In mid September Selena Gomez was doing a promotional appearance in NYC. Since I've failed on her in the past, I decided to go to NYC to try for her and other stuff. Most people would probably wonder why I care for such a name and try to accuse me of pokemoning but that is not the case. While it is true I could care less about the stuff she is most famous for, the main reason I wanted her is because of her voice acting role in Hotel Transylvania, which I thoroughly enjoyed.
Arrive in NYC the evening before, try some random spots, but see nothing sadly. I drive past the Selena Gomez event at about 2am and already a line has formed. At this point I decide even a guaranteed Selena is not worth losing sleep and dedicating 12h for. So I secure my free parking spot, take a nap, and wake up in the morning to try for Julianne Moore.
Arrive at the spot and I receive word that I can in fact still make the Selena line. But since Julianne said she would stop leaving and is a much bigger want than Selena I decided to stay here for now. Sure enough when she leaves she does combos for all. I get a combo and extra. Made a good decision! At this point I rush to the Selena line and get a wristband. Now I had a choice between a guaranteed Selena and a shot at Kirsten Dunst, a much bigger want. I decided to stay for the guarantee. This was a good decision cause Dunst did nothing for no one. Something humorous, when I was close to meeting Selena there was a woman carrying a box of tissues. I asked her if this was for crying fans and she confirmed that it was. And something baffling is the plethora of NYC combo hunters that have multiple photos with Selena standing in this line. It was miserable enough for me I cannot imagine why anyone would put themselves through such pain and suffering when you already have a perfect shot. If let's say this was (say) Miley Cyrus I would not have been caught dead in this line.
I go up to Selena and she hugged me and told me hello. We took the photo op. While they gave you a jpeg it is sadly and crushingly a low rez jpeg. When I got home I called and emailed the photo company who was hired for this and they said they were not at "liberty" to release the high rez shots and even tried to tell me that the shots they released were high rez

I wanted to head to another spot where actors were appearing but rain kicked in so I went to a random spot with an awning. Sadly all I got were pokemon music names, namely band members of Rage Against the Machine and Cypress Hill.
My next stop is Angelina Jolie. Go inside and get up to her, ask her for a photo op, she declines saying she has to go in the room. And despite that 10 minutes pass and she is still standing there. More NYC combo hunters arrive, many of which have multiple shots with her. They manage to succeed in scoring shots and when I ask I of course get denied (along with others). She would eventually sneak out and do no photo ops outside (but she signed a few). While all this was happening I could have gotten Kristen Dunst who did photo ops at another spot. It was a double PUNCH PUNCH as I not only saw people who had multiple Angelina shots get it right in front of me, but I missed a possible once in a lifetime shot at Dunst (who is not known to be friendly). BAD decision.
Feeling demoralized at this point I left the city, which was in itself a probably bad decision because the next day Angelina did photo ops at a spot (though not everyone got it, most did).
Julianne Moore
Selena Gomez
Full list of NYC photo ops
Julianne Moore autographs
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