So I drive up with

His price was not all that great. So I bought a photo op only. I then made a prayer to the mooching Gods in order to land me an autograph. Go up to Phil he was nice as can be, ribbing, BS-ing, and joking around. Thankfully my prayers were answered and I scored the autograph. However, he insisted on personalizing it saying "no ebay". WTF? This is an autograph I supposedly paid for and he wants to personalize citing ebay?

To make matters more heart crushing, some Masters tried for him at the airport last night and not only got 20-25 things signed each, but he didn't ask for any personalization! Wow shows you that there are no rules when it comes to this. Granted I can't complain as I mooched the auto, but if I paid I would have been pissed. It wasn't just me as he was doing this for everyone at the con. Truly amazing. Pay fuck money and get forced personalization. Stalk at airport and get what you want for free.
Next up I mostly teamed with

Next got Charles Cyphers, Adrienne Barbeau, Tom Atkins, and Steve Dash. Dash was shockingly doing free photo ops! Then got Lisa Wilcox of NOES fame. I then piggy backed with Greg and got a better Don shot.
Next up Curtis Armstrong. I found someone who wanted only the auto and agreed to split the combo price with me. Now here is where people's stupidity kicks in. He was actually explaining the situation to the handler and Curtis to see if this was "allowed"

I then mooched George Wilbur and ended MM with Stephen Geoffreys and Tuesday Knight photo ops.
Phil Anselmo
Don Gibb
Curtis Armstrong
Full list of photo ops
Mooched autograph
After MM I made an on the spot decision. I wanted to get Martin Landau at Chiller but he is 88 and Kenny Baker had just died while I was at the con. So I decided I would do Steel City Con to get Martin and also Angie Dickinson. So after MM I chilled with Joresky at a Buffet, dropped Joresky to Baltimore so he can try for rap names, and went to a party. After the party I started my drive to Pittsburgh, slept at a rest stop, then finished my drive.
Arrive at Pittsburgh and got in the con. The two names I wanted were not at their table. Thankfully they were both doing table ops so I didn't have to wait for their pro ops. I could get them and leave. I saw Jeremy London for only $10 a photo op. Since I never got him before I did. Then the two names I wanted arrived and I lined up for Martin. Nice as can be. Then Angie who insisted on standing for proper photo ops. Something rather humerous she had some kind of magazine with Spiderman on the cover and wanted to give it to someone she thought was dressed as Spiderman. But he was in fact dressed as Deadpool. When she realized it wasn't Spidey she didn't give him the mag. I then informed her that the character's name is Deadpool and she repeated it to make sure she got it. HCIT.
With that, I was done and I left Pittsburgh.
Jeremy London
Martin Landau
Angie Dickinson
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