First one took place about two days after Legends of the Ring weekend where Hugh Jackman was coming to town. I found a train on him, so I decided to try for him. I already had a photo op with him but I figure I could try for an upgrade plus to complete my combo.
When the witching hour arrives he was walking to the car and said he'd do one per person before entering his car. We were four graphers plus one pap. He puts his stuff away and counts "one, two, three, four". He asks if anyone has a black people say no and one guys says he has red. He was about to turn around and go in his car when I frantically scream out "I got black, I got black" as a scramble to pull it out. He takes my black and signed a "J" for everyone! Tried begging for a photo op but he would do nothing for no one after signing one each. Since I completed my combo this was not a failure at all. But if not for my black sharpie this would have been a total bust for everyone. I thought about trying for him at his event the next day but decided against it. And as I would later find out he told one of the graphers "I signed for you yesterday" so odds are he would have remembered me as well. So staying home and relaxing was a good move on my part.
Hugh Jackman autograph
Next one took place two days after NYCC. Now after this long and grueling weekend the last thing I wanted to do was go combo hunting. But something big enough could get me out. And this was the KIND OF MAGIC that was big enough, as two members of Queen were in town. Namely guitarist Brian May and drummer Roger Taylor.
Since this was short notice, I had no vinyls. So on my way to the spot I stopped by a record store. I found a Flash Gordon soundtrack on vinyl. Not the most ideal item, but for $2 and the fact that it was in overall good shape, it couldn't be beat. Before leaving the store I did go to take a crap and they had some decorations in the bathroom. One of them was a beat up "News of the World" Queen vinyl. When I finished I asked if I could have that but to no avail.
So I head out to where they were performing. But they used the garage at that spot so I had to rush off to the next spot. This is where stuff began to happen. I scored a photo op with Roger Taylor in addition to two autographs, one on the Flash Gordon vinyl and another on the record sleeve. Now when Brian May came this was sadly a lot less successful. People asked him and he goes "shake my hand, shake my hand, shake my hand"
I even tried asking for just a photo op but he gives me the same response! Who the hell cares about hand shakes we want combos here! 

But I was not deterred. It was late at night, and I waited for them to come out. Roger Taylor came out first, one guy had an extra "News of the World" in AWESOME shape. But Roger was far away. I offered him $10 for the vinyl if I could get it signed for myself, he accepted. So I RAN to catch up with Roger. Even though the security guard was telling me no I handed him the vinyl in his car and he signed it! So at least at this stage me waiting the extra time was not a total waste cause I got a very nice Queen vinyl signed.
Then Brian May comes out, it was just 5 of us. But we get the same "shake my hand, shake my hand, shake my hand"
Let me say that this was one of the most painful handshakes I had ever experienced in my life. At this point I decided it was a hopeless cause.

While that night was not an extravagant success, it was far from a bust.
Three days after Queen it was time for Simple Minds. This is their best known song, "Don't You Forget About Me" from the soundtrack of Breakfast Club:
When the witching hour arrives I score a combo and extra with the lead singer Jim Kerr! YES! So success is now sealed and delivered. Both items I got signed were vinyls.
Next up I see Mel Gaynor. He was on both vinyls I had Jim sign so I got him on those plus the photo op. Seemed very happy to be doing combos. Next up one of the two scrubs pops up, namely Andy Gillespie. Just got a photo op since he was there. He was of course happy to be doing combos. Sadly after waiting and waiting there were no signs of Charlie Burchill, which would have for all practical purposes completed my vinyls and I would have had photo ops with the main three members of Simple Minds. He must have slipped past everyone or left through another door.
While no Charlie was without a doubt a black mark, 2 out of 3 ain't bad at all (with one of the two being the lead singer).
Jim Kerr photo op
Full list of photo ops
Simple Minds vinyls
About 10 days after RICC weekend where I was recuperating from a long and grueling wave of combo hunting weekends, I decided to try for Dave Davies, the lead guitarist of the Kinks. This is their best known song:
I arrived towards the end of his show, and I managed to mooch my way in where I got to catch the last couple of songs. After the show ended we were about 5 people waiting. While waiting I was also in contact with someone else waiting at his hotel.
As he comes out I get an autograph and he goes back inside

Not deterred I rush to the hotel before his car does and I wait. Hotel security takes note of me I just say I'm waiting for a friend. When he comes out of his car I beg for the photo op as his girl yells more but he poses again!

Dave Davies photo op
Full list of photos
Signed Kinks vinyl
Fast forward a few days and it was time for Park Fest 2013, where the sole guest was Dian Bachar from Orgazmo. The promoter asked me if I could pick him up from the airport and I accepted. I text'd him the night before to tell him that I'm picking him up. Since this was an early morning flight I wanted to make sure he got on so I don't get up for nothing. I wake up early, head to the airport, and pick him up. He was wearing shades. While in the car we BS about various things, including how Matt and Trey make $4 million a WEEK from their Book of Mormon Play

We get to the Crown Plaza where the convention was taking place, and he checks in. Then he removes his shades and takes care of my photo op and I also take the promoter's photo op. At the reception desk I hand him the 8x10s I wanted him to sign.
Me and the promoter then escorted Dian to his hotel room so he can get some sleep before his appearance. I shook his hand and told him goodbye. I hung out at the con a little bit then I left. The con also featured an appearance by the now infamous

Dian Bachar photo op
Dian Bachar autographs
Fast forward about 6 days Stephen Speilberg is in town. Despite freezing weather I decide to try and complete my combo. I arrive at the spot and apparently we missed him coming in by 30 minutes

Stuff starts happening. Director Ken Burns comes out first and I get a photo op with him. When Speilberg comes out I try to approach for the photo op but security stops me. He signs for everybody and I score him on my Lost World laserdisc, already signed by Jeff Goldblum and Richard Schiff. I then beg and plead for the photo op but he is rushed to his car. While technically not a bust since my main goal was to complete my combo so I consider this mission a failure.
In an attempt to redeem the evening, I decide to go try for Molly Ringwald. She is not a name I would ever go out of my way for since she's a bitch. Got her once before but autograph only. Since I was already in town it made sense to try to complete my combo with her. At the venue she was doing a signing where you paid $20 for her CD. But she wasn't posing for photo ops. I try outside and she blows me off, after begging and pleading she goes "you just have to accept no as an answer"

The sole photo op, Ken Burns
Jurassic Park: The Lost World laserdisc
Speilberg on the upper right, Jeff on the upper left, Schiff on the bottom.
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