NOTE: If you haven't already please see the Wizard World report.

So we decide to try for Michelle Williams. I already got a perfect shot and some autos, so this would just be more autos for me. We arrive and she hadn't come out yet. A good start. When she did come out she sadly refused to sign any merch that wasn't event programs
So a bad start to the evening. We then went to another spot in the hopes of seeing Dave Chappelle. I don't really care for him so it was more for Joresky. We arrive there and we meet up with member heelorton. As nice as it was to meet heelorton and his buddy, this spot is sadly a dud celeb wise. So we all go to another spot but again we see nothing. The evening is a bust and we decide to sleep in the hopes of a better day ahead of us.

Now here is where I needed to make a decision. I had a spot outside of NYC for James Earl Jones, one of the last photo ops I don't have from the main cast of the original Star Wars trilogy. But Joresky had potential info for Ben Savage. It was 50/50 at best if the Ben info would pan out, but 100% we'd get the combo if we did see him. On the other hand James Earl Jones is always iffy if you see him. So at best I had a 50% shot if I saw him. After some thought I decided to stay in NYC with Joresky and hope for Ben Savage.
First spot we try is an attempt at Kenneth Branagh. Unfortunately the venue is every combo hunter's nightmare with 5 ways to go in and out of the building. So me and Joresky stand where we can see 3 of the doors. Unfortunately we see no signs of Kenneth.
The day would become worse. Joresky's info for Ben Savage collapsed under its own weight
so that was completely done.

At this point, we were in drunk and salvage mode. I pick up some $1 pizza slices then head to a spot for Daniel Radcliffe and secure our spots on the railing. At least this is something we know is gettable. Since I have a good photo op this would be an autograph only mission. Time passes and the witching hour arrives. I had 3 main items I needed done. Two 8x10s and a figure. Seems he was ignoring my photos as he passed by them by 2-3 times. Then I yelled for the figure and he did that and then said I just had the photos and he did both 

Sadly, even this sweeping victory would end up being a punch in the face since we found out later people did end up getting Kenneth Branagh at the venue and this was his last night. Hindsight is 20/20 we should have gone for Kenneth, but we chose to go for the known vs the unknown. Wow, the day just keeps getting worse.
On to another spot for possible celebs, but it looks dead. No celebrities, no paps, no other combo hunters, nothing.
Now Joresky got a tip from
for William Defoe. I already had him so that did nothing for me, BUT a couple of hours after Defoe was a spot for Michael Shannon. And this spot was almost across the street from the Defoe spot. I already had Michael Shannon but had an item for him to sign and wanted to improve my photo op. So while this wouldn't redeem the bad times post Wizard World, it would at least be a decent cushion of fall back upon.

