Not even 2 weeks since my last endeavor, I set out for a whole host of meets with Joresky

Day 1
The first day starts of early at a spot. Got a bunch of names most notably Josh Lucas, a want of mine. Here's a good idea of how inconsiderate people can be. I was taking my photo op and some bitch jumps in and takes a selfie with her self phone ruining my shot

Another notable was Katherine Heigl but I already had her so that wasn't a score.
We saw Tony Bennett randomly as he lives not too far from the spot. He didn't too much in terms of photo ops. I didn't mind cause I had him but Joresky was devastated as he staid "no pictures" cause he doesn't have him. I got him to sign photo paper though.
Then it was off to the next spot where the year prior I scored big. I was hoping to replicate my success. And replicate I did!
Tons of names were racked, including actors from the Gotham TV Show including Jada Pinkett Smith. Improved my photo op with Nicole Baharie. Upgraded my photo with David Boreanaz by getting him without shades! Had to yell and scream to get him to pose with me. But him leaving prevented me from getting Ben McKenzie who stars as Commissioner Gordon in Gotham! His go cart blocked Ben from coming to where I was

After the sweeping success at this spot, it was off to the next spot where a bunch of names were expected. Jim Parsons, Mark Ruffalo, Taylor Kitsch, Matt Bomer and Julia Roberts. Upon arriving at the spot I found out Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie were there. Also turns out Julia Roberts actually did 2 or 3 photo ops going inside! Although they were all females.
The spot had two exits, I try to get Brad and Angelina but failed. And I was on the front side when Julia Roberts actually came out the back and signed a few autographs

Went on to the next spot where the crowd was a lot better, but sadly everyone is inside when I get there.
Jim Parsons comes out and does nothing for no one. We see Lea Michele and Liv Tyler they do some photo ops sadly none with me. Mark Ruffalo comes out and I wasn't able to score him but thankfully I got a photo op with him already but I needed an auto. Matt Bomer comes out but didn't need him. I get Dylan McDermott, upgrades with Taylor Kitsch and director Peter Berg, among other things. Last photo op for the evening was Anthony Edwards but sadly photo came out blurry. Tried begging for a retake but to no avail. We never saw Brad or Angelina come out as they left through the side. Julia Roberts came out but nothing for no one.
Lots of ups and down for the day, and as we were heading back to the car we spot bags and bags of sealed candy outside a CVS. We load up a garbage bag Santa Clause style, and take our new found treats (garbage bags had nothing but sealed unexpired candy in it).
Full list of Day 1 photo ops part 1
Full list of Day 1 photo ops part 2
Full list of Day 1 photo ops part 3
Full list of Day 1 photo ops part 4
Sampling of photo ops:
David Boreanaz AKA Angel
Josh Lucas (Hulk, Poseidon, among others)
Ben McKenzie (Jim Gordon in the Gotham TV show)
David Mazouz (Bruce Wayne/future Batman in the Gotham TV Show)
Robin Taylor (Oswald Cobblepot/future Penguin in the Gotham TV show)
Zooey Deschanel (Elf, Yes Man, among others)
Taylor Kitsch (Gambit in X-Men Origins: Wolverine)
Photos of the bags of candy: 1 2 3
Day 2
This day starts off at a spot were Will Smith did combos the day before. I was hoping to see him but sadly did not. I did see Camren Bicondova who plays Selina Kyle/Future Catwoman in the Gotham TV show. At the spot where I scored the others the day before she did nothing for no one. Her mother and grandmother were happy with the fame and asked me to tag her in the photo op. I also saw markedout's Woodmo and got other photo ops. After this went by one stop and got a Jason Beghe photo op, then off to another spot where I see Hayley Atwell from the Captain America movie but she does nothing. Then I score Juliette Lewis as she is walking. On to another spot and I score a couple more names, and I stand at spot for Lady Gaga!
The crowd was ginormous but I manage to scream for her and she actually posed with me!!

Then I go on a separate endeavor. First spot I score a Marisa Tomei combo on a program (though I had a photo op from before so this isn't new), I score a Toni Colette photo op, and a photo op and two autographs with Michael C Hall AKA Dexter. Off to the next spot where I hope to upgrade my Michelle Williams shades photo op and also complete my combo with both her and Alan Cummings. Alan comes out and signs my magazine and program. And I got Michelle Williams to sign the program, an 8x10 of her, and an Oz the Great and Powerful 8x10 already signed by James Franco! Additionally, I got the last of the perfects shots with her, no shades AND no hat.
Back to the previous spot where I score Kyra Sedgwick and a couple of others. I stepped away for a second and Steve Carell did photo ops! I went to get one but by then he stopped doing them and rejected me. I have a photo op with him from before but this would have been a nice upgrade to what I have. Not a huge deal but still a stupid miss.
The evening ended on a sour note. We went to yet another spot to see John Cho and Karen Gillian from Guardians of the Galaxy. It was late, we were tiered, and it was cold, we left and 3 minutes later they did photo ops with everyone

