it already have that photo op a couple of times.
At this point some garphers went home and some went to a music spot for Ry Cooder and Ricky Skaggs. I hung around more cause we didn't see RJ Mitte yet. I wait some more I see him smoking. I wait for him to finish but he approaches me, signs my poster, and shakes my hand. He asks not to take pictures of him smoking I told him that I got a photo op with him at a previous event and thanked him.
While I dedicated more time than I intended and my poster is sadly Cranstonless, this was basically a success. Why couldn't that security guard bitch just let me get them at the original spot? I would have been done, the celebrities would not have been bothered at the restaurant, and my poster would have had Cranston on it since he generally signs at events

After this success, I decided to head to the music spot. I had never really heard of Ry Cooder but he is known as one of the greatest guitarists. Since I was already there why not get it. As I arrived at the spot the show had ended and he was doing a signing along with Ricky Skaggs. When I get up to them they were nice as can be signing and doing photo ops.
Full list of photo ops from that day
Johnathan Banks
Aaron Paul
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