Johnathan comes out and is as nice as can be. Happily posed and signed whatever one had. He's basically a Chiller guarantee if you see him. Wow you truly forget that some people are actually nice.
Shortly after his daughter comes out and I get a photo op with her. Nice as can be.
Jonathan Pryce
Phoebe Pryce
Next up was an event that essentially popped out of nowhere. It was probably planned for weeks yet it made the news and twitter like the day before. The full guest list was unknown even to the Masters. A few names that are known to be hard made up a partial guest list (Beyoncé and Jay Z, Jennifer Hudson, among others), but I decided to embark because you never know who shows up. Also, Stephen Speilberg and George Lucas have been known to frequent events of that nature. I still need that Speilberg photo op and could always use more Star Wars items signed by Lucas. So I packed up my items for both of them just in case.
One person that was known to be coming was Will Ferrell and my first stop would be for him flying in. I arrive at the airport and wait. We see Will he is rushing out and we had to pull teeth to get an autograph. I begged for a photo op but he goes "no it's ok" (I have a photo op but wanted an upgrade). His wife was also with him and is a nobody actress. I even asked her for a photo op but she denied me. Damn. I consider this a bust.
Will autograph
Next up I go to the main spot and wait. An elderly couple is there and a Master. It's nice and calm. We see Stephen Colbert and I get another photo op with him. Caroline Kennedy (JFK's daughter) arrives and she is known to be a bitch. I've seen her at countless events over the years and not ONCE did she ever do an autograph or photo op. I've seen Meryl Streep stop before my very eyes but never her. I ask for a photo op and she goes "not right now" then the old lady asks and talks her into it. After the old lady gets it I ask she is hesitant and goes "are you two together" but I manage to get a valid shot. Not a name I particularly care for but just for the difficulty a decent get if there name.
Will Ferrell came in but did nothing despite my begging for a photo op.
At this point random bystanders began to see what was happening and stay. At the crowd formed more people wanted to see what was going on. There must have been like 100 people

Sadly these people would prove to be quite the "baby killers" so to speak as they ruined all my photo ops. Saw Samuel L Jackson arrive with Magic Johnson. I asked Samuel he declined. Amy Adams comes I ask her for a photo op she goes "sure" and keeps walking. I also needed Ellen Degeneres but even she declined with all these people. This is so fucking unfair! We were a handful of people now over 100! To these people they are just happy gawking and snapping. To me photo ops mean the world and they took these photo ops away from me! It is so damn painful I cannot believe what just happened! It was heart crushing and quite the "miscarage" so to speak (it never ceases to amaze me how well that analogy fits). Between Sam, Amy, and Ellen I likely would have had 2 of those 3 if not for the mess. Even more painful I even had an item for Sam Jackson because I had a Star Wars Phantom Manace item in case of George Lucas.
Despite the mess I snagged some "get if there" names in Vernon Jordan, David Axelrod, Robin Roberts. Nothing I care about. Then I see George Lucas from a distance and get my Star Wars laserdisc out and scream for an autograph. He is hesitant but signs.
More people arrive like Sarah Jessica Parker, Gabrielle Union, Connie Britton, among others. Since it seems to have died down I gave up and went to move my car from one free spot to another to prepare for exits.
The good news is the crowd left for exits. Just me, elderly couple, a Master, one grapher and his girl, and a group of three 20 year old girls.
The bad news is the spot has like 5 exits and anyone of them could be failure or success.
I asked the girls who they were waiting for they said Beyonce. One girl said she knows she won't stop but "just being in her presence" would be good. In an effort to get them to leave I said truthfully we didn't even see her go in so she likely drove in. Again she repeats "just being in her presence".
We see Sarah Jessica Parker who walked from one exit to her car which was parked by the exit we were waiting it. I get a photo op with her and Matthew Broderick. Sadly had them so this did nothing for me. Tyler Perry walks out with beefed up security and does nothing. Had him but an upgrade would have been cool. Then George Lucas comes out and I get two Star Wars items to get signed he goes "just one" and signs my laserdisc. He signed and did photos with others but when I tried for a selfie he ignored me. Not a big deal as I got a shot, hence why I put autographs as the priority. Lucas then crossed the street to go to his car. Would have definitely gone crazy to get that photo op if I didn't have it.
Aloe Blacc walks out get a photo op. Then we see Richard Branson! That's a name I actually wouldn't mind a photo op with as he's a good celebrity billionaire name. He was nice as can be and I got a combo. I now have Vince McMahon, Ted Turner, Donald Trump, and Richard Branson. Hope to get Bill Gates and Warren Buffet one day to "complete" that list.
At this point we noticed people coming out of here dwindling. The elderly couple said they were leaving. One grapher sends his girl to the other door to see who comes out of there cause we see cars pull up to said door. We also got word that Magic Johnson left through that door. This was heart crushing because that meant Sam Jackson also left.
Apparently Stephen Colbert left through the other door as well. At this point I decide to station myself there. I arrive at that door and see the elderly couple who pulled a sneak! Apparently John Stewart also left and they missed JJ Abrams who entered a vehicle. Thankfully I had those names. Then the grapher went off on his girl cause she didn't know who JJ Abrams was. She's like "I just don't know who JJ Abrams is". All the rest of the people waiting decided to move to this door as it seemed to be hopping. Actor/rapper Common comes out but I had him so didn't bother.
At the new spot I first get basketball player Alonzo Mourning. He goes it's 2:30am but stops anyway. Then Usher comes out and we all get photo ops and combos. Those 20 year old girls amaze me. They go crazy over a name like Usher but stay seated when George Lucas is doing combos

Sadly, who knows how many people left from that door while we were still at the original one. Furthermore, people could have left from the original door after we moved. There really is no way to know what can yield success and failure in this horrid jobby. Case in point in the original door George Lucas walked out and crossed the street. While in the second door Magic Johnson and Samuel L Jackson left.
Sadly I didn't leave the evening too happy as I didn't get the 3 main people I wanted (Ellen, Amy, Sam). But I got Richard Branson, I got some George Lucas autographs on my Star Wars laserdiscs, and I got Usher which is a good name to appease the combo Gods, plus some bonuses. So I can't call the evening a bust.
Full list of photo ops
Richard Branson
Richard Bradson autographs
Star Wars laserdiscs
George Lucas signs my laserdisc going in, which made media headlines!
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