First up was actor and MMA legend Randy Couture. He was doing a signing at Tightan MMA & Fitness in Astoria, NY. Luckily I had my own picture printed cause they were charging a whopping $12 for 8x10s!!!
When I got to him he was very cool and friendly, and gave a good hand shake. I got a combo from him.
Next up we try a movie set in the hopes of seeing Will Smith, Russell Crowe, Jennifer Connelly, among others.
But sadly none were there

Next up we try for Vince Vaughn. While I was parking the car he blows off two of my crew members.
We then go to another spot in the hopes of seeing Russell Crowe, a huge want of mine. No signs of him but I get photo ops with Karolína Kurková (who I got before) and Katie Lee Joel. A bunch of paparazzi's were waiting for someone, but we elect to leave. We would later find out it was Mary Kate Olsen (who would have done nothing anyway).
In the next spot our luck turns around. We see James Van Der Beek from Dawson's Creek. Not really a want of mine but he was there so I got a combo. After him 3 members of the band XX come out and I get photo ops from each.
We check out a new spot but it's basically a dud. Then we miss George Lucas by 2 minutes at another spot! Not a huge deal for me as I had a photo op already but horrible for one of my crew members Joresky who really wanted that photo op.
Next up we try for Sigourney Weaver, the star of the iconic Aliens franchise and also in Ghostbusters. It was my second time meeting her so my priorities were autographs. She was ultra friendly and did combos for everyone. I got her on a show program, an Aliens 8x10, and a Ghostbusters figure. She totally marked out for the figure saying "Oh wow why didn't they send me one, where did you get it, etc". Mine was the first one she signed, HCIT! I also got a David Hyde Pierce combo (though I got him before). Tried for Frankie Valli but didn't have a good position in the railing so that was a no go.
This ends a decent Friday. Now it was off to Chiller Theater in NJ.
some photo ops
Saturday starts with Chiller. I didn't have too many wants which was good. Sadly, the mooching Gods weren't too good to me throughout as I attempted to mooch several times but failed.
I obtained a pre show ticket from someone selling his extra ticket, so I saved a tad of cash right there. And I start the show by saying hello to the man I see more than I do 85% of people on this planet, Virgil 

Since there I get John Bobbitt. He was in good spirits, super friendly, and joked with us about his dick being cut. He had kitchen knives that he was signing. I got him on the RAW entry of the WWE_E. He also drew a knife!
Back to the Glover line where a guy lashes out at me and threatens me for "disappearing" and bringing people in line. I try to tell him to chill and that it's just a Danny Glover line and that I had to go get Dustin Diamond who leaves at 12. After more insults and threats I tell him he could either strike me right now or move on with his life. All through his wife was trying to calm him down. In the end he apologized as I took a photo op for one of my buddies and even offered to let me go in front of him, which I declined. When we left the line I accidentally bumped into him on the main floor and apologized then he offered me a hand shake as a peace offering and I accepted it.

Next up were photo ops from Andrew McCarthy (weekend at Bernie's), Steve Bauer (Scarface), Barbara Carrera (James Bond), and Virginia Madsen (Candyman).
Joresky's friend needed Lee Majors. We went in line for that and I saw some folks I know from wrestling cons (who recognized me before I did them). They were cool to chat with and say hi to and even held us a spot in line.
Then I go for another want of mine, Aileen Quinn AKA Annie. Her handler looked like it was her mother but I'm not sure. They were both friendly and talkative and asked what I had to get signed. When they saw my laserdisc they both marked out and were impressed by it. Got a combo from her.
Them something random happened. Barbara Leigh who was the first model for Vampirella asked to take a photo with me. She asks her handler "can you take my photo with that young man". How often does a celeb ask to take a photo with me? I'm thinking HCIT! She takes one with her camera and I ask for one to be taken with mine. When Joresky gets his photo op she charges him!

Chiller Autographs
WWE_E RAW entry
John Wayne Bobbit
Dustin Diamond
Bronson Pinchot
Danny Glover
Andrew McCarthy
Aileen Quinn
Barbara Leigh
Full Gallery of Chiller photo ops
When there I see a beacon of hope

Radioman is there!! Now true he could have been there for anybody, but the fact that this was Russel Crowe's hotel and the fact that Radioman is one of Russel Crowe's best buddies that meant in all likelihood it was just a matter of time before we see Russel Crowe. Of course I calmed myself down cause it was just too soon to celebrate.

Next up more paps show up and after that two of my NYC allies also show up. Thankfully with them there I am no longer the primary target of Radioman's buddy and one pap who was also saying I "went in front of everybody" whatever that means. Now there's more people to worry about. Radioman obviously told his buddy something then I heard Radioman's buddy say "so these guys are photo with only guys? Whatever they're wasting their fucking time".
Then a random girls comes out and jokingly tells paps to take photos. I jokingly ask for a photo op. She not only poses but she kisses me!

Down the street was a Grace Jones concert. Wasn't sure who she was initially but upon googling her I realize I do in fact know who she is! Among other things she starred with Arnold in Conan the Destroyer and with Roger Moore in A View to a Kill. She took her time to come out. While waiting for her the original Village People cowboy Randy Jones comes out. He does photo ops and gives out his card saying "send me the picture". When she finally comes out she was reluctant to do photo ops saying no flash, but thankfully after some pleading I manage to pull it off.
This ends a very very good day in NYC!
Frankie Valli
Grace Jones
Randy Jones
All my NYC Street meet autographs from Friday and Saturday
Randy Couture autograph
After this it was time to drive back to Chiller to get some sleep and attend the Kirk Hammett signing (which I won). When eating in the lobby we see Maryse checking out. She ran away a day early to avoid the storm.
We then sleep. I wake up Sunday morning and say hi to Mr and Mrs Lucas. Then I calmly browse the vendor areas a bit. I go say hi to So Cal Val who recognizes me each time. Virgil goes "I heard him say he's gonna spend $55 at your table" and she goes "I heard that too". We chat up a bit and she says that she has to make her flight before the storm. I then go to Barbara Leigh's table and chat with her a bit.

They still sell us the book saying that they may reschedule him and if they do they would honor everything they promised. I bought the book cause I figured worst case scenario I can sell the limited cover and get most of my money back (if I don't make money out of it). Plus I wasted hours at Chiller I wanted to leave with something. But honestly I'm disgusted with Chiller. I realize shit happens but why couldn't they have made the signing earlier? Hopefully they make good with their fans and bring Kirk back.
On a rather humorous note, Virgil mooched his whole table from where he was assigned to the A level room!
I then make the drive home successfully racing the incoming storm.
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