Tuesday, November 30, 2021

Final con of 2021, Wrestlecade in North Carolina

I decided to attend Wrestlecade in Winston-Salem, NC. The con was PACKED with names. But my wants there were few. I had someone to travel with and split costs. So I thought why not make it my last con for the year. Especially since Boris Zhukov was there and there aren't very many left from the golden age Hulk Hogan era that are both alive and I have never met. Bushwacker Butch is another hopefully he comes around in 2022.

Also I knew someone with lots of items to get signed, so I was able to get a few upgrades/updates for free! Pierre Carl Ouellet was the only repeat shot I paid for.

First off I get Brock Anderson, son of Arn Anderson. Then I get a dual shot with him and his father. Then I get Fallah Bahh of Impact Wrestling fame. Then my main want from this show, Boris Zhukov. I get him on the Bolsheviks entry of the first WWE_E. I also got him on my NWA poster as Private Jim Nelson. 

Next up, I go to Pierre Ouellet of the Quebecers. Amazingly he made a return to wrestling and is now known as PCO. I got him before as Jean Pierre Lafitte. But he was wearing an eye patch to portray the character so I wanted a photo op with no eye patch. I got a photo op with him and got him to sign the Quebecers entry of the first WWE_E. Unfortunately I didn't get the op I really wanted because he had all kinds of things on his face and head (correlating to his current gimmick). I wanted a Pierre Ouellet op not so much a PCO op. He also did ops with crazy eyes I asked for a regular eyes shot but that didn't help too much. 

Then I finally meet Chelsea Green. And it was off to Sting. I didn't need him but since I had the chance to get a free update with Crow Sting I thought why not. Though they used their own camera for some reason.

After Sting I improve my shot with the Rock and Roll Express. Then Jay White of Impact Wrestling and New Japan fame. I meet the children of Billy Gunn, Colten Gunn and Austin Gunn. Then Thom Latimer AKA Bram from Impact Wrestling. 

Next up, Allysin Kay AKA Sienna from Impact Wrestling. She is now part of a tag team called Hex with Marti Bell. I got the dual shot. And I got a dual shot with Jackie Fulton and Bobby Fulton (both of which I had single shots with before). Got Danhausen of ROH fame since he wasn't expensive and has the cool gimmick.

I see Baby Doll again and say hi to her since she knows me. I get another shot with her. And finally ended things with a Matt Hardy upgrade. As shocking as it may sound, I never got a good shot with him. My airport shots from many years ago he has hat and shades. And my Hardy family op from MCW he has facial hair and is obstructed by Reby Sky and King Maxwell (so I can't really crop them out). So that was a cool way to round up this con. Funnily enough as we were leaving we see Matt Hardy walking the street, and I get a selfie for shit and giggles. 

Boris Zhukov

Matt Hardy

Ful list of photo ops (minus Sting)

Sting photo op

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