Photo op
Next up was mid august for Uproar Festival. I was asleep on a Friday and Joresky sent me a text reminding me that it was today! Thank God for that text. Cause among the bands playing was Walking Papers. And one of those members is Guns and Roses bassist Duff McKagan. And they had an official signing (as the text reminded me).
Now the signings at this venue don't always go well when it comes to extra items and photo ops. But Duff is known to be fan friendly, so I had to give it a shot.
I quickly walk the dog, wash up, grab my Guns and Roses vinyl and CDs, and make the 12 minute drive to Jiffy Lube Live. I arrive there and park. Now comes the part where I have to buy a ticket to get in, as mooching one's way in is pretty tough. So I use the technique once taught to me by Joresky to search for a ticket. No luck but it was early on. As people begin to trickle I overhear people discussing about how they're going to sell their ticket. Naturally I go up to them. They have a lawn ticket! Perfect for me who only wants to go in for combos. They want $20, I offer $15, they accept! Then they mutter "that was easy". So far so good.
I go to where signings take place. The show was headlined by Alice in Chains and Jane's Addition but none of the members of those bands were doing any signings, so that did me no good. I found the tent for Walking Papers. Apparently if you buy a CD you get a wristband which allows you to go to the front of the line. I do it in the hopes that it would increase my chances for a photo op and I figure if nothing else this cements in stone one Duff McKagan autograph. While waiting for the signing to take place I also grab free beef jerky and free energy drinks.
The time of the signing approaches, and one person is in line. I go behind him. The line starts growing and 2 people ask me if they could join their buddy ahead of me. I accept but I had an ulterior motive in mind. This is what I had for Duff to sign
- Spaghetti Incident Vinyl (signed by Slash)
- Spaghetti Incident CD (signed by Matt Sorum)
- Use Your Illusion I CD (signed by Matt Sorum)
- Use Your Illusion II CD (signed by Matt Sorum)
- Appetite for Destruction CD
- Walking Papers CD I just bought
Plus these signings normally give out free posters. So total that's 7 items for Duff and 2 items for the other band members! Plus the photo ops. Given that these settings are usually hostile I was afraid I was pushing my luck. After chatting with the people in front of me I ask if they can help me out with some items since they don't have much to get signed. I give two of them my Use Your Illusion I and II CD covers. So that's two less for me to worry about. The band arrives and Duff actually takes a picture of the line! HCIT!
The line goes through. Seems photo ops are being allowed

After being victorious, I do notice a slight blur on my first photo op (Benjamin Anderson). I hadn't noticed it since I was worried about Duff at the time. The line wasn't big so I figure I could go in and get a retake. I notice one guy told a woman to go and cut off the line, so I quickly beat her to the end of the line and sure enough she starts turning people away. Though one woman and her kids bought the CD and had a wristband and after the woman turned them away she was ordered by someone else to let them in since they had a wristband. Meanwhile I keep my head down so the staff doesn't call me out and then I am back in the signing area and I tell Benjamin that my photo didn't turn out and he was more than happy to pose again. Since I was there I also got another poster done by the entire band. I think they recognized me as some members gave me a thumbs up. HCIT! Didn't bother the other 3 with photo ops this time.
After drinking more energy drinks I am ready to leave. But apparently the band Middle Class Rut is doing a signing in another 30 minutes. I never heard of them, but I figure it's free, it's here, it doesn't cost me more money, so why not get them as "you never know" names. So I wait it out. The witching hour arrives. First up is Sean Stockham. He shakes my hand and signs the free poster. As he is signing Zack Lopez also shakes my hand and greets me. I ask Sean for a photo op and he is more than happy to stand up and pose. Zack signs my poster and without me even asking actually gets up to pose for me! How often does that ever happen?
After this I think about if I should stay for more combos, but the next signings of bands I never heard of either required you to buy something or didn't begin in another hour. Between all the combos, extra autographs, 3 posters, CD, beef jerky, and energy drinks I would say I got my $30 worth and then some

Duff McKagan photo op
Full list of photo ops
Guns and Roses Vinyl and CDs
Walking Papers posters
Middle Class Rut poster and Walking Papers CD
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