The first event was an in writing meet and greet. So it made sense to go there. I arrive, find a free parking spot about 7 blocks away, walk to the event, and line up. We are taken inside and right there and then things start to go sour. There are TWO seats instead of three! I asked and apparently Regina would be "late" which would turn out to be code for "no show". This sadly meant I would have to go to the second event regardless.
We start and they say someone will take your photo op. Seconds pass and now you can take selfies if you're quick. More seconds pass and now photo ops are not allowed! This all happened within a 1 minute time span

It is my turn, I get Ice Cube to sign an 8x10 plus the poster they provided. Then I ask for a selfie he goes "if you can get it" then on to Cedric who signs the poster and poses for a selfie as well.
The photo ops, whilst valid, where not very pleasing to look at. Ice cube seemed like a downgrade even though he was wearing no hat. Plus no way I could call it a day as I still didn't have Regina. So I stuck around and hopped to the end of the line for another shot at photo ops. But at that point they were being REALLY strict on photo ops. I did however get another poster signed.
I then waited outside and both actors came in the barbershop bus (where they were offering free haircuts). There was a crowd so any shots would be tough, but as they went to their cars I somehow grabbed selfies that look much better than the table shots.
Killed some time and then headed to the spot for the next event. It was a big ass mall where I've never ever been. But I commandeered an almost free parking spot and went. I scouted it out and eventually saw a old timer combo hunter. I wouldn't call him a "Master" but he has been doing it since the 1940s so he's not without experience. He told me that he's done many events here and 90% of the time this is the door they come in from. Perfect so now I was a little more at ease.
We wait and the cars pull up at that very door. I see both Cedric and Ice Cube enter and I'm looking for Regina. I finally see her and ask for a photo op and she is nice as can be. Signed and did the photo op. Sadly she signed on a dark spot on the two posters but still valid (to be specific she signed on Ice Cube's crotch).
I waited for exits cause I heard Common might have slipped inside as I was looking for Regina (already had him but could add him to the posters) but that turned out to not be the case. On exits I got much better shots with Ice Cube and Cedric (though Ice Cube is wearing shades at night, still an upgrade over my old shot).
One older woman who was randomly walking by was on orgasm as she saw Ice Cube and got a photo op with him.
Hindsight is 20/20 I should not have wasted time with the meet and greet and should have done the second event. Goes to show you that there are no rules when it comes to success in combo hunting. The non-guaranteed event was better than the "meet and greet" in every shape and form. Better photo ops, more celebs, the works.
Full list of photo ops
Regina Hall
Ice Cube
Cedric the Entertainer
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