First score is cenobite Nicholas Vince, a want of mine. I'm already on the board. Then get Simon Bamford who I have then Andrew Divoff AKA The Wishmaster, another want of mine. Photo op wise the evening ended with the Soska Sisters who even groped and hugged me when doing the dual op. Cenobite Barbie Wilde declined a photo op that evening
Slept in the car and woke up the next day as I await

Michael Biehn
Arrive at TF con, the two main wants of mine were at a panel. First get a free photo op with writer Aaron Archer. The main wants then return from the panel. I elected for the full combo from Jack Angel, got a free photo op with comic book writer James Roberts, then my other big want here, Neil Ross from GI Joe and Transformers, then finally free photo op with voice actor David Kaye who was in the more modern stuff. What baffled most is how James Roberts had a bigger line than any of the voice actors.
Everyone lines up for James Roberts
Browsed a bit then finally dropped Greg at the train station so he can head home.
Full list of photo ops
In mid October it was time for the CSA sports Show. First I go there Saturday. I get the kids from The Sandlot and a group shot with the Mighty Ducks kids. Since I got Brandon Adams at NJ Horror I chose to stand in between the two I didn't have. Now there was Joe Montana, a football name so huge that even I know who he is. I even remember he had video games for SNES and Sega Genesis. Without going into details I had an opportunity to get the shot for 1/3 of the cost. Since I do like to have a well rounded collection combined with the fact that I had a chance to get it at a relatively low price, I chose to make an exception to my "never pay for sports names unless they were in movies, TV, or wrestling" rule. So I got the shot with Joe Montana.
Now on to a football name that actually is a want of mine, namely Dick Butkus who was in My Two Dads, a show I used to watch and already have photos with cast members. I go to the airport for him and I'm the only one there. Sadly I never see him. He must have gone out one door while I was watching another (the drawbacks of being the only one there). So I go to the hotel and I actually see him but by the time I realize it was him he jumped in the car and went out to dinner. I then waited for him to return.
While waiting one guy recognized me from the MJ Fox incident last year. He said he wanted my perspective on how I allegedly pushed his wife. I once again had to explain that no one was pushed and it didn't even involve his wife. So I explained the full story on how it happened. Some people were even saying they saw video footage of it, but I said there was never video footage. Multiple people insisted video existed, and I said it was false memories. I then said I would give 1K to anyone who would pull up the video but if the video can't be pulled up I get paid $1. Long story short I was $1 richer.
Dick Butkus finally returns and I ask for a selfie but he shrugs me off. However, my time here was not a waste because I met somebody who had two mags for Dick to sign the next day. He agreed to my offer to get one of his items done so I could get the table op.
Go there on Sunday. What sucks about this show is pro ops are always before table ops, so you essentially take a risk although most people do table ops. It is time for the Butkus autograph line and I don't see photo ops for a while, but shockingly no one was asking. I guess in sports most don't care about photo ops. I breathed a sigh of relief when I saw him do a table op. The person in front of me got a table op then I got one next. He seemed slightly annoyed to do two photos in a row but did it no issue. I gave the guy $20 for allowing me to get his item done. Pretty good deal considering his pro op was $100 (as was his auto).
Joe Montana
Dick Butkus
Full list of photo ops
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