He is born in 1936 and has had various health problems. So this would likely be my last chance to get him. Actress Marlee Matlin and actor Gary Sinise are also at that event. I sadly could not make this event going in, which was a punch in the face because everyone including Gary who is usually not very nice did combos!
So I wait for them leaving. First exit is Kristin Chenoweth who refuses to stop even though out of the four of us I was the only one who asked for a photo op. Next up is deaf actress Marlee Matlin who is nice as can be. Got a combo with her. I wish everyone were that nice.
My main want Charlie Daniels comes out, he was rushing but took care of everyone. Got a combo with him.
I knew Miss America 2015 Kira Kazantsev was at the event. When a hot girl that looked like her exited the event we were all second guessing if that was her. I then call out her name and she is bewildered looking around to see who called her. I then asked for a photo op and she says "sure" as she couldn't believe somebody actually asked her. We then all got photo ops, which her mom took for us.
Had my Apollo 13 laserdisc for Gary Sinise whilst waiting for him to come out, but sadly he did not want to stop. My evening is not a sweeping success, but definitely a success.
Charlie Daniels
Full list of photo ops
The next day was an attempt at Wonder Years actors, namely Fred Savage, Josh Saviano, and Jason Hervey. This one would be joined by

We arrive at the event, after they never show up we wonder if they were already inside. But almost last minute they show up!
First Josh signs for another grapher while me and Joresky get Harvey to sign. Then I got a photo op with Josh but he says he'll sign for us on the way out after he signs FIVE things for one guy. I then get a photo op with Jason. When Fred Savage comes in andI manage to get a full combo from him. He was impressed with my Wonder Years vinyl soundtrack.
After the event starts, I mooch my way inside. For my efforts I was given a media folder which included a FREE Wonder Years season 1 DVD

Joresky is of course too much of a coward to do what I did, but he finds his way in eventually. We wait for the event to end and I go for Fred Savage first. They try to tell me no autographs but I ignore and ask anyway. I get my two photos plus the DVD signed! Success.
At this point they caught wind of what I was doing, and threaten to call security if I don't leave the room. Now I had a choice to defy everyone and cause a scene and risk getting ejected from the building, or leave the room and stay in the very public building. I chose option #2. Joresky the coward dashing away was another factor in me choosing option #2.
We wait and as they all leave the room we then ask Josh for autographs but he does nothing

In hindsight I should have chosen option #1

Since I had the train for Josh Saviano, this was my backup plan. He was due to leave at 5pm. We wait, the train leaves and we don't see him. WTF? Surely someone like him didn't sneak in the train. We leave the station in defeat, but not deterred I do some magical research and find out he changed his train to the 6pm one! YES! After all that we have a shot.
So we wait again. And again, the departure time approaches and still no Josh. It was looking like a repeat episode! About 5 minutes before the departure time he and his wife and child are rushing and as we ask he goes "guys" and his wife goes "oh my God, we have a child, get out of the way" and they continue to rush. I guess someone like him is not used to people waiting at his trains and planes. While this was a success it was quite a punch in the face to get no Josh autographs on my items

We wanted to go to another spot for Ashley Judd, but sadly we had the timing wrong and the event was over. I dropped off Joresky to the train station so he can leave. I then think about attempting for Donny and Marie but it was raining so I called it quits.
Fred Savage
Josh Saviano
Wonder Years autographs
TNA program signed by Jason Hervey in gold
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