So me and

As the signing started, the fist PUNCH would ensue. Apparently due to the large number of people attending he doesn't want to so photo ops and extras. I attached myself to a group that former markedout members Lucas and Michelle seemingly started to cause a stink on the false advertising. A woman says she will help. We go in, when it's my turn I go for the photo op first. The woman snaps a posed shot! It's not the best shot but it's valid and it's in focus

Wow that signing which was supposed to be stress free sure was a struggle and tainted by so many punches, but at least two valid photo ops from older actors plus Mr Feeny extras definitely puts me on the plus side.
Next up was a spot for actor Lucas Hedges. I wouldn't consider myself a big fan of his but it was a close to where I was and practically a guarantee. He is young so he probably will likely end up being big or at least significant. Also there was Stefania LaVie Owen from Krampus. When we arrive Joresky spots Andy Buckley from Jurassic World. Hey for a random I'll take it. Kevin Spacey and Ansel Elgort went to a car real quick, but at least I have them both. Got everyone at that spot plus a couple of other randoms. Lucas himself was cool and signed by photos. So this spot was a success. We then spot a car that likely had a celeb. We follow that car to a restaurant and Jake Gyllenhaal comes out. But he had a beard and since I have a beard shot with him I didn't pursue.
This ended our evening, or so we thought. It was late and while feasting on $1 pizza slices Joresky looks on FB and apparently Danny DeVito and Mark Ruffalo are still at their spots! We go there and wait. Mark Ruffalo comes out and I get an updated photo op and have him sign my Bruce Banner 8x10. Yes Bruce, not the CGI Hulk. It is more correct for him to sign Bruce Banner stuff since Hulk is basically a CGI creature. Then Danny comes out. Since he had a hat and facial hair my priority was the autograph as the photo op would be a downgrade. I had a dark Ruthless People cover I asked him to switch pens which he did. Wouldn't do more than one though.
After an overall successful evening I found my free parking spot and slept.
William Daniels
Bonnie Bartlett
Full list of photo ops
Woke up and with that cold I chose to limit my endeavors to spots where the times are more or less known (and indoors whenever possible)
First spot is a spot where my main goal is Carl Weathers from Rocky and the first Predator movie starring Arnold. It is incredible how even someone like Carl Weathers draws so many people in the freezing NYC cold. Whereas in other cities you can go for A listers and there would be a handful of people if that. While waiting at that spot I get photo op with actors Freddie Stroma (Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1&2) and Josh Bowman. Then Carl comes in wearing shades and does nothing for no one. Me and a semi master happen to have tickets to go inside, so we both decide to go inside and try our luck there. When inside I also see a Master that I rarely ever see. But the few times I see him I'm always successful. So that gave me some hope. In conversing with him we talked about Chiller and he told me that Chad Channing will want to take a photo op with him after he puts down Bleach albums he got signed by Kurt Cobain.
Event progressed and I'm sitting down miserable wondering if anything will happen. Also at the same event is actor Philip Winchester who I could use a better shot with.
After the event concluded both of them did photo ops with EVERYONE!

After a nice nap I readied myself for the next spot which was indoors. In this cold lots of combo hunters chose this spot including a Master and his minion. My main goals here are Abigail Breslin and a clean shaven upgrade with Alex Wolff. Sadly was never able to get Abigail as a child which sucks since it would have been cool to have her as a child and adult. First photo op is a random in AnnaSophia Robb but I had her. Then got Isabelle Fuhrman and Abigail Breslin. Abigail was taking care of people but would try to run away at every chance. I managed to get the combo plus extra. Got my Alex Wolff upgrade plus some more names. When Matthew Broderick came out he said two per person. I got my 8x10 signed and he went off on combo hunters including Master/minion on getting all the pop funkos signed saying this is a show and to stop bringing these, but he signed them anyway. I have so many photo ops with him I didn't need another. Ended this spot with yet another photo op with Wallace Shawn. Wish I had items for him to sign.
Ventured into the freezing cold. I decided I would give Kate Walsh a shot. Also got Jeremy Shamos. Kate Walsh comes out and is as nice as can be. I then got the photo op. Kate Walsh comes out and is as nice as can be. Got the photo op.
I then secure a railing spot for someone I am cursed with photo op wise, Cate Blanchett. While waiting I see Samuel L Jackson come out. I could have chased him down but had no reason to put that effort for a hat and facial hair photo op. Waited and she finally came out. Across from me I saw her do a photo op, even doing a repeat shot with the same person. That was truly pain defined. When she got to me I tried begging but she goes "I'm just signing these" at that point I needed to cut my losses and asked for the autograph. The Cate curse continues, sadly.
I then drove to Queens for the Big Event. Met up with Vanessa the Jersey Shore Stalker and we both crashed in my car.
Abigail Breslin
Philip Winchester and Carl Weathers
Carl Weathers
Full list of photo ops
Behind the scenes
Sitting down miserable not knowing if Carl Weathers would do photo op
A combo hunter gets a Carl Weathers car shot
Matthew Broderick signing Funkos
Freezing in the cold waiting for Cate Blanchett
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