On November 9, 2012 Roger Moore had a book signing at the 18th Street Barnes and Nobles in NYC. With that and tons of other things going on, I ventured to NYC to get what I believe would be my first and only chance to ever meet the longest running 007.
We arrived and first thing we did was buy our books and get our wristbands. Now Instead of checking out his hotel before hand, me and Joresky stupidly try for Josh Saviano (who we did not see).

Sadly it was no items besides the book and no photo ops

I did get my book signed but big whoop. It was also impossible to get him leaving the book signing.
After he left I basically ran about 40 blocks to his hotel. He was just waiting in his car. His bodyguard said he's not coming out and is not going to be signing anymore. Two older women (one may have been his wife but I don't know) then enter his car as it leaves. Thankfully his bodyguard is not in the car so that gave me some hope. I then run about 5 or 6 blocks to the next spot. As he comes out two other dealers are there. They give him a sob story and offer him money. He declines the money and signs. While this is happening I get him to sign my Moonraker laserdisc! He had a blue sharpie and thankfully he didn't sign in the darkest spot like most celebs do. He signed it in the PERFECT place! The dealers get another item done each as I try for a photo op. One of the older ladies offers to take the photo but I decline. When I get the shot turns out he is not looking
NO NO NO!! So close yet so far. But of course I am not deterred. As he is tying to enter the restaurant I try more. The dealers yell at me saying he doesn't want to take a picture and one of his girls tells us all to go away. But fuck the dealers who are upset I lessened their chances at an extra auto! This is Roger Moore, 85 years old, I must get that prized photo op! After some more pleading and begging by me Roger agrees to the photo op and as I take it he tells his girls "he got it"

A Roger Moore photo op marking my second ever James Bond (Daniel Craig being the first).

Of course, some people
may say this is WAY too much work for just a combo and it's not fun getting combos that way, but this is Roger Moore we're talking about here! I regret nothing cause it resulted in a combo! Better to get it than not get it.

We all then wait at the spot for him to come out. Joresky still needs his combo and I wouldn't have minded more autos, but sadly he left out the back. 

Whilst it was a great feeling securing my "trip name" so early on, at the same time I did feel bad for Joresky.
After this we go for Billy Ray Cyrus, best known for the song Achy Breaky Heart. He was nice as can be and I got a photo op as I had nothing for him.
We then drive to a spot where Rob Zombie was getting an award. Shockingly none of the usual ebayers or fans are around. Was it cause it was about a 15 minute drive from Times Square? Was it because people didn't know about it? Who knows. It wasn't a very low key event as it was public and had a crowd. I mooch my way into the venue which proves to be a good move. I ask Rob for a photo op and he agrees. I get my picture and they immediately beef up security around him! HCIT! I then call by crew to come on inside and they do. But it was too late to get anything inside. We do manage to get stuff outside though. And I get him to sign two White Zombie CD covers! Rob Zombie is someone I've been missing out on for a long time so I was happy to get a combo and extra.
We slept across the street from Roger Moore's hotel in the hopes that we would see him in the AM. We woke up and waited but saw no signs of him, any paps, or any dealers. So we left to try for Alicia Silverstone.
At this spot I got Henry Winkler. I got him before but he was nice as can be signing and taking photo ops. So I got a combo. Got a
name and then Cheyenne Jackson. When the time came for Alicia she blew us off saying "sorry" and "not going to happen" 

We go to another spot and to our surprise Al Pacino comes out! I get a horrible looking auto on my Scarface laserdisc cover. But it's how he does it, so what can you do
Richard Schiff then comes out and is as nice as can be. I got a combo. He signed my Jurassic Park Lost World laserdisc cover.

Next spot we were expecting Ben Stiller, Andy Dick, among others. Ben Stiller arrives and this is a very very rare relaxing and stress free meet for me. I already have a good photo op and a great photo op with Ben Stiller, so I had no reason to try for another photo op. I could just calmly and happily go for the autograph, which Ben was happy to oblige. I then get a Christine Taylor photo op. After mooching my way into the event I get photo ops with Leslie Mann, Judd Apatow, and Andy Dick!
At the next spot we were expecting Michael J Fox. I met him before but I'm a huge fan. Would not mind another photo op and more autographs. Sadly we had to leave that spot before seeing MJF due to another big meet for the weekend, Wes Craven! Never met him so had to give him priority. It was the same spot as Rob Zombie and again none of the usual dealers/fans. In fact Rob Zombie drew a bigger crowd 

Going in we failed, so we mooch our way into the venue. After his Q&A they say they're going to play the first Scream movie in the theater and ask the crowd how many would want to see it. Wes Craven was at the top of the stairs getting ready to come down when they made that announcement, so not surprisingly no one cared to see the movie. Seriously how dumb do they think people are? See a movie that you can download online and watch anytime or see the director of the movie? After this botched announcement they said Wes would be doing photo ops with everybody!
How refreshing it was to have photo ops guaranteed for a change.

We all get Wes Craven photo op and the stress is gone! Sure autos would be nice but the important thing is out of the way. Then we wait for him to exit with lots of difficulty we get autos. Sadly my silver died and my auto didn't come out well
I thought of beating him to the next spot but it wasn't worth while just for another auto.

