Additionally, I was told that he's not the nicest guy but will begrudgingly do one combo per person.
We are only two graphers. The event lets out and we look at the front. Suddenly we see him and ask, he does one combo per person no problem. Seemed like a really friendly guy contrary to the stories I heard. But then again I made sure not to have more than one item with all the stories I heard.
At this point the event staff is saying we need to "keep moving" which I don't believe was legal (we were on federal property which the public can just walk into and out so I believe we could have stood there). But we got what we came for plus the fact that the others would have been tough for me to recognize anyway (and could have been gone for all I know), I decided to just quit while ahead.
Photo op
On the last day of April Bob Saget was doing a show. I got him before but I wanted to upgrade my shot and virgilize him as I wanted to add him on my Full House cast 8x10s.
The same day I also had a train for Robert Duvall. I got him twice before but since it was not long before I had to be out for Bob Saget I figured I'd make my day a little more fruitful.
First stop I wait for Robert's train. Eventually I see him and ask for a photo op and he denies me (not sure why I did that he had a cap on so it wouldn't have been an upgrade). I then followed outside and pleaded for one auto. The woman with him said "only one" and I said "that's fine, only one" and I got an autograph.
I then headed to Bob Saget's show. Sadly the first show was JUST letting out 2.5 hours after it started. So I knew I had a long ass wait. But at least Bob Saget is basically a guarantee.
Now who do I see seemingly lined up to watch the show? None other than the infamous Josh Greenberg! Funnily enough on my way there I actually predicted to myself that he would show up to this as I know his habits. His thing was getting his photo op signed, and he was spotted about a year ago getting Bob Saget at a show. So it would make sense for him to come now to get his photo op signed. And I was right.
So I kill time till after the show, even going into a hotel and mooching an apple and some juice that they had in the lobby. Did some jogging, chatted with people via text, and other things.
After the show I wait and there's a mother and her daughter waiting for the same thing I am. For a mom and daughter who never did this, they were pretty good. They figured out which car was his and which hotel he was staying at (I knew the hotel as well so they confirmed it for me). Given which vehicle was his I now knew where to wait for him.
While we waited someone was telling us he has no time to sign or do photos. But when Bob came out he said he would take care of everyone. True to his word he did photos for all and autographs for all who asked. I even gave that mother and daughter a sharpie as they were using a ball point pen. Josh also got him and then walked away. He didn't talk to me nor I to him.
Bob Saget photo op
Behind the scenes:
Josh Greenberg at the entrance
Josh Greenberg waiting out back
It is May and time for Olivia Newton John (Let's Get Physical, also in the movie Grease). In June she is doing a $100 m&g in PA. But this m&g close to me was a whopping $350 as it was a Charity event and not one of her regular shows. To be fair that $350 did include two other singers at that show, but they were pure pokemon names for me.
However, I decided I would try to get her locally for free and if that didn't work, go to PA. But I was dreading the PA option because that not only required driving just for her, you had to get there early to insure you are one of the 40 that get the m&g, then you gotta wait for the concert to start, then you gotta wait for the concert to end, THEN you get to meet her. It was truly setup the worst way ever. Had the m&g been before the concert you could at least leave just after the m&g. If you could buy the tickets online you could time it to arrive shortly before the concert ends and then leave after a m&g. But the way it was setup meant a horrid and torturous 8 hour day PLUS the travel back and worth. Something to truly dread and that's without even mentioning the $100 you had to spend for the concert ticket and m&g.
Given that setup, I wanted to try and get her out of the way at any and all costs. My first step was trying to find her plane. But despite my best efforts I completely struck out. Next step, find the hotel! Given the venue I had three logical choices. Out of those three I tried checking at the most logical one of those three, and I got a hit! First step to success! To boot, another grapher said he got her there in the past!
Again, you appreciate not being in NYC, cause it was just me and two of the people I told (like me, one of the two also had the PA option as a backup and like me was dreading it). We wait and wait and it is looking dead. Then finally a car pulls up and there's an entourage and sure enough she is here. We ask her and one of the other singers is trying to shut us down saying she doesn't want to "start" something (and we are only THREE people). Two of us get a combo while the third gets an autograph and all the while she is trying to be pulled away. But not only did I succeed I now don't have to do the dreaded PA m&g! The other combo hunter thanked me a million fold saying how relieved he is he does not have to dedicate the time and money for PA. And this works even better because it even gives us an autograph on our own item (not so in the paid m&gs). He said he owed me lunch for freeing him of the dreaded day in PA (he ended up keeping his word).
Two blocks away from the Olivia hotel music legend Steve Winwood (The Finer Things, Valerie) had a show. Sadly I know he is not a photo op guy and was told he purposely looks away in pictures. But I'm already here fresh off an Olivia success so it's only logical to try. We are about 5 people (including people from the audience). While waiting I got a photo op with his daughter Lilly Winwood who opened for him (barely valid but you never know and I've learnt from past mistakes). The real pain came from people who left backstage and showed me their perfect photo ops with him. When the witching hour finally arrives he starts signing then I ask for a photo op. He says take it while I walk and I do. Sadly it is posing and he is smiling for the camera but not looking directly! Meanwhile another combo hunter goes next to him and yells for me to take a shot. He has the security guard between him and Steve but the photo op I take comes out valid! Ugh! I then beg and plead some more as he is walking to the bus and the security guard even fucking assaults me but I am relentless and continue pleading till he actually got on the bus. Sadly he never stopped to take a picture with me

Olivia Newton John
Steve Winwood
Lilly Winwood
The photo op I took
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