Though for me this epic miss would end up helping me in the long run, more on that later.
Full list of Day 2 photo ops part 1
Full list of Day 2 photo ops part 2
Sampling of photo ops:
Lady Gaga
Camren Bicondova (Selina Kyle/future Catwoman in the Gotham TV show)
Juliette Lewis (Natural Born Killers)
Michael C Hall AKA Dexter
Michelle Williams (Oz the Great and Powerful)
Day 3
This day starts off on a stupid blunder. I thought it was Adam Sandler at an early morning spot, when I arrived I find out it was Jim Parsons

Next spot where we hope to make up Karen Gillian and John Cho. We see Hayley Atwell going for a jog but declines photo ops saying on the way back. I get another Juliette Lewis photo op it's clearer than my shot from the day before but she has shades on. We finally see John Cho but he has a hat and shades. Me and Joresky got photo ops while two girls there did not. Wow it's a rarity that a couple of guys score a photo op while girls do not. Brad Paisley shows up but I have so many photo ops with him I simply shook his hand and told him so. He's like "good seeing you again". Then his wife Kimberly Williams shows up! Since I missed her a couple of weeks ago, this was AWESOME for me! Had I not missed John Cho and Karen Gillian the day before I would not have been waiting here. We never did see Karen but we knew we would have another chance at her because she would be at Wizard World Philadelphia.
Off to the next spot where I get Cee Lo Green, Rhona Mitra, among others I tried again for Lady Gaga to get her without a hat, but this time instead of posing for me she waves at me and goes away. I wonder if she remembered me from the day before.
We go off to the next spot, but sadly we arrive late and we do not have the prime spots at the railing. Halle Berry signs a few autographs on both sides and does a couple of photo ops on the side opposite where I was. Morgan Freeman does nothing for no one. I had to very aggressively fight for the photo ops I did get. Will Arnett, Sharon Osbourne, and Chris O Donnel are some of my scores. Another notable miss of mine was Robert Patrick AKA T-1000.
Sadly, we make a fatal mistake after entries are done. Rather than wait for exits we rush to the next spot. Had we stayed we probably could have scored some people on exits

While all these people were at the next spot we get a tip that Adam Sandler just went out with friends and should be due back at his hotel! We decide to invest our time and effort to Adam Sandler.
We wait and we find out that many of the people did combos, INCLUDING MORGAN FREEMAN WHO NEVER DOES STUFF

I guess hindsight is 20/20 we should have stayed there. But we didn't want to miss Adam Sandler who is normally nice.
While waiting for Adam we finally get Hayley Atwell and we also see Martin Short (though I had him). Finally Adam Sandler arrives and I ask for a photo op and he says "go" and poses with us and I get two autographs! YES!
We quickly hear to the last spot for the evening where I see Stephen Amell but sadly he does nothing for no one. The evening ends with a Daniel Gillies photo op.
Full list of Day 3 photo ops part 1
Full list of Day 3 photo ops part 2
Sampling of photo ops:
Day 4
This was my final planned day before calling it quits. And while Joresky chose to sleep and rest up his body, I decided to be up early. When heading to the spot I debated if I should just walk or pay for a train, I paid the $2.50. This was a fantastic decision because 2 minutes after I arrived I scored a combo with Grant Gustin AKA The Flash! The day was off to a good start right there. Sacrificed sleep and sacrificed $2.50, but Grant would do nothing else for no one for the rest of the day. So it was worth it.
Katie Cassidy and Stephen Amell would do nothing for no one throughout, but I got some decent scores in Colton Haynes, Joseph Morgan, Misha Collins, Paul Blackthorne, John Barrowman, among others. This spot would also be the first time I see
since forging a truce with him and the first time I see my old friend Dave since he got cured of cancer a second time.

Despite this, I choose to head over to another spot to try for more names. The setup seemed bad cause we were across the street but a lot of celebrities came over. One notable name I'm happy I got was William Mosley from Chronicles of Narnia. I had just gotten Will Poulter a couple of weeks ago, and I got Skandar Keynes and Georgie Henley a while back. Only missing Anna Popplewel. Piper Perabo came over but since I had her I didn't bother to fight the crowd. After a few more photo ops I stop somewhere to charge my phone and camera. Then I head back to the spot for Hayden Christenson. As I rush there Joresky decides to go for $1 pizza and BAM I score Hayden! Almost didn't get it. As I arrived he was signing then was about to go till I pleaded for the photo op! Joresky did get him the next day but he was wearing a cap.
I also got Josh Helman (Young Striker in X Men Days of Future Past), among others.
My time was coming to an end, I tried a couple of more spots but to no avail. I could have waited for Amell to come back, but I correctly guessed he wouldn't stop. Since there was nothing else left for me to get that was still in the city, I decided to leave.
Sampling of photo ops:
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