Day 1
Arrive the evening before the Snipes event with markedout's adelta. Meet up with Vanessa the Jersey Shore stalker and stand at a spot for randoms. The evening is off to a bad start as Matt Smith from Dr Who and Terminator: Genisys blows me off and apologizes because he could get in trouble for taking suited photo ops (he was coming back from filming a movie). He did however give me a time to meet him at that exact same spot the next day. Sadly this evening I only get photo ops with people I had, namely Joshua Jackson and Rose McGowan. Joshua is a slight upgrade and Rose is really a downgrade due to her lack of hair.
We check another spot for randoms but it was dead. Vanessa decides to treat me and adelta to Domino's pizza. After that I secured my free spot for the rest of my stay as the three of us crashed in the car.
Day 2
This day starts with a Snipes event that wasn't the book signing. Since they said no extras at the signing I thought I could maybe get that and if I get a decent photo op I could do something else during the time of the signing (and save money on the book). In hindsight, going to this event was a bad move. Going in he was wearing hat and shades and signed. At this point I decided to make my appointment with Matt Smith so I bailed because I figured leaving he would either have hat and shades on or he would blank. Either way I'd have to attend the book signing. And indeed I was right because he had hat and shades and only did a couple of shots.
Back to the Matt Smith spot. He comes out, apologizes for the night before, and does photo ops no issue. Next up head to Barnes and Noble to secure the book. Then I decided to try for Al Pacino at a movie set. Now Al Pacino is not exactly the hardest celebrity to get. Quite the contrary. For a celebrity of his caliber he is fairly flamboyant and friendly. So he always does events and more often than not takes care of people, even in big crowds. Case in point I have two shots with him have seen him several other times. But getting a GOOD Al Pacino, now that is incredibly rare! Cause he is always rushed and usually has some combination of shades, hat, and beard. But I saw photo ops of Pacino on the movie sets and they were mind blowing. So much that I didn't even realize it was Pacino till I saw the caption. No hats, no shades, no facial hear, nothing! My other option would have been to go for a fresh Stephen Speilberg shot but given that he hasn't been too photo op friendly on set I went for what was more likely to happen (ie I chose a chance at a Pacino upgrade over a fresh Speilberg).
Arrive at the movie set and the crowd is mild. Sadly it grows. Pacino in and out but does nothing. At another point I get one of the two autographs he signs (on an 8x10). Then he does one photo op and rushes back in his trailer.
Later on Pacino does combos with all and I upgrade my Pacino shot and get the most beautiful Pacino auto I have ever gotten on my Godfather II 8x12. Even though he wore tinted glasses in the shot, I was ecstatic. Additionally, he was even coach suited. Though this shot is technically an upgrade, much like my Miley Cyrus upgrade this is honestly just as good as a first time shot. As that happened I also got a photo op with director Barry Levinson who directed movies such as Rain Man and Good Morning, Vietnam.
When it was time for round 3 for Al Pacino I got him to re sign my Scarface laserdisc already signed by Oliver Stone. I had Pacino on it from years ago but it was such a horrid graph as it was done in a huge crowd. So I got one that was a million fold better though not as good as the one I got on the Godfather II 8x12 a little bit ago. When I got home I removed the old horrid mark. But that's not the best part. He sported no eye wear so I got yet ANOTHER shot! This marks the first time in my combo hunting life where I upgrade my upgrade so shortly after I get my upgrade.
Round 4 the crowd grew even more and I was sadly not so lucky as I got shut out of an autograph. My Pacino victory was sadly not without a PUNCH as I missed Lily James at a random spot. From there I head to the Snipes event.
Shockingly there couldn't have been more than 50-100 people at this event. Snipes was supposed to make some kind of speech but thankfully (and much to the dismay of some) did not. Next to him was the co author of the book. Signing went smooth and we all got him no issue. I wish all book signings were run just like that.
Next head with

Went to the m&g, met up with Suzanne. I gave Vanessa adelta's m&g ticket at a discount since adelta decided to go for Fallout Boy at the airport instead. Sadly Scott insisted on putting your name on the 8x10 which is a farce because when paying money it should be your decision not his. And I can't even remove my name due to the kind of paper it is made of

After getting my combo with Scott I point Christopher out to him which allowed Christopher to mooch the photo op after all paying customers were taken care of.
On to the next spot for randoms, but sadly people are chit chatting and no one notices Luke Wilson going in. To boot, after most people leave both Matt Smith and Lily James enter, so that was a double PUNCH.
Go to the next spot for actor Oscar Isaac. First person out is Anatol Yusuf and we get photo ops. Then we spot Oscar himself who told us no. He leaves the premises and two people chase after him. When I saw he stopped I dashed like a mad man to catch him. I ask and he does the shot but it turns out blurry! No! It can't be! I then plead for a redo and thankfully get it!

I leave that spot in victory but sadly missed a random in Alfre Woodard. Go back to the previous spot but there is little to no action. With that me and adelta call it a night.
Day 3
Wake up, wash up, and go to the random spot. See John Taylor of Duran Duran and get a photo op.
Go to the next spot where I hope to get actress Lily Collins and an auto from Kelsey Grammar. Initially I wanted to get a better Kelsey shot but after I saw that he had a beard I scratched that off my list. So we wait and Kelsey is first. I get my Toy Story photo signed. Lily Collins is next and sadly only signs. Leaving Kelsey does a couple of photo ops but I had no need for it and Lilly Collins snuck out the back 

My sole photo op from this spot is Justin Chon from the Twilight movies. Go back to the spot of randoms and get actress/model Arielle Vandenberg. Saw Minka Kelly at this spot a few times but she barely did anything. I didn't mind since I got her a few years ago. Lily James is spotted I ask and she does nothing. She is waiting for a cab I see her signing then I quickly beg and plead and score the shot! Was very happy with this as I loved her in Cinderella and Baby Driver! When others start asking she runs back inside then runs to the cab and does nothing.
After this I decided to try for a movie set with Liam Hemsworth and Rebel Wilson. I knew Rebel would be a bitch but saw lots of Liam photos. So I went with adelta and two other NYC combo hunters, we hopped in my car, set the GPS to avoid tolls, and drove to the set. Once we arrived I let out the two NYC combo hunters as me and adelta found a free parking spot. Now we needed to find the spot to wait at. After a few minutes of searching I found the right street! I informed the others, they joined us, and the waiting game began. We would also be joined by Radioman.
Finally the witching hour was upon us. Rebel Wilson is first and they say we have to back up and that she won't come out of the van with us standing there. She sadly but not surprisingly does nothing going in or leaving. She just waves to Radioman. As she is leaving she is chased by everyone (as I lagged way behind as I figured it was fruitless) and adelta gets into a spat with security as Rebel is in her van, but I quickly back him away as we need to live to fight another day here (more specifically we need to still wait for Liam).
Liam arrives and they say he has to change. He goes in, changes, and does photo ops with us all. As I drop the others back to midtown, we grab some two bros $1 slices of pizza, set a minimal toll route on the GPS, and head out of the city.
Now to showcase everything:
Al Pacino take 1
Al Pacino take 2
For reference, here are my previous shots with Pacino. The difference is truly night and day on so many levels
Al Pacino 2010 (shades and beard)
Al Pacino 2012 (hat and shades)
Wesley Snipes
Lily James
Liam Hemsworth
Oscar Isaac
Full list of NYC photo ops
Al Pacino autographs
non-Al Pacino autographs
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