Arrive at Chiller with

Thanks to Joresky's vendor buddies we got vendor wristbands! I also gave them some autographs as a thank you for this and the RICC pass which was worth its weight in gold.
My plan is to try and mooch as much as possible Friday, but I get Jan Michael Vincent, Tom Berenger, and Max Gail since I figure they would both have huge lines the next day and probably wouldn't be moochable. Turns out I would have been able to get all but Tom for free. PUNCH.
But I do mooch a bunch of names that I would have paid for, and of course get blown off by some names.
We call it and go to the hotel that Martin booked. Joresky slept on the floor while I slept in the car.
Jan-Michael Vincent
Peter Riegert
Tom Berenger
Full list of Chiller Day 1
The next day I mooch some breakfast then go to the con. Thankfully I am splitting most of my photo ops with Martin, which saved me a ton of money. Additionally Christopher Neame and Carol Lynley were free. As was Bill Diamond. Also split Barbara Hershey with Jizzy James. Sadly a lot of people I wanted cancelled, such as David Soul (Hutch) and Chad Channing of Nirvana.
Between mooching the prior evening, free shots, skipping a couple of people, resisting the Perfect Strangers group op (I have them individually), all the cancellations, and all the splits I was able to make it through Chiller.
Also in hindsight glad I went to Scares That Care mainly for Elpidia Carrillo. Cause she was one of the cancellations. She possibly cancelled due to not doing very much business at that con though at Chiller I'm sure she would have done better.
Xander Berkeley was a significant name for me because he practically completes my Terminator 2: Judgement Day cast! He played John Conner's foster dad.
I finally paid for Richard Grieco as I failed to mooch him both in Rhode Island and the prior evening.
Martin runs into a female friend of his. When we are introduced she is immediately all over me and we even kiss as she says she'll see me again. Throughout the day, I see her randomly a few times as I'm running about at Chiller. Whenever we did anything Joresky simply turns his back and walks away.
Now it turns out that Paul is pro op only. Joresky says the pro op is 12pm. I believe him. Turns out it's 11am and we miss the pro op. Joresky is in major chores mode and miserable for like 2 hours. I even tried to go in the room and plead my case saying he had the timing wrong and we won't be here the next day but they basically say too bad too sad and if they do it for us they have to do for all. Wow I can't believe it's that difficult to give people money! This is money they wouldn't see otherwise!
Then later on I randomly see that same woman who had the hots for me talking to Paul in the hallway. She is flirting with him and he obviously is into her. He then goes into his room. From there I see an opportunity. I call Joresky to tell him to come towards the Starsky and Hutch room if he wants that Paul photo op. He is arguing with me saying he's not in his room and I just hang up as I continue explain the woman our situation. I ask her if she could convince him to take a table op with us and that we would pay money for it and we're not even looking for a freebie.
Joresky arrives and is still bitching and moaning saying Starsky's not in even his room. I tell him to stop arguing with me. The woman then says she needs to find a pen and to wait for her. I then give her my black sharpie. She writes down her number on a card, she goes into the room and gives her number to Paul. She also explains our situation to him, then I step in and plead. Finally they agree and they ask for money. There was a slight miscommunication because they thought we wanted the dual with Antonio Fargas but we wanted only Paul. However at this point we had to go with the flow. Security guards block the room so no one else sees any photo ops happen. Joresky hands his money and gives his camera. I am getting ready to hand the money for my shot and they demand "one photo only". Refusing my cash? Good for me! I then run around the table and go to the other side of Paul. The shot is taken! Victory!
In hindsight Joresky's misinformation worked out so well. Because 1) I only paid 50% of what the pro op would have cost as Joresky would not have split and I had no one to split with 2) I didn't have to deal with pro op and jpeg migraines and 3) I got a good story out of it.
Truly a win/win/win/win on all fronts!

To boot, I unintentionally got a Paul/Antonio dual op. So now I can display it that way or crop out just a Paul shot.
Bai Ling
Xander Berkeley
Richard Grieco
Dolores Hart
Paul Michael Glaser
Barbara Hershey
Full list of Chiller Day 2 part 1
Full list of Chiller Day 2 part 2
My Final photo op with Martin
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