The first day was an event with Billy Joel and a train for Bill Nye. Venturing for Billy Joel at that venue in the cold wasn't the smartest idea, but I had Bill Nye's train coming in. And he is known to be nice. Additionally, Bill Nye had a book signing that day (in addition to the next day). So if I fail for Nye at the train station I had the book signing.
I start at the Billy Joel venue, and there are two doors he could possibly come in from. Both in opposite side of the building. I am waiting with another grapher. From a distance I see SUVs pull up on the front. I quickly run as fast as I can. The other grapher is trailing behind.
I then see the back of a short man wearing a beanie and ask him for an auto! YES! it's him. His people see me and say "oh my God". As I am getting him to sign a woman from the venue says "sir, SIR" and of course I completely ignore her as he finishes signing and by the time she gets to whisk him away I already scored.
The other grapher catches up but at that point they block anyone from approaching Billy! I already have a decent photo op with him but wanted an upgrade. However he was wearing shades and a beanie so this would have been no upgrade.
Since I have time to kill till Nye I enter the venue to try for him inside so I can get more autographs. Other graphers are also there. Unfortunately Billy is escorted and does nothing.
I check on the Bill Nye train and turns out his train is arriving earlier than originally scheduled. WTF! I now have to rush to the train station and sacrifice another attempt at Billy Joel. I rush there, we wait, and no Nye. Could it be Nye snuck out?
I leave the station so as not to get raped in parking costs then do magical research. Turns out that my original checkup was in error. He did have an earlier train, but his reservation was changed to the NEXT DAY

I then went to the event where Nye was scheduled to do a book signing and asked if he cancelled turns out he did. So this info was in line with my magical research. There were other authors at the event, but the only worthwhile one was Ralph Nader and I got him before. So I went home.
Honestly, if you told me in advance I'd leave with a Billy Joel success and a Bill Nye failure I'd have laughed at that scenario. Really goes to show you how random combo hunting can be.
I arrive home and later in the evening, ZZ Top front man Billy Gibbons is spotted in town! Holy crap! Did some magical research and find out he is due to his event around 11AM.
So now I can attempt for Gibbons whilist having Nye as a back up.
I arrive at the place where Gibbons is staying. Couldn't find legal parking so I parked illegally across the street and I wait. In this hotel you unfortunately have to trespass to get people but I've had good luck there before.
About 10 minutes after illegally parking I see Gibbons and rush out of the car and ask for a photo op! One of the employees says I can't be here it's private property but I ignore him as I get the photo op! I then rush back to the car and go away! WOW! I couldn't believe what a huge score I just got!! I didn't even have to wait too long. I felt like a Master right there and then. Additionally he wasn't even wearing shades! Billy Gibbons day time photo op with no shades? I should have played the lotto that day

Now back to the train station for Nye. Unfortunately this would be my only shot at him cause I couldn't make the book signing. Plus his book signing was $40 to get in. It included the book but I had two books on me which I got for $50. I like my potential deal better.
When he arrived he was nice as can be, doing multi combos with everyone waiting. He even told one grapher "I hope you make good money selling those". I got a photo op, an 8x10 signed, and he took out his own pen to sign my books as he inscribed "celebrate science". I even told him how I failed to mooch into his book signing line at NYCC. One of those books I sold for some good money. Essentially I got back the cost of the books and then some. Damn I wish I had invested in more books, how stupid of me not to.
I also find it funny how the security at NYCC who prevented me from a Nye combo a couple of months earlier was the driving force that caused me to violate Bill Nye's privacy and get the combo at a train station. I guess for me that was a blessing in disguise cause of not for that fallback it's possible I would not have been brave enough to venture for either Joel or Gibbons.
Overall a successful couple of days.

Now to showcase.
Billy Gibbons
Bill Nye
Billy Joel autograph
Bill Nye autographs
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