With Chiller in the rear view mirror, it was time for more film fest meets. I start my day early to get a good spot for actress Margot Robbie. I have a decent spot. First score is actor Finn Cole (fresh). Finally Margo arrives and it's a mob scene. She signs about 5 autographs then switches modes and says "photos only". Music to my ears. I manage to score a shot!
Next up is a Simpsons event. At this is actors Yeardley Smith and Harry Shearer, and creators/writers Matt Groening, Al Jean, James L Brooks, and Matt Selman. I need Al and both Matts, with Groening being of course the holy grail.
On entry I get an auto from Harry, op with Al (fresh), and op from James (update), but despite my best efforts and begging I fail on a Groening photo op though a few did get him. I did get a pre signed and pre sketched card that Groening was giving out.
While waiting for exits I get an update with Naomi Watts and sadly fail on actor Tim Roth who wouldn't do photo ops. That would have been a good score.
Leaving I get a photo op with Matt Selman. Groening comes out, then goes back inside. After waiting a bit me and others assume he left the spot. So I leave to a spot for Francis Ford Coppola. Sadly this would be a huge punch in the face and stab in the stomach and Groening would come back out and sign. No one apparently asked for ops but I lost that good chance to ask.
With Francis Ford my luck wasn't much better. We waited and waited till we thought he snuck out. But he finally came out, signed. Managed to get a nice autograph on my Godfather 11x17 but he out flat refused ops. Then he went in his car where people shoved items for him to sign. I made the mistake of doing so and he ruined an item I had. I had to remove his autograph from it. Despite my initial success with Margo Robbie, after all these multiple punches I was pretty miserable.
Margot Robbie
Simpsons Autographs
Signed Godfather 11x14
Full list of photo ops
With the punches of the prior day, on this day I decide to go to a spot that is relatively easy and more guaranteed. My main reason to go was for actress Violett Beane whom I never met. While waiting at this spot I would miss both Christina Applegate and Linda Cardellini who showed up at another spot. That stung at the time but spoiler alert I would make both of them up at a later day.
This spot was rather fruitful. Fresh Violett Beane shot, Charlotte Hope ugprade, a random in Vondie Curtis Hall (Coming to America), Glenn Howerton (It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia), among others. Sadly I missed actress Tsai Chin at another spot.
Next spot, is the quest for one of the last Back to the Future names I still need, Elisabeth Shue. I wait and try for her on entry. She didn't stop at the barrier I was at. As other people got her I rushed to try but as I got there she cut off photo ops. Huge punch. I would get nothing but updates with Chance Crawford, Antony Starr, Karl Urban, and Jack Quaid. Not bad names mind you but when you have them all doesn't do much. I guess in a way I envy people that enjoy repeat shots when they already have perfect shots as they are more easily satisfied than me.
Wait for exits and no luck on her as she blanked. I got Erin Moriarty (fresh), Haley Joel Osment (upgrade), and Karen Fukuhara (update). To make matters worse instead of failing on Elisabeth I could have gone to another spot and gotten many names including actress Kathryn Newton. I go there to see what I could in fact salvage but sadly not much. Leonardo DiCaprio did nothing for no one. Got a repeat in Zoey Deutch, Pom Klementieff was there but none of us realized it was her till she was gone. It wasn't a total fail though as I got a first time shot with actress Chloƫ Sevigny. So that was something.
Charlotte Hope
Violett Beane
Chloƫ Sevigny
Full list of photo ops
Next day would be pretty bad but would then turn around with some solid consolation prizes at the end. I wait at a spot for randoms but only get people I already have (Justice Smith, Nicholas Hoult, Sarah Silverman). Go to a spot to try for Boy George. As he enters he takes some photos but doesn't like my camera so he avoids it. I leave to try for Jennifer Lopez at a movie set but she was gone. I only got a Lili Reinhart update. Back to Boy George where he did photo ops and I literally miss him by a single minute! This made me feel like absolute crap (spoiler alert, I made that up another day).
Feeling like utter crap, I go to the spot for randoms to see what else I can get. To mine and everyone's utter shock, I get an upgrade I've been wanting for a long time. One I've failed on before, Will Ferrell who was unusually nice. He must have been drunk. I also get RZA (fresh), O'Shea Jackson Jr (update), and another upgrade I needed, David Krumholtz (in my first shot he is looking at me).
Will Ferrell
Full list of photo ops
Next day would be a spot to make up for past mistakes. Thanks to an alert from
I go to a spot for 3 people I missed. I get a few names then comes Boy George who again shrugs off my camera. On exits I have Vanessa take a picture with her camera and I am sure to point out to him that I am using a smaller camera. He gladly stops. It was awesome getting this shot without paying for the meet and greet. Next up two other huge wants of mine arrive, Christina Applegate and Linda Cardellini. By some miracle I'm one of the few to score a Christina shot. Now the only major name I am missing from Married With Children is Al Bundy himself (which sadly I don't see happening unless he does a con). I also get Linda Cardellini of Scooby Doo Fame who is nice.
Go to another spot but I only get some reality stars. Failed on a Tiffani Thiessen autograph. Then go to a spot for randoms which was close to where my car was parked. Waited it out a bit and saw Katherine Waterston but she sadly blanked. While eating there I missed Ione Skye who stopped at a crowded spot. So that stung. Ended my time in NYC with a David Harbour upgrade who happened to be walking by across the street. I regret not trying an event the next day where both Lilli Collins and Zack Efron stopped. Both are not known to be friendly and I failed on both in the past so I didn't expect them to stop.
Overall, a lot of ups and downs, a lot of punches, but overall I am definitely on the plus side when all is said and done and the dust settled.
Boy George
Christina Applegate
Linda Cardellini
David Harbour
Full list of photo ops