We arrive at the Defoe spot, figuring I'd get another photo op plus get a photo op with Russian dancer Mikhail Baryshnikov.
Things became worse from here. The Defoe event was running late and would conflict with the Shannon event. Well, I need Shannon more than Defoe, so I went to wait there and figured Joresky could call me. While waiting he called me and by the time I got there I sadly missed my chance for a first time photo op in Baryshnikov. I go back to the Shannon spot then get a another call from Joresky. Apparently actor Steve Buscemi, someone who I failed to get on a couple of occasions, just came out the spot
With this info I rush like a rocket. While running I was losing breath but not stopping. I get there and I ask for a photo op and HE DOES IT! This is an upper tier celeb that normally always says no to photo ops. And I just got it. With that, my reaction was this face
because right there and then this meant that all the botches and all the pain and agony throughout the past couple of days was no longer in vain. Back to the Shannon spot and sadly I not only did not see him but I also missed Defoe (though again didn't really need Defoe).
Though the last stage for the evening was filled with botches and misses, I got a name better than any name I was expecting to get. A damn good name in Steve Buscemi. I thank the combo Gods for this victory! When driving back a Master combo hunter even told us via text that he normally doesn't do photo ops. I guess indirectly I actually have none other than my nemesis
to thank for this cause had he not told Joresky about Defoe I would not have been there to begin with. While it's true we had the Shannon info I would not have stayed so late just for that. Talk about the Butterfly effect working in full here. Wow just wow.
After this I drop Joresky home and get some much needed rest. Then I woke up and left Joresky's place. As I was driving back home I talk to a pap who told me earlier he was going to try to stake out Katy Perry. I call him up he said he failed to see any signs of her. Then he told me that James Earl Jones was still at his hotel. I've failed multiple times to get a JEJ photo op. In fact, I've seen him like 5 times and only got one single autograph to show for it. But I figured a shot at JEJ was worth the 30 minute detour. So I arrive at the spot and park illegally. I scout out the cars and see one that could be his. Not 5 minutes after I arrive the car pulls up and I cross the street. I see a dark skinned old man walk with a cane. Sure enough I'm not that lucky and see the celeb after only 5 minutes of waiting? Dazed and confused I quickly look up his photo on my phone to make sure I'm not insane and YES it's him. I approach with no merch in hand and ask for the photo op and he agrees to it
when I get ready to selfie it he goes "oh one of those pictures" and BAM I SCORED THE PHOTO OP! 
After this I rush to my car and grab a Darth Vader photo already signed by David Prowse and go up to his car, but from then on he ignored my request! That's fine with me cause I got the main thing here.
I honestly did not believe that this photo op just happened! Defeat after defeat and out of the blue within a 12 hour period I score not one but TWO upper tier celebs that are difficult to impossible to obtain photo op wise! I guess the combo Gods must have really pitied me! Those two names trumped any other names I was hoping to get!
And I must say, success after 5 minutes was sure a nice change of pace from the relatively routine failure after 4-8 hours. Completing my combo with the voice of THE most iconic villain in cinematic history who uttered the iconic "I am your father" phrase was surreal to say the least.
With this score, out of all the major names from the original Star Wars trilogy that are still alive, I am now missing a photo op from only one name: Frank Oz who voiced Yoda.
Additionally, I now have a photo op with every single person who portrayed Anakin Skywalker/Darth Vader
David Prowse
James Earl Jones
Jake Lloyd
Hayden Christensen
Now to showcase the scores:
Steve Buscemi (Armageddon, 28 Days, Con Air, Monsters Inc, among many others)
I AM YOUR FATHER! James Earl Jones (he voiced Darth Vader in the original Star Wars trilogy and also at the end of Revenge of the Sith)
Daniel Radcliffe autographs

Though the last stage for the evening was filled with botches and misses, I got a name better than any name I was expecting to get. A damn good name in Steve Buscemi. I thank the combo Gods for this victory! When driving back a Master combo hunter even told us via text that he normally doesn't do photo ops. I guess indirectly I actually have none other than my nemesis

After this I drop Joresky home and get some much needed rest. Then I woke up and left Joresky's place. As I was driving back home I talk to a pap who told me earlier he was going to try to stake out Katy Perry. I call him up he said he failed to see any signs of her. Then he told me that James Earl Jones was still at his hotel. I've failed multiple times to get a JEJ photo op. In fact, I've seen him like 5 times and only got one single autograph to show for it. But I figured a shot at JEJ was worth the 30 minute detour. So I arrive at the spot and park illegally. I scout out the cars and see one that could be his. Not 5 minutes after I arrive the car pulls up and I cross the street. I see a dark skinned old man walk with a cane. Sure enough I'm not that lucky and see the celeb after only 5 minutes of waiting? Dazed and confused I quickly look up his photo on my phone to make sure I'm not insane and YES it's him. I approach with no merch in hand and ask for the photo op and he agrees to it

After this I rush to my car and grab a Darth Vader photo already signed by David Prowse and go up to his car, but from then on he ignored my request! That's fine with me cause I got the main thing here.
I honestly did not believe that this photo op just happened! Defeat after defeat and out of the blue within a 12 hour period I score not one but TWO upper tier celebs that are difficult to impossible to obtain photo op wise! I guess the combo Gods must have really pitied me! Those two names trumped any other names I was hoping to get!
And I must say, success after 5 minutes was sure a nice change of pace from the relatively routine failure after 4-8 hours. Completing my combo with the voice of THE most iconic villain in cinematic history who uttered the iconic "I am your father" phrase was surreal to say the least.
With this score, out of all the major names from the original Star Wars trilogy that are still alive, I am now missing a photo op from only one name: Frank Oz who voiced Yoda.
Additionally, I now have a photo op with every single person who portrayed Anakin Skywalker/Darth Vader
David Prowse
James Earl Jones
Jake Lloyd
Hayden Christensen
Now to showcase the scores:
Steve Buscemi (Armageddon, 28 Days, Con Air, Monsters Inc, among many others)
I AM YOUR FATHER! James Earl Jones (he voiced Darth Vader in the original Star Wars trilogy and also at the end of Revenge of the Sith)
Daniel Radcliffe autographs
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