Off to the next and final spot for the evening. Radioman was there and acting more normal than usual. Anne Hathaway arrives and does a single photo op. She then says hi to Radioman and hugs him. She tells everyone to stand on the sidewalk and that she would do photo ops. This is a photo op I've been trying to get for an entire year so my reaction was 

Jason Sudeikis comes and I do have a couple of 8x10s for him, but he said he would do one. I also get a Nuno Bettencourt photo op. We see Jeremy Renner AKA Hawkeye but he does nothing. Vince Vaughn is also inside.
So we are waiting. At one point a groups of Yamaka headed Jews arrive on the scene. They know Anne Hathaway is here. My reaction was this face

Simply put, this group doubled the crowd size and lessened the chances of Anne Hathaway and Vince Vaughn photo ops from 25% to 0%
Thankfully, these Jews are not hardcore graphers or meeters. After about 30 minutes of waiting they give up and walk away and my reaction was this face 

It's about 5AM and BOTH Vince and Annie are coming out at once and it is CHAOS! Everyone crowds Annie, so I try for Vince. First shot he is not looking then after some pleading I get a second shot! I try to get Vince to sign my Lost World laserdisc cover but to no avail. I then turn my focus back on Annie who is about to leave and said "last photo op" NO NO NO 

Then my camera acts funny! NO NO NO
Thankfully I manage to get my camera running and get my prized photo op with Annie! This is my Triumph of the Human Spirit photo op of 2012! I tried to get an auto after that but she ignored. Whilst my Catwoman figure would have looked so awesome signed by her, I wasn't upset at all. The event was done, doors were closed, celebs had left, and I was celebrating my two A level photo ops! Even rarer one of those photo ops is an A level female celeb! This was SOOOOOOOO worth waiting till 5AM for.

Autograph wise this day was sub par at best. Photo op wise it was mega extravagant!
Sunday we decided to try our luck rather than go to Retrocon.
One of our friends who met with us on Saturday
paid $25 for a hostel in Queens but chose to crash with us in the car instead.

First meet was Wayne Knight who was friendly. Got a combo and he signed my Jurassic Park laserdisc. On to try our luck at the next spot and we see Kevin Connolly and get photo ops. We see Jamie Foxx but he is a dick and even pulls the old fake cell phone trick. We stumble upon a Selena Gomez's hotel and there's a crowd of creaming teenagers. We see her running into her car. I then try another spot in the hopes of seeing several celebs but only two show up, namely Isla Fisher and Alec Baldwin. Isla signs but I had nothing for her and she didn't do photo ops. Alec does nothing
Before the celebs leave a m/f couple arrives. Alec comes out and still does nothing for no one, but of course I attempt to persuade him. The girl in the couple says "oh look at you, you're a train wreck". At first I look at her with this face
but shrug her off. When Isla comes out they get autos and I try for the photo op and the girl goes "you're not getting the picture". At this point I am annoyed and tell her to mind her own business. She then says I will get nothing and I tell her to worry about what she gets and doesn't get and not to worry about what I get and don't get. She says she will laugh while I get nothing and I show her my Anne Hathaway photo op from last night and she goes "I don't care". I then say if she doesn't care to act like it and mind her own business. Her guy then intervenes and says "shut the fuck up" I then lash out at him and say "NO, YOU SHUT THE FUCK UP" complete with my hand gestures. I then point out that THEY threw the first stone, not me. After this all sides basically shut up. But this spot is a dud from here on, they leave and I leave minutes later. This wouldn't be my last encounter with that couple, more on that later.

Our buddy
actually befriended someone at a spot where he wanted to meet Paul Rudd, and in doing so got a good tip. We go to that spot and get photo ops with director David O Russell. We see Jennifer Lawrence but she is a bitch and does nothing. We also see Jeremy Renner who does nothing. When this event let out one girl actually tried to throw us off saying Jennifer Lawrence left through the back. Of course we did not believe her and she goes "you can wait here if you want". Around this time that same couple from earlier arrive but keep to themselves. When Jennifer comes out she signs stuff but doesn't do photo ops, despite our best efforts. That girl from that couple then yells out "She doesn't want to do pictures". Since that wasn't directed at me and was directed at everyone in general I chose to ignore that. Some of my crew also wondered what was up with that girl.

Distraught from this less than pleasant experience we hit up a spot where I get a photo op with Diane Neal. Then we randomly see Wallace Shawn!! Got a photo op marking my fourth actor from Princess Bride! What a cool random! Then Seth Green shows up and is friendly to everyone. I got him to sign me two 8x10s. Did not bother with a photo op as I have good ones already.
We then go back to another spot to try for Jennifer Lawrence again. As we arrive we see Jeremy Renner. And he stops!! I stop the car blocking traffic to attempt that photo op but he is looking away in my photo 

I park the car then we see Jennifer Lawrence again but shoots us down again!
Then one of us spots Jeremy Renner going out a side door walking the street. I chase after him and ask for a photo op and he says no! But then I put on my best pleading face and he agrees!!! YES! I got Hawkeye!
I then try another spot to attempt for Leonardo Dicaprio instead if joining Joresky to get some lower tier names. But sadly I got nothing at that spot. It was then time to leave.
On the way home I stop by a record store to see what merch I can get for autographs, and I come across this Oddball
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