Day 1
I find a flight that is carrying three members of Metallica. James Hatfield, Kirk Hammett, and current bassist Robert Trujillo. Of those three, the only one worthwhile going for is Kirk Hammett. Because Robert is not considered a major member of the band and James is not known to stop. But Kirk has a reputation of being nice. Had Kirk not been on there I would not have bothered.
I arrive and wait. Robert and James come out and are getting papped. Sadly James refuses to do any combos saying it's his "day off" and his handler was yelling at us. While this was happening I get a photo op with Robert while the handler is still yelling at me and I of course ignore him.
No signs of Kirk and we wait more but see nothing

To add insult to injury, I would find out after the fact the flight of Lars Ulrich. And he is the nicest one of them all. So I would have definitely had that if I tried.
Robert Trujillo photo op
Day 2
This day starts where tons of stars are staying. As I arrive I find out Jamie Foxx just left but did nothing for no one. When he returned he came over did photo ops with a few girls and despite my best begging/pleading I got nothing. When he left again he also did nothing.
The band Black Keys took photo ops with girls but nothing for anyone else. One guy even cursed out the dealers. He then went to a nearby Starbucks and me and about 4 others waited there. He came out and would do nothing saying they make money off his autograph. I pleaded with him saying that I have nothing to get signed and just wanted the photo op but he still ignored me.
Jennifer Hudson, Rihanna, Jessie J, are amongst other names that we saw but did nothing. Although Jessie J apparently racked the day before when I wasn't there. Some black girls even got offended when I told someone that if Rihanna does come over she will probably only take photo ops with them. It was kinda humorous, cause while I'm not shy when it comes to offending, I was simply stating Rihanna's habits here. I fail to see how that was offensive.
Let us take a look who did stop.
I got a John Oliver photo op, updated David Grohl photo op, full combo with Jack Black (updating photo op, he is not looking in the first shot had to do retake), another Robert Trujillo photo op, and a George Lopez photo op. Was happy with my first time George Lopez shot because he was someone I wanted to get a photo op with but never felt he was worth going for by himself. He was super nice which was so refreshing, even retaking my photo op due to a photo bombing bitch.
When Metallica left, James as expected did nothing, but neither did Lars. Who came over? Kirk Hammett!! I gave a friend my Masters of Pupper CD to get signed for me, and I got him on a Ride The Lightning vinyl. While doing so I ask for the photo op he says I have to be quick. I SCORE! YES! First major photo op!

As he is leaving I call him back over saying I have his book from his cancelled book signing at Chiller (which was true). He hears that and turns back and signs it. Another person profits from what I did and I got another item signed.
My next plan was to come back to this spot after the event. But wait, GEORGE LUCAS spotted in town! So I go wait at where he was staying. While waiting there I get a photo op with Paul Tagliabue

Back to the original spot most people were already inside. But no one came over, not even Lars Ulrich. So I didn't miss much. Bryan Cranston comes over and I get a combo. The photo op isn't really an upgrade though as he is wearing a cap. Sadly I consider the evening post Kirk a total bust and waste of time. A Bryan Cranston autograph wasn't worth all that time and effort.
lead guitarist of Metallica, Kirk Hammett
comedian George Lopez
Full list of photo ops
Day 3
The outgoing of Metallica! This is where I had the chance to get Lars Ulrich. I see James Hatfield again, ask for the photo op, and get rejected as expected. Didn't even try to plead as I knew the effort would be in vain. I then see Lars and ask for the photo op, he nods. I score the photo op! I then ask if he could sign my vinyls and he does so no issue. Got him on the Ride the Lightning vinyl which I got Kirk to sign the day before, and the Masters of Puppet vinyl which I got Krik to sign at NYCC a couple of years ago.
As I left I realized the guy standing next to Lars was Kirk Hammett. But I was so focused on spotting Lars I didn't even notice at the time. To think I could have had the double shot. Oh well.
Lars Ulrich
Now to showcase some autographs:
Metallica autographs
Those vinyls may as well be declared complete. Because Cliff Burton is dead and James Hatfield won't sign them.
Bryan Cranston and Jack Black signed photos
While there were many ups and downs and lots of wasted time, this had the potential to be beyond epic! Unfortunately it wasn't beyond epic due to celebrities acting like total bitches. But getting combos with two main members of Metallica plus several bonus autographs and photo ops, I'd say this was surely a success

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