Arrive and you appreciate not being in NYC where a spot like that would easily have about 10-15 people waiting. Just me, one other grapher, and two paps.
She is spotted and is papped. She is with a black woman who is telling everyone she is doing nothing for no one. This is sadly looking like a total bust! I then approach and politely ask for a selfie and the black woman viciously attacks me saying she's doing nothing and then Jessica goes "Oh, I can do a selfie" and I get the shot. My reaction is this face

Additionally she had no hat and no shades, which was a pleasant shock! Then the other grapher asked for an autograph and she and the black woman denied him. I then tried pleading for "just one" but got the same denials from both.
While not due to lack of trying, sucks I couldn't help out the Master who gave me the info as I am grateful to him, but I hope to make it up to him in